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Head of Jamaat ul Ahraar /Lashar e Jhangvi Chiefs - Karachi Chapter Killed

Why our LEAs always wait for loss of lives to take action? Does their crystal ball which tells them locations of the terrorists needs blood to function?

Because of good terrorist and bad terrorist syndrome..beside all terrorist who make promises to GHQ are good ones..until they decide to go renegade..it is foolish to assume that our intelligence which can infiltrate as far as Indian GHQ is soo dumb to detect these terrorist breeding day and night under their nose..and unable to do anything about them until an explosion goes up....there is clearly collusion here..!
Exactly my kind of question ... do the terrorists leave their traces for the ease of agencies to track them or they just have from nowhere a "Lamp of Aladdin" and genie gave them all the traces all of a sudden

Why our LEAs always wait for loss of lives to take action? Does their crystal ball which tells them locations of the terrorists needs blood to function?
Why our LEAs always wait for loss of lives to take action? Does their crystal ball which tells them locations of the terrorists needs blood to function?

The terrorists who were killed in the past 24hrs were probably already under surveillance (with the hopes of identifying their facilitators, suppliers, supporters, funders, etc., and taking them all out). These cells are generally infiltrated and eliminated before they can take any action (Type A). The cells that manage to evade our radar manage to succeed in their suicide bombing missions (Type B). When this happens, there is a lot of public pressure, so the Army eliminates the Type A cells which it already has under surveillance. I hope this sheds some light on why it seems like we magically know their locations after every attack.

Because of good terrorist and bad terrorist syndrome..beside all terrorist who make promises to GHQ are good ones..until they decide to go renegade..it is foolish to assume that our intelligence which can infiltrate as far as Indian GHQ is soo dumb to detect these terrorist breeding day and night under their nose..and unable to do anything about them until an explosion goes up....there is clearly collusion here..!

This did happen a few times in the past but not anymore. No LeJ or TTP terrorist is considered "good" by GHQ. It may sound crazy to those outside the intel world, but sometimes infiltrating a relatively centralized network (like an enemy GHQ) can be easier in some ways than infiltrating a decentralized network of terrorists which have local sympathizers and supporters in the population at large.

Exactly my kind of question ... do the terrorists leave their traces for the ease of agencies to track them or they just have from nowhere a "Lamp of Aladdin" and genie gave them all the traces all of a sudden

Please refer to my message above. Happy to answer more questions if you have any.
Because of good terrorist and bad terrorist syndrome..beside all terrorist who make promises to GHQ are good ones..until they decide to go renegade..it is foolish to assume that our intelligence which can infiltrate as far as Indian GHQ is soo dumb to detect these terrorist breeding day and night under their nose..and unable to do anything about them until an explosion goes up....there is clearly collusion here..!

So U are actually saying that GHQ is supporting terrorists and terrorism? Its more like what India has been saying. Plz elaborate.

Exactly my kind of question ... do the terrorists leave their traces for the ease of agencies to track them or they just have from nowhere a "Lamp of Aladdin" and genie gave them all the traces all of a sudden

If U happen to know about how things work out there then U would know that after culmination of Zarb-e-Azb's Waziristan part it was said that now the war would be fought in the streets and on the roads of the cities and they referred to the sleeping cells that had gone underground. Its the most difficult part for any intel agency to detect any sleeper cell and those sleeper cells only show their existence when they become active and that is when intel agencies find their presence and try to catch them before the can do any damage. Majority of them are caught who we never know about but we happen to know about them who are successful in carrying out their heinous act and its after that act that these groups become more visible and are pin pointed and hence was case here as U have seen how many goons were caught just after the incident. Previously we cudnt see this trend of catching them so quickly as they had multiple hideouts and facilitators but now with relative good border control and having little space left to hide, they are caught just after their heinous act.
Why our LEAs always wait for loss of lives to take action? Does their crystal ball which tells them locations of the terrorists needs blood to function?
May be some of the field officers might have sympathies for some "good" terrorists and those behind the desk are against them.
Like one faction of agency is trying to save while others are trying to eliminate them. And this condradiction might help some terrorists to cause us harm.

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