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Hate speech: Union minister terms Muslim populated region in Bihar “Bangladesh”


Dec 31, 2010
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Hate speech: Union minister terms Muslim populated region in Bihar “Bangladesh”​



Union minister Giriraj Singh, a controversial Hindutva figure, termed the Muslim populated districts in Bihar as “Bangladesh.”

“The situation in Seemanchal region has become so serious that a visit to those districts makes one wonder if one has entered Bangladesh,” he said.

Giriraj Singh was speaking at a programme held in Mohammadabad in UP’s Ghazipur to commemorate the death anniversary of former MLA Krishnanand Rai.

Seemanchal includes the most backward districts of Bihar and stands at the bottom of the 90 minority concentrated districts of India. The Muslim populated region is backward, both in terms of its socio-economic standing and its infrastructure indicators.

The Union minister claimed religious conversations were taking place in Bihar at a great speed, stressing the need for a strong anti-conversion law.

He also said that the Nitish Kumar-led Mahagathbandhan government was “concerned only about its Muslim vote bank.”

“I wonder who will think of Hindus in Bihar where the ruling Mahagathbandhan is concerned only with its own Muslim vote bank and turning a blind eye to proselytisations which are taking place at a great speed,” the saffron politician said.

“Terrorism has taken a new shape in the form of love jihad…it is a ploy to finish ‘sanatan dharma’ in India. The followers have to unite and foil this conspiracy,” he said.

He also targeted Christians in Bihar, claiming that Christian missionaries were carrying out religious conversions in the state, including Begusarai, his constituency.

The Bihar-Bangla tensions are historically documented. The Bihari genocide in Bangladesh 1971 onwards is a testimony to the friction enjoyed by the linguistic groups.
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