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Hasina wants Islam as Bangladesh state religion

which means that Jinnah theory of two nations has not failed..Bangladesh neither became secular nor part of India but a sovereign state based on the principles of its first founding father Jinnah.
You would require an immense amount to qualify even as a halfwit!

Well across the border, over that side every one cries alot trying to prove whatever they are from superpowers to half whats and what not. Fortunately that isn't the case here.

I do realise that your comprehension quotient display an acute atrophy within your cranium mechanism, though one could be led to believe that your replicate in anatomy out there to that of a stargish or jellyfish.

It is good to know that you are near bred to crow that you recognise their call!

One fine day an unprecedented incident totally
uncalled for with someones purple caws and bizzare
phonetics engulfed a lone traveler . Though one possessed the power to inject Irukandji syndrome
it was better left ignored in oblivion.

You apparently do also have some affinity to Janus.

One one hand you revel that Islam is the only
panacea to glory, fame and progress and when the fallacies are indicated, you claim that you do
not care for examples of other Islamic nations.

Does indicate disturbance amongst the neurons and axons.

Hmmmmm there was a song "Victim of the paranoid" give it a try might
make your neurons a bit more fertile. Some of you are dancing the rain dance
when its been raining for the last 20 years.

I have no delusions.

I go by your outbursts!

Thou shall be spanked by my outbursts. Its a divine fate , match made in hell.
OMG! this si absolutely hilarious..you just touched a new low in your general knowledge.UP has more GDP and GDP per capita than BD,Bihar and Jharkhand have huge mines and steel and coal plants and WB..ever heard of Kolkata or Burdwan or Jamshedpur(jharkhand) or Durgapur or Asansol

Do you know the total land area of starting from UP to NE??? Find the map.

....WB has HDI of .625 and Bangladesh .545... cities like Noida,Gazhiabad,Greater Noida,Kanpur,Lucknow,Patna,Jamshedur,Kolkata line the belt..UP has second hight GDP after maharashtra.

Ya Right!!!.... :woot:
which means that Jinnah theory of two nations has not failed..Bangladesh neither became secular nor part of India but a sovereign state based on the principles of its first founding father Jinnah.

I think it was an Indian mistake to seperate Bangladesh from Pakistan..damn congress.This nation certainly doesn't know where it is going.
which means that Jinnah theory of two nations has not failed..Bangladesh neither became secular nor part of India but a sovereign state based on the principles of its first founding father Jinnah.

That Bangladesh came into being indicates its failure.
Give me another one.

As usual you are delusional!

Islam this, Islam that.

But what is it on the ground?


You are not even tolerant amongst yourselves even though you have the same scripture and the same Prophet. You go killing each other be they Sunni, Shia, Ahmediyas, Sufis, Salafis, or any other sects of Ialam.

That is tolerance?

Typically delusional and living in denial!

Yes, wherever Islam has been made into the State religion, there has been a rise in extremism.

Just look around before you talk!

Malaysia and Turkey are quoted.

Malaysia is doing well not because of Muslim Malaysians, but because of the Chinese Malaysians.

Turkey is not an Islamic country.

Look at the miserable state Pakistan has been reduced to, thanks to Zia!

You think Pakistan was in such a messy state before Zia.

At one time, their economy was better than India's - Ayub era.

and where is it today?

And today they are being forced to defend themselves over Osama.

Imagine having to give explanation to the world!

Why this humiliation?

Ask yourself!

You Hindus should be the last person to talk about tolerance they tolearnce you show towards people of lower class every one knows they are called untouchables so dont about Tolerant
Well across the border, over that side every one cries alot trying to prove whatever they are from superpowers to half whats and what not. Fortunately that isn't the case here.


By your half and half theory, Pir Baba, you maybe right.

You are still far from being a superpower, let alone being half and half.

One fine day an unprecedented incident totally
uncalled for with someones purple caws and bizzare
phonetics engulfed a lone traveler . Though one possessed the power to inject Irukandji syndrome
it was better left ignored in oblivion.

Talking to yourself, like an old woman does?

Hmmmmm there was a song "Victim of the paranoid" give it a try might
make your neurons a bit more fertile. Some of you are dancing the rain dance
when its been raining for the last 20 years.

Hope you understood what I wrote.

Your reply proves the theory that I was propounding!

Thou shall be spanked by my outbursts. Its a divine fate , match made in hell.

What delusional ambition from a weed!

Divine fate?

Divinity of which religion?
You Hindus should be the last person to talk about tolerance they tolearnce you show towards people of lower class every one knows they are called untouchables so dont about Tolerant

I have not got the drift.

That is why you became a Muslim?

is that what you want to say?

Because if you have not experienced it, it is all theoretical hogwash!

Go sell this theory elsewhere to an audience which revels in fairy tales!
So, what is your idea, we destroy ourselves by following Pakistani brand of fanatism that you guys describe as true Islam. You are killing Muslims in the name of protecting Islam, isn't it? Why Pakistani people should think themselves as the SOLE protector of Islam when they themselves are the largest destroyer of Muslim lives? We understand what Islam is.

dont give me this word fanaticism I dont need terms of west either your follow Islam Completely or leave it dont act as Munafiqs it is their basic symbol that they only used to follow that part of Islam which they used to like and leave other parts because if you will not do it people will rise against u later or sooner and will be very hard to deal
And come to the sorry state that is Pakistan?

Just look around what Zia has done to you.

Foreign countries with impunity crush your sovereignty and territorial integrity underfoot at will, your country is mortgaged to foreign countries economically, your minister has to run to Saudi Arabia asking for alms to salvage your National Budget, you have no money to pay even for the interest of the loans taken and most importantly, you are killing each other every day with bombings and so on!

Is that what Bangladesh should emulate?

Bangladeshis are wiser!

If is the myopia that people like you display is what is taking an otherwise fine country i.e. Pakistan down the drain and for whom the bells have started tolling!!

Imagine the total humiliation that Pakistan is facing over the Osama case.

Is that what should happen to a sovereign state where they are the ridicule of the world?
Zia never tried to Establish Islam completely and its not what Islam has done its what the wrong decisions not Jihad of Afghanista but after it have done dont try to mix up things because what you did with SIKH and now Maoists is not that much different
dont give me this word fanaticism I dont need terms of west either your follow Islam Completely or leave it dont act as Munafiqs it is their basic symbol that they only used to follow that part of Islam which they used to like and leave other parts because if you will not do it people will rise against u later or sooner and will be very hard to deal

Forget it old chap.

It is not yorus to hector or pontificate to Bangaldeshis or anyone else!

Bangladeshis are not of the same mould/genre as you.

I may not agree with Bangladeshis, but I have seen Bangladesh and also Pakistan.

There is a gulf of difference.

They are tolerant and you would be surprised that while they are devout Muslim, they do not wear it on their sleeves like you people do.

They will survive and not come to the sorry state that you are in because of Zia and his fundamentalists that he released on pakistan who are killing each other, harbouring terrorists and then eating crow with the US swooping down and humiliating Pakistan!

Yes fundamentalism is what you have to be told. Zia and fundamentalists.

Pakistan was not in this sorry state before Zia.

In fact, under Ayub, Pakistan's economy was better than India.

Instead of hectoring others, get back home, reflect and devise ways so that the prestige of Pakistan can be retrieved, the fundamentalists chained and the economy given the necessary fillip.

Till then, take it easy and look busy!
Islam is not a country, its a religion.
Islam is not a Religion Islam is a deen which is it deals with all aspects of Life and gives Law concering how goverments and economy should be run
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