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HARD FACTS about India from an Indian: FB copy paste post.

KeyBORED Warrior

Mar 29, 2019
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How has India changed in the last 6 years?

1. India is now suffering from the Highest Unemployment Rate in 45 years (NSSO Data)
(Link: www.indiatoday.in/business/story/india-unemployment-rate-6-1-per-cent-45-year-high-nsso-report-1539580-2019-05-31 )
2. India is the 5th most dangerous country to live in the world. (Spectator Index)
(Link: www.financialexpress.com/india-news/survey-ranks-india-5th-most-dangerous-country-to-live-in-the-world-top-factors-that-weighed-down-ranking/1698399/lite/)
3. 22 out of 30 most polluted cities in the world are now in India (WHO Data)
(Link: www.theguardian.com/cities/2019/mar/05/india-home-to-22-of-worlds-30-most-polluted-cities-greenpeace-says )
4. Number of Indian Soldiers Martyred is highest in 30 years now
(Link: www.moneycontrol.com/news/india/in-5-years-death-of-jawans-in-terror-attacks-rose-by-106-in-jk-3541241.html )
5. India now has the Highest Income Inequality in 80 years (Credit Suisse Report)
(Link: scroll.in/article/862368/indias-rising-inequality-is-taking-the-shine-off-its-growth-story-even-in-the-worlds-eyes )
6. India has become the world's worst country for women (Thomas Reuters Survey)
(Link: www.indiaspend.com/how-india-became-the-worlds-most-dangerous-country-for-women-28413/ )
7. Kashmiri youth joining militancy is highest in 10 years (Indian Army Data)
(Link: economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/defence/191-kashmiri-youths-joined-militancy-in-2018-official/articleshow/67835737.cms?from=mdr )
8. Indians Farmers suffered Worst Price Crash in 18 years (WPI Data)
(Link: www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/worst-price-slump-in-18-years-shows-scale-of-farm-crisis/story-P2niBeuqAcaxgms3HmFCTK.html )
9. Highest ever Cow related violence and Mob Lynching’s on record after Modi became PM (India Spend Data)
(Link: www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/86-killed-in-cow-related-violence-since-2010-are-muslims-97-attacks-after-modi-govt-came-to-power/story-w9CYOksvgk9joGSSaXgpLO.html )
10. India is now the World's Second most Unequal Country (Global Wealth Report)
(Link: www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/india-second-unequal-country-in-the-world-wealth-report/story-MGIa7MbWAdzhKFvwhtiIeI.html )
11. Indian Rupee is now Asia's worst Performing Currency (Market Data)
(Link: www.bloombergquint.com/markets/rupee-becomes-asias-worst-performer-in-august-amid-china-woes-foreign-outflows)
12. India has become World's Third Worst Country in Environment Protection (EPI 2018)
(Link: www.thehindu.com/…/india-ranks-…/article22513016.ece )
13. First time in the history of India, foreign funding and corruption is legalized (Finance Bill 2017)
(Link: www.thehindu.com/…/lok-sabha-pa…/article23285764.ece)
14. Our current PM is the Least accountable Prime Minister in 70 years (First PM to give 0 press conferences)
(Link: No Need for Link, the whole world knows about it)
15. First time in the history of India, CBI vs CBI, RBI vs Govt, SC vs Govt fights happened because Modi wanted control of all democratic Institutions
(Link: www.newsclick.in/how-modi-government-destroying-key-indian-institutions)
16. First time in the history of India, 4 Supreme Court judges gave a press conference to say ”Democracy is in Danger”
(Link: scroll.in/video/864863/democracy-is-in-danger-watch-the-historic-press-conference-held-by-four-supreme-court-judges)
India slips by 10 places in EIU democracy index 2019, which is the worst in the history since the inception of this index in 2006. Owing to 'Erosion of civil liberties'.
17. First time in the history of India, top-secret Defense documents stolen from the Defense Ministry office
(Link: www.thehindu.com/…/secret-paper…/article26450436.ece )
18. Intolerance and Religious Extremism is highest in 70 years
(Link: qz.com/india/959802/india-is-the-fourth-worst-country-in-the-world-for-religious-violence/)
19. Indian Media is now Worst in 70 years
(Link: www.dw.com/…/whats-wrong-with-indian-med…/a-44982747)
20. India slips to 102nd rank out of 117 countries in Global hunger index, we are now behind our neighbours Pakistan,Bangladesh and Nepal.(Global hunger report 2019)
(Link: www.thehindubusinessline.com/news/india-slips-to-102nd-rank-in-global-hunger-report-2019/article29698494.ece)
21. In a first, NCRB report had a criminal delay of 2 years. The crime report for 2017 was released quite recently with certain categories skewed.
(Link: frontline.thehindu.com/the-nation/article29931915.ece)
22. IMF has raised concerns over our government's data reporting norms, delays, India's tax revenue estimates and GDP growth targets. Such data cook-ups amount to setting new precedents to any party who might rule us in the future.
23. India has witnessed sheer exploitation of power and criminalization of politics in:
-Ex BJP MLA Kuldeep Sengar's case
-Ex BJP MP and minister Chinmayanand's case
-Malegaon blast terror accused Pragya Thakur became BJP MP and was on parliamentary defense panel.
-DSP Devindar Singh's case is of no hope for obvious reasons.
-Political persecution and vindictive victimization of IPS officer Sanjiv Bhatt.
-Electoral bonds and anonymity of funding. Incidentally, BJP had received donation of 10 crores from a firm 'RKW developers ltd' that was being probed for terror funding by ED. (Source: BJP's declaration in their EC filing.)
24. Election commission is completely compromised. Data discrepancy(347 seats) in 2019 LS polls and Election commissioner Ashok Lavasa & family getting grilled by ED thereafter.
(Links: m.timesofindia.com/india/sc-notice-to-ec-on-plea-of-2-ngos-seeking-probe-into-discrepancies-in-2019-ls-poll-data/amp_articleshow/72511755.cms
25. Our PM's birthday celebrations was set to jeopardise the safety of 32000 families in Malwa & Nimar regions of Madhya Pradesh.
(Link: www.indiatoday.in/amp/india/story/one-man-ego-greater-million-lives-medha-patkar-sardar-sarovar-dam-reaches-max-capacity-for-pm-s-bday-1600427-2019-09-18)
26. We are ranked very low on global social mobility index at 76 out of 82 countries. 79th on fair wage economies, 77th in education quality and equity, 76th in Social protection, 73rd in healthcare. (World economic forum report-2020)
Inequality raised. Opportunities numbed. An individual’s opportunities in life remain tethered to their socio-economic status at birth, entrenching historical inequalities.
(Link: www.thehindu.com/business/india-ranks-low-at-76th-place-on-global-social-mobility-index/article30607184.ece)
27. Kashmir clampdown has caused a whooping loss of over 2.4 billion dollars.
(Link: www.business-standard.com/article/economy-policy/kashmir-sees-over-2-4-billion-losses-since-article-370-was-amended-119121800662_1.html)
28. India is the internet shutdown capital of the world- leading with 67% of the total world's shutdown.
(Link: www.businesstoday.in/top-story/india-leads-the-world-with-67-of-total-internet-shutdowns/story/392411.html)
-Authoritarian country like China cites India to justify internet curbs.
(Link: timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/china-cites-india-to-justify-internet-curbs/articleshow/72876443.cms)
-Over 1.3 billion dollars lost due to internet shutdowns in the last year.
(Link: www.business-standard.com/article/economy-policy/india-lost-over-1-3-billion-to-internet-shutdowns-last-year-says-study-120011000065_1.html)
-357 shutdowns since 2014.
(Link: www.indiatoday.in/amp/diu/story/more-than-350-internet-shutdowns-in-india-since-2014-1629203-2019-12-18)
29. On 20th 2019 March United Nations released new 2019 rankings for World Happiness Index
India's drastic fall under Modi continues..
2013 - Rank 117
2016 - Rank 118
2017 - Rank 122
2018 - Rank 133
2019 - Rank 140
Out of total 153 countries.
Happiness is ranked based on 6 variables -
- GDP per Capita
- Healthy Life Expectancy
- Freedom to make life choices
- Social support
- Generosity
- Perception of Corruption
Therefore, for the common man in India, things have been becoming worse in all these points. Pakistan is ranked much higher than us at 67. If the current rate continues, we will probably become World's worst country in this regard before 2022. That is when Modi says #NewIndia will be achieved.
[Links: www.business-standard.com/article/politics/pm-modi-calls-for-new-india-free-of-caste-corruption-top-10-developments-118022600221_1.html


theprint.in/opinion/40-things-modi-has-promised-to-achieve-by-2022/268293/ ]

These are some of the points, leave aside, the effects of Demonetization, GST, Cleaning Ganga, Rafale Scam aside. More Importantly, the country's harmony has been wrecked. If you speak anything against PM or the government, you are either Pakistani or Anti-National.
The worst governance, India has ever had in the last 70 years. Period.

PS: Copy+Paste the link on browser, if it appears broken or incomplete on your phone.
Found this post by an Indian fb profile. The sources are there with the claims. Can't endorse/refute the claims but its interesting nevertheless and the usual comparison with Pakistan on the happiness index. Then they rant about us being obsessed with them lol.
Most Indians are dumb. Even if the Congress government were present at the centre, Indian economy would be still performing badly.

The main issue with Indian economy is jobless growth, which was also present during the Congress rule.

India does not have the resources to sustain it's expanding population.

The Congress's 65 year rule was marred with corruption, nepotism and Muslim appeasement.

Congress and other leftists parties formula to win elections was to promote casteism among Hindus and appease Muslims. Development was always neglected.

This does not mean that BJP will fix the problem. Feku Modi can make tall claims before the elections but fixing the economy is out of his hands.

India needed a leader like Sanjay Gandhi. But unfortunately, did not become the PM.

India is doomed.
@Axomiya_lora @Juggernaut_is_here
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Most Indians are dumb. Even if the Congress government were present at the centre, Indian economy would be still performing badly.

The main issue with Indian economy is jobless growth, which was also present during the Congress rule.

India does not have the resources to sustain it's expanding population.

The Congress's 65 year rule was marred with corruption, nepotism and Muslim appeasement.

Congress and other leftists parties formula to win elections was to promote casteism among Hindus and appease Muslims. Development was always neglected.

This does not mean that BJP will fix the problem. Feku Modi can make tall claims before the elections but fixing the economy is out of his hands.

India needed a leader like Sanjay Gandhi. But unfortunately, did not become the PM.

India is doomed.
@Axomiya_lora @Juggernaut_is_here
So if the leftists' rule was bad and the nationalists' rule is not faring any better than what's the solution to India's problems? Seeing the plight of South Asian countries, i feel the Chinese style of absolute power rule is the best possible solution to South Asian countries woes. Democracy is a western by product of their society's development as a civilisation. As third world countries, we have a long way to go before we can even think of democratic values. Like you said, majority of Indians are dumb, i can extrapolate it to Pakistanis in general as well. The capacity to think critically only comes if worries like putting food on the table, social security, healthcare and the future of your children etc are not clouding your mind.
So if the leftists' rule was bad and the nationalists' rule is not faring any better than what's the solution to India's problems? Seeing the plight of South Asian countries, i feel the Chinese style of absolute power rule is the best possible solution to South Asian countries woes. Democracy is a western by product of their society's development as a civilisation. As third world countries, we have a long way to go before we can even think of democratic values. Like you said, majority of Indians are dumb, i can extrapolate it to Pakistanis in general as well. The capacity to think critically only comes if worries like putting food on the table, social security, healthcare and the future of your children etc are not clouding your mind.
I don't see any political solution. The damage done is beyond repair now.

India can only restart after it loses most of it's population in a civil war, pandemic, famine or something like that
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Most Indians are dumb. Even if the Congress government were present at the centre, Indian economy would be still performing badly.

The main issue with Indian economy is jobless growth, which was also present during the Congress rule.

India does not have the resources to sustain it's expanding population.

The Congress's 65 year rule was marred with corruption, nepotism and Muslim appeasement.

Congress and other leftists parties formula to win elections was to promote casteism among Hindus and appease Muslims. Development was always neglected.

This does not mean that BJP will fix the problem. Feku Modi can make tall claims before the elections but fixing the economy is out of his hands.

India needed a leader like Sanjay Gandhi. But unfortunately, did not become the PM.

India is doomed.
@Axomiya_lora @Juggernaut_is_here

What a surprise...Man in one day ...i was thinking you are nutcase but in the same your this post exactly resonates my mind...
What a surprise...Man in one day ...i was thinking you are nutcase but in the same your this post exactly resonates my mind...
If I suck it up to pdf Indians and Pakistanis like you do. I would be reasonable in your eyes.

Only the weak care about what other people think about them. I will continue to be honest and politically incorrect even if it means hurting the feelings of the likes of you or the moderators who ban me for offending them but not violating any rules.

Ok , Prince Priyadarshini.
How has India changed in the last 6 years?

1. India is now suffering from the Highest Unemployment Rate in 45 years (NSSO Data)
(Link: www.indiatoday.in/business/story/india-unemployment-rate-6-1-per-cent-45-year-high-nsso-report-1539580-2019-05-31 )
2. India is the 5th most dangerous country to live in the world. (Spectator Index)
(Link: www.financialexpress.com/india-news/survey-ranks-india-5th-most-dangerous-country-to-live-in-the-world-top-factors-that-weighed-down-ranking/1698399/lite/)
3. 22 out of 30 most polluted cities in the world are now in India (WHO Data)
(Link: www.theguardian.com/cities/2019/mar/05/india-home-to-22-of-worlds-30-most-polluted-cities-greenpeace-says )
4. Number of Indian Soldiers Martyred is highest in 30 years now
(Link: www.moneycontrol.com/news/india/in-5-years-death-of-jawans-in-terror-attacks-rose-by-106-in-jk-3541241.html )
5. India now has the Highest Income Inequality in 80 years (Credit Suisse Report)
(Link: scroll.in/article/862368/indias-rising-inequality-is-taking-the-shine-off-its-growth-story-even-in-the-worlds-eyes )
6. India has become the world's worst country for women (Thomas Reuters Survey)
(Link: www.indiaspend.com/how-india-became-the-worlds-most-dangerous-country-for-women-28413/ )
7. Kashmiri youth joining militancy is highest in 10 years (Indian Army Data)
(Link: economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/defence/191-kashmiri-youths-joined-militancy-in-2018-official/articleshow/67835737.cms?from=mdr )
8. Indians Farmers suffered Worst Price Crash in 18 years (WPI Data)
(Link: www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/worst-price-slump-in-18-years-shows-scale-of-farm-crisis/story-P2niBeuqAcaxgms3HmFCTK.html )
9. Highest ever Cow related violence and Mob Lynching’s on record after Modi became PM (India Spend Data)
(Link: www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/86-killed-in-cow-related-violence-since-2010-are-muslims-97-attacks-after-modi-govt-came-to-power/story-w9CYOksvgk9joGSSaXgpLO.html )
10. India is now the World's Second most Unequal Country (Global Wealth Report)
(Link: www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/india-second-unequal-country-in-the-world-wealth-report/story-MGIa7MbWAdzhKFvwhtiIeI.html )
11. Indian Rupee is now Asia's worst Performing Currency (Market Data)
(Link: www.bloombergquint.com/markets/rupee-becomes-asias-worst-performer-in-august-amid-china-woes-foreign-outflows)
12. India has become World's Third Worst Country in Environment Protection (EPI 2018)
(Link: www.thehindu.com/…/india-ranks-…/article22513016.ece )
13. First time in the history of India, foreign funding and corruption is legalized (Finance Bill 2017)
(Link: www.thehindu.com/…/lok-sabha-pa…/article23285764.ece)
14. Our current PM is the Least accountable Prime Minister in 70 years (First PM to give 0 press conferences)
(Link: No Need for Link, the whole world knows about it)
15. First time in the history of India, CBI vs CBI, RBI vs Govt, SC vs Govt fights happened because Modi wanted control of all democratic Institutions
(Link: www.newsclick.in/how-modi-government-destroying-key-indian-institutions)
16. First time in the history of India, 4 Supreme Court judges gave a press conference to say ”Democracy is in Danger”
(Link: scroll.in/video/864863/democracy-is-in-danger-watch-the-historic-press-conference-held-by-four-supreme-court-judges)
India slips by 10 places in EIU democracy index 2019, which is the worst in the history since the inception of this index in 2006. Owing to 'Erosion of civil liberties'.
17. First time in the history of India, top-secret Defense documents stolen from the Defense Ministry office
(Link: www.thehindu.com/…/secret-paper…/article26450436.ece )
18. Intolerance and Religious Extremism is highest in 70 years
(Link: qz.com/india/959802/india-is-the-fourth-worst-country-in-the-world-for-religious-violence/)
19. Indian Media is now Worst in 70 years
(Link: www.dw.com/…/whats-wrong-with-indian-med…/a-44982747)
20. India slips to 102nd rank out of 117 countries in Global hunger index, we are now behind our neighbours Pakistan,Bangladesh and Nepal.(Global hunger report 2019)
(Link: www.thehindubusinessline.com/news/india-slips-to-102nd-rank-in-global-hunger-report-2019/article29698494.ece)
21. In a first, NCRB report had a criminal delay of 2 years. The crime report for 2017 was released quite recently with certain categories skewed.
(Link: frontline.thehindu.com/the-nation/article29931915.ece)
22. IMF has raised concerns over our government's data reporting norms, delays, India's tax revenue estimates and GDP growth targets. Such data cook-ups amount to setting new precedents to any party who might rule us in the future.
23. India has witnessed sheer exploitation of power and criminalization of politics in:
-Ex BJP MLA Kuldeep Sengar's case
-Ex BJP MP and minister Chinmayanand's case
-Malegaon blast terror accused Pragya Thakur became BJP MP and was on parliamentary defense panel.
-DSP Devindar Singh's case is of no hope for obvious reasons.
-Political persecution and vindictive victimization of IPS officer Sanjiv Bhatt.
-Electoral bonds and anonymity of funding. Incidentally, BJP had received donation of 10 crores from a firm 'RKW developers ltd' that was being probed for terror funding by ED. (Source: BJP's declaration in their EC filing.)
24. Election commission is completely compromised. Data discrepancy(347 seats) in 2019 LS polls and Election commissioner Ashok Lavasa & family getting grilled by ED thereafter.
(Links: m.timesofindia.com/india/sc-notice-to-ec-on-plea-of-2-ngos-seeking-probe-into-discrepancies-in-2019-ls-poll-data/amp_articleshow/72511755.cms
25. Our PM's birthday celebrations was set to jeopardise the safety of 32000 families in Malwa & Nimar regions of Madhya Pradesh.
(Link: www.indiatoday.in/amp/india/story/one-man-ego-greater-million-lives-medha-patkar-sardar-sarovar-dam-reaches-max-capacity-for-pm-s-bday-1600427-2019-09-18)
26. We are ranked very low on global social mobility index at 76 out of 82 countries. 79th on fair wage economies, 77th in education quality and equity, 76th in Social protection, 73rd in healthcare. (World economic forum report-2020)
Inequality raised. Opportunities numbed. An individual’s opportunities in life remain tethered to their socio-economic status at birth, entrenching historical inequalities.
(Link: www.thehindu.com/business/india-ranks-low-at-76th-place-on-global-social-mobility-index/article30607184.ece)
27. Kashmir clampdown has caused a whooping loss of over 2.4 billion dollars.
(Link: www.business-standard.com/article/economy-policy/kashmir-sees-over-2-4-billion-losses-since-article-370-was-amended-119121800662_1.html)
28. India is the internet shutdown capital of the world- leading with 67% of the total world's shutdown.
(Link: www.businesstoday.in/top-story/india-leads-the-world-with-67-of-total-internet-shutdowns/story/392411.html)
-Authoritarian country like China cites India to justify internet curbs.
(Link: timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/china-cites-india-to-justify-internet-curbs/articleshow/72876443.cms)
-Over 1.3 billion dollars lost due to internet shutdowns in the last year.
(Link: www.business-standard.com/article/economy-policy/india-lost-over-1-3-billion-to-internet-shutdowns-last-year-says-study-120011000065_1.html)
-357 shutdowns since 2014.
(Link: www.indiatoday.in/amp/diu/story/more-than-350-internet-shutdowns-in-india-since-2014-1629203-2019-12-18)
29. On 20th 2019 March United Nations released new 2019 rankings for World Happiness Index
India's drastic fall under Modi continues..
2013 - Rank 117
2016 - Rank 118
2017 - Rank 122
2018 - Rank 133
2019 - Rank 140
Out of total 153 countries.
Happiness is ranked based on 6 variables -
- GDP per Capita
- Healthy Life Expectancy
- Freedom to make life choices
- Social support
- Generosity
- Perception of Corruption
Therefore, for the common man in India, things have been becoming worse in all these points. Pakistan is ranked much higher than us at 67. If the current rate continues, we will probably become World's worst country in this regard before 2022. That is when Modi says #NewIndia will be achieved.
[Links: www.business-standard.com/article/politics/pm-modi-calls-for-new-india-free-of-caste-corruption-top-10-developments-118022600221_1.html


theprint.in/opinion/40-things-modi-has-promised-to-achieve-by-2022/268293/ ]

These are some of the points, leave aside, the effects of Demonetization, GST, Cleaning Ganga, Rafale Scam aside. More Importantly, the country's harmony has been wrecked. If you speak anything against PM or the government, you are either Pakistani or Anti-National.
The worst governance, India has ever had in the last 70 years. Period.

PS: Copy+Paste the link on browser, if it appears broken or incomplete on your phone.

All lies.
When is the new bollywood movie coming to keep the bollywood delusional brains hooked to all is well?

If I suck it up to pdf Indians and Pakistanis like you do. I would be reasonable in your eyes.

Only the weak care about what other people think about them. I will continue to be honest and politically incorrect even if it means hurting the feelings of the likes of you or the moderators who ban me for offending them but not violating any rules.

Ok , Prince Priyadarshini.

Respect mate.
Say what you believe in, not what sells well.

Most Indians are dumb. Even if the Congress government were present at the centre, Indian economy would be still performing badly.

The main issue with Indian economy is jobless growth, which was also present during the Congress rule.

India does not have the resources to sustain it's expanding population.

The Congress's 65 year rule was marred with corruption, nepotism and Muslim appeasement.

Congress and other leftists parties formula to win elections was to promote casteism among Hindus and appease Muslims. Development was always neglected.

This does not mean that BJP will fix the problem. Feku Modi can make tall claims before the elections but fixing the economy is out of his hands.

India needed a leader like Sanjay Gandhi. But unfortunately, did not become the PM.

India is doomed.
@Axomiya_lora @Juggernaut_is_here

India needs a hard reboot, and its not going to come easy, its going to be bloody.
What a surprise...Man in one day ...i was thinking you are nutcase but in the same your this post exactly resonates my mind...
See what he wrote below and it would blow your mind.
India can only restart after it loses most of it's population in a civil war, pandemic, famine etc
If I suck it up to pdf Indians and Pakistanis like you do. I would be reasonable in your eyes.

Only the weak care about what other people think about them. I will continue to be honest and politically incorrect even if it means hurting the feelings of the likes of you or the moderators who ban me for offending them but not violating any rules.

Ok , Prince Priyadarshini.
I never thought I'd ever say this to an Indian but I respect you as a Pakistani. We can disagree on many things but for a change the disagreements won't end up in distasteful slurs, name-calling and what not with you atleast.
Most Indians are dumb. Even if the Congress government were present at the centre, Indian economy would be still performing badly.

The main issue with Indian economy is jobless growth, which was also present during the Congress rule.

India does not have the resources to sustain it's expanding population.

The Congress's 65 year rule was marred with corruption, nepotism and Muslim appeasement.

Congress and other leftists parties formula to win elections was to promote casteism among Hindus and appease Muslims. Development was always neglected.

This does not mean that BJP will fix the problem. Feku Modi can make tall claims before the elections but fixing the economy is out of his hands.

India needed a leader like Sanjay Gandhi. But unfortunately, did not become the PM.

India is doomed.
@Axomiya_lora @Juggernaut_is_here
So you don't have a capable leader in entire India. Maybe Indians can ask Khan for help

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