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Happy Independence Day - Why we should be extremely thankful to have Pakistan


Sep 4, 2012
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Happy Independence Day to Pakistanis everywhere

These are very turbulent times for muslims across the world. Alhamdulillah I am so happy, thankful and content to have a country, a home; something that many muslims in the world (read: Kashmiris, Palestinians, Rohingya, etc.) do not have.

Happy independence day to our armed forces and all people who have sacrificed their everything to this country.

Sadly many of our ruling elite have been blood sucking leaches who loot and plunder and then call out their foreign masters and run to them with their tails attached to their backside when there is any sort of accountability.

However, Today is a day to rejoice the wisdom and hindsight of Iqbal and Muhammad Ali Jinnah. They were aware of what lay in store for us muslims in an Akhand bharat dominated by hindus. To those muslims who opposed Pakistan then, and the Pakistani pseudo liberals of today who still say partition was a blunder. The need of this country will become more and more evident every passing day in times of rising islamophobia in the world.

May we have leaders who stand for the people. May we have people who can rise above petty hate and differences and realize the things that unite us.

Pakistan Zindabad
May Allah subhana ho wa taala give prosperity to this nation and protect us from all our enemies. Ameen.
I am thankful to ALLAH almighty for sending Quaid e Azam on a mission for the creation of Pakistan. I will always be in debt and thankful to Alnighty Allah and Mohammed Ali Jinnah for giving us Pakistan.

Most importantly, I am thankful to our Army and Intel agencies who have sacrificed themselves for the safety of Pakistan, so that we don't become Iraq, Libay, Syria or other suffering Muslim countries.

The evil nexus are united against Pakistan from day one and they will not rest. Alhumdulillah, we have a well developed Army and Intel Agencies to deal with them.

Pakistan Zindabad, Pakistan paindabad, Pak fauj zindabad.
Jashne Azadi mubarak.

at a time where the Muslim world was stripped of dignity, the lands of the Ummah divided up between traitors who served their masters - Allah swt granted us Pakistan, against the grain. The birth of our nation was a miracle, and also a testament to the hard work and preserverance of our forefathers and their faith in Allah. Those poor people who gave up their little wealth to support the armies of the Caliph were later rewarded with a nation of their own. Our forefathers gave up life, wealth, land - for Pakistan, for the idea of a state for the Muslims of our region.

We would be fools to treat this country lightly, we should dedicate ourselves to it, we should build it as a model nation.
Happy Independence Day Pakistan :pakistan:
May Pakistan prosper forever, be strong and live long.
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