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Haneef wants Australia to apologise, wants to return

I don't know about the Leftists but the Australians can be told a thing or two anytime!

Pardon the use of my words but they always happen to take things a tad bit far than their white cousins. Be it the case of our nuclear test, uranium supplies or whatever. They can be told a thing or two. I don't mind.
Gee.. pardon them Samudra!

They obviously need to take diktats from us on when to stop criminal proceedings against a terror suspect. After all, we've set the benchmarks for legally countering terror!

/end sarc

I wonder if Indians should treat the West and their Australian little brothers in the same manner they treated us when we were suffering at the hands of Islamic fundamentalism manifest in its fullest glory from Kashmir to Mumbai and from Assam to Chennai!

I see no need for Indians to rush in support of Aussies or the Brits. We are better off keeping quiet for a while.
I'm sorry I won't be dragged into a "how to treat white/brown/black people" debate. The way a terror suspect is dealt with in Australia has got nothing to do with India's foreign affairs over the past few decades.

Haneef was a terror suspect and they are justified in doing what it takes to protect their citizens.

I'd expect my Govt to protect me, regardless whether it means keeping a white/brown/black/asian/muslim/christian/hindu terror suspect in detention for a while.

(But of course we know in my country they soften all possible laws and let national interest be tramped on just to keep India's "secular" credentials intact!)
Nobody accusing mis-treatment of Haneef in the intial stages, the question is whether even after finding out Haneef was innocent, did they keep him in detention. Whether they wanted him to be their first catch, or they wanted a scapegoat..
That is the only bone of contention, they caught him rightfully on suspicion.

That's where the line blurs. I don't think either of us (public) will know the real answer to that. The Police were probably a little red faced when they found out they screwed up!!
Nobody accusing mis-treatment of Haneef in the intial stages, the question is whether even after finding out Haneef was innocent, did they keep him in detention. Whether they wanted him to be their first catch, or they wanted a scapegoat..
That is the only bone of contention, they caught him rightfully on suspicion.
Investigations are still on, and new evidence has just surfaced against him. I wouldn't pronounce him innocent or guilty prematurely till the investigations are over and a court of law has given the judgment.

Should "innocent till proven guilty" hold true for terror suspects, or would you want your city police to keep a suspect in detention till all the air is cleared? I'd opt for the latter, better safe than sorry.

Oh and yeah, I won't get blown over by the pro Haneef media blitz, as of now, the facts point against him. He lent material support (SIM Card), was aware of the attack (chat roon transcript) and was trying to flee Ozland (one way ticket) - that sums it up really. Worst of all, now he's in my country and the dimwits in MSM portray him as some sort of hero.

That's where the line blurs. I don't think either of us (public) will know the real answer to that. The Police were probably a little red faced when they found out they screwed up!!
I wouldn't apoligize. The police did their job, and took a tough stance to keep their people safe. Better safe than sorry. And for the record, investigations are on and it isn't proven that Haneef if innocent. All the evidence points to the opposite, actually.
I saw that evidence. Until the whole transcripts given we wouldnt know in what context he said whatever he said.
Why would he call back the british police officer who contacted his mom in banglaore in the first place then, before leaving australia . Chatroom discussion is something the investigators will look at the very first instance of a capture in this modern era. How come it surfaced now. Why not in front of the judge, it would have made him guilty in front of the judge.
^^ Not exactly, My criticism is however different, He has been limelight of media attention like 24/7 just as shilpa case or any such matter when our own prisoners are denied of a better life, We should give them a better life first before asking the aussie govt on what kind of food they used in solitary confinement.

His arrest however is not what I'm critical of because it can happen due to suspicion but his solitary confinement for the time period he was subject to is not what I agree with, Regarding Aussie govt I agree with samudra. The matter of perception is diff here, they the west did not even acknowledged the khalistanis and many such as any sort of terrorists despite Indias repeated claims, and now they are asking us to take step for them on instances like Iran et al? Oh and how they make sounds each time we do something, be it flanker deal or nuke test.
The way a terror suspect is dealt with in Australia has got nothing to do with India's foreign affairs over the past few decades.

You're badly mistaken. They call it Londonistan for a reason and the Americans very conveniently 'lost' some evidence we gave against some culprits. If the blind eye they turned to our terror victims from Kashmir to Mumbai has nothing to do with our foreign affairs I don't know what has.

I see no reason why I should fall head over heels to support Aussie government who've been very vocally anti-India for a long long time.

just bcoz he is a muslim srirangan won't apologize. this tells u a lot about hindu mentality in india.


Wow! Did Srirangan say THAT was the reason? How DID you arrive at THAT conclusion?

He said nothing about religion. Lemme see here - You are muslim, I am a Christian and Sri is a Hindu. We are discussing the actions of the local Police in their own country. Yet, you managed to pull the religion card out of your a$$ anyway!:rolleyes:

The you went for the ultimate - " this tells u a lot about hindu mentality in india."

Wow dude!! are you having a bad hair day??

Try logic instead to emotion saturated with venom.

I saw that evidence. Until the whole transcripts given we wouldnt know in what context he said whatever he said.
Why would he call back the british police officer who contacted his mom in banglaore in the first place then, before leaving australia . Chatroom discussion is something the investigators will look at the very first instance of a capture in this modern era. How come it surfaced now. Why not in front of the judge, it would have made him guilty in front of the judge.
Sure, let's wait for the Judge to give a judgment. Did you wait for that? I think many, thanks to the lefty media blitz, have started assuming that he is already innocent.

He may very well be, but we won't know till the investigations are over. Till then, its better that the police take the extra precautions. It makes better rationale to put one man in detention than have 200 blown up.
just bcoz he is a muslim srirangan won't apologize. this tells u a lot about hindu mentality in india.
Grow up. Everything isn't an India Pak - Hindu Muslim rant fest. I would've said the same even if the guy was a Scientologist about to blow himself up.
You're badly mistaken. They call it Londonistan for a reason and the Americans very conveniently 'lost' some evidence we gave against some culprits. If the blind eye they turned to our terror victims from Kashmir to Mumbai has nothing to do with our foreign affairs I don't know what has.
I don't deny any of this. But given all this is true, would it mean the Aussie police did their job wrong, I don't think so. I'd like my city police do the same. Better than having some well qualified, educated nut jobs blow up!

I see no reason why I should fall head over heels to support Aussie government who've been very vocally anti-India for a long long time.
Well, the conservative Govt. in Australia has slowly been tilting towards India. I think they very recently assured their support to India at the NSG and they agreed to sell nuclear fuel.

But still, even if the Australian Govt. was "anti-India", I'd still think the police on this case did the right thing. Mind you, I ain't falling head over heels supporting every policy of the Australian govt., I just think the police in this case handled it right - independent of all other variable - be Haneef guilty or innocent.
This has nothing to with religion.

Let's keep this aspect out.

It is about the perceptions.

The Indian media is livid about the case and to be fair one can only go by the media since one was not watching the proceedings and investigations live!

The large majority of the media is Hindu/ Jain own. So, by that logic, I reckon the Indian media should be against Haneef and pro Howard!

The Karanataka govt has offered Haneef a job.

It is a BJP supported govt!

New Delhi, Jul 30 (PTI) With its ally, Karnataka Chief Minister H D Kumaraswamy offering a job to Mohammad Haneef after his release from Australia, the BJP today jumped on the bandwagon, calling the move a "healing touch" on the doctor who has been absolved of all terror charges.
"It's a healing touch," BJP vice-president Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi said in his reaction to the Chief Minister's job offer to Haneef.

"All developed countries must realise that being a Muslim does not make a person commander of Osama bin Laden. They should take utmost care before branding anybody a terrorist," he added.


There is an excellent maxim - Look Before You Leap!

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