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Handing over of Pakistan Machine Tools Factory (PMTF) to the Strategic Plans Division

Yes you are right and state of Nigeria is bad, I have not lived there for decades and it is sad to see it hasn’t improved.

But you must remember to compare with your peers, and in that respect West Africa is in very similar situation. The sad thing for Pak is that it was better in many indices 20-30 years ago (education, balance of trade, manufacturing etc) and it has gone backward which is sad to see. And one reason I see in Pak people I have met in Europe - they bemoan the lack of enterprise in their country and also lack of innovation.

I think Pak can be a beacon for many Muslim around world that is why I hope for improvement in its economic realm
@Mamadouso, friend I am only pointing to the fact that despite having a massive oil income, the Nigerians have done nothing for their country in over 30 years. I agree about Pakistan, we were miles ahead of India and other countries in South West Asia until 80s, but then we were given a gift by General Zia in the shape of Nawaz Sharif.
This crook introduced in Pakistan rampant corruption which you have observed in Nigeria and other Western African's countries. Since then we went downhill. And look where we are in comparison to India because of political and business thieves.
Sadly, I find one thing among most Nigerian ever since the have taken over as African's biggest economy tag, they think they have become a super power and advanced. Before my first visit to Nigeria, I was told by my Nigerian work colleagues how good is Lagos. But when I saw it, I was disappointed. Though not a socialist, but because growing up in the UK gives you a very strong sense of social sense because of our welfare state policies of "food and shelter" for every citizen. We don't see rampant poverty in the UK. There is poverty no doubt but very minimal and not the degree seen in many other non Western European countries. Even USA you see extreme poverty because of their state policies.
All my colleagues thought Pakistan is a very backward state, because in last 3 decades due to thieves like Sharifs and Zardaris we didn't go forward but went backward.
But still far better than Nigeria. I have to show them differences between Nigeria and Pakistan for example as I have mentioned earlier the production of electricity. Pakistan produces between 16000 megawatts to 19000 megawatts of electricity, still we have shortages.
We have 11881 km ( 3,798 km for Nigeria)miles of railway network. Road network of over 300,000 Km out of which over 70% is paved. Extensive network of motorways covering major cities is underway. Motorways M1, M2, M3, M4, M9 and M10 are operational, M8 is partially operational too. extension of M3 towards Lahore is underway, while M5, M6,M7 are under construction.
Compared to it, Nigeria has only just over 110000 Km of road network out of which only 15% is paved. The rest are dirt roads.
Same goes for airports, and other development in the country.
I was shocked to see that Nigeria despite oil wealth is in very very poor state. Even the airport in Lagos is in very bad bad shape. It is crumbling old facade which is also very dirty.
Compared to it, we have 3 airports in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad of world standards. New Islamabad Airport is state of the art, which has costed us an arm and a leg because of corruption by our politicians.
All I am saying is that Nigerian because of national resources of oil and gas should have been more advanced, but it is not, meanings there is lot more corruption in Niger, even compared to Pakistan.
One thing I like about Nigeria though, you don't have national debts of proportion we have in Pakistan and also you have healthy reserves because of Dollars inflow due to oil and gas.
But shamefully, Pakistan has more refinery capacity compared to Nigeria despite not an oil exporting country.
Overall I was quiet disappointed.
The most disappointed part is that Nigerians feel exactly like Indians that they are super power.

I hope now with the arrival of IK, we will start to get a grip on our corruption and having the balls to stand up to the Western bullies, we would start to improve our tarnish image around the world. We only need a peaceful period of 10 years under an honest leader and we could emerge among top 10 most strong nations in the World.

You see all of us here on the forum boosting about our military power, because thank God that our military has kept it from the reach of the civilian leadership. Since Bangladesh disaster, they have worked very methodically and strengthen Pakistan without spending the mega bucks Indians spent in last 30/40 years. They still cannot stand up to our Air Force for a day.

Nigerians have bought Super Mushaq from Pakistan and they have placed order of JF17 as well, which is going to get better and better after Block III produced. Hopefully we can produce a stealthier aircraft under Project Azm.
Pakistan progressed in Military aviation, munition and missile technology because it was in the hands of military, otherwise, I hate the day (most of us do) if we were on the mercy of the Indians.

My friend, after many trips to Nigeria, I feel for the Nigerian poor, they live in very bad state.
Building few big and posh houses in two islands doesn't make a developed country. I hope your Nigerian politicians understand it. At least they are working on their new capital Abuja which is on the model of Islamabad. I liked it.
You are talking to @Mamadouso , whose country's export is mainly petroleum products.
Despite having oil their electric production is roughly between 3500 to 4000 megawatts.
Where the road networks are diabolical. In Lagos in most of the city apart from the Islands, the road work is what we call dirt roads. The city has open sewerage. The corruption is rampant.
This is despite having a $50 bn export of mostly oil. Imagine if we have that oil, we would have been miles ahead.
Shame is that the Nigerians still think we are behind in progress. Despite all indices apart from export of oil and use of mobile (slightly higher in Nigeria) are way negative for Nigeria compare to Pakistan.
They are saved by oil export otherwise they would face colossal problems.
Driving is a hazzard you want to avoid at all cost.
Lagos Islands are linked with the Mainland by two Bridges, you can use the 3rd if you want to go around.
The result are nightmare journeys for the workers, who mostly live in poor mainland and work in upper class Islands. Believe you me it is no fun traveling in Lagos most of the time.
I know I have been there.
Forget about @Mamadouso or any other Nigerian, what If I being a Pakistani ask it or someone from UK, Japan asks the same??? point is about the facts with Pakistan, not how Nigeria is doing
Forget about @Mamadouso or any other Nigerian, what If I being a Pakistani ask it or someone from UK, Japan asks the same??? point is about the facts with Pakistan, not how Nigeria is doing

Well, What Pakistan was doing is in front of you. It was importing willy nilly and exporting zilch because the gas and electricity prices are so high they make our product expenses compared to competitors. How you think Bangladesh gain the exports!! Our orders are now going to Bangladesh.
Pakistan cannot come out of this cycle, unless Pakistan breaks all those "criminal" agreement with Power producers signed by previous governments. We should nationalise all the projects.
Capacity payments are a scam, they are destroying our resources and making Pakistanis lives hell due to expensive energy charges. Charges are increasing because of capacity payment and as a result of high prices, the bad debts are increasing to i.e. non-payment of the bills.
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