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Guys!!! Is Pakistan in trouble regarding CPEC? Iran offers China

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Please have some burnol.

Nice comeback!

CPEC is not failing anywhere more like Indian terrorist and assets operating in Balochistan and Pak-Afghan border are failing..

May be you have a crystal ball to see the future. Blaming India cannot be the solution for your financial risks and issues. It may work on this forum but not with your lenders.
May be you have a crystal ball to see the future. Blaming India cannot be the solution for your financial risks and issues. It may work on this forum but not with your lenders.

Worry about your own house..

CPEC will boom for one simple reason..Unlike India..we have a much free market..and there are no controls unlike India..anyone can come in invest and operate..in individual competency..Pakistan is far ahead of India..

India's so called economic boom is a by product of American hot money pumping..which set the inflation sky hight and nessicated cost cutting with lower cost work force..the share of innovation and production in Indian economy is still low with 80% of the producing still coming from Agriculture..As production and workforce stabilizes back at home in the US..much of this Indian economic revival will erode...at the same time..Chinese will compete better in international markets than India...plus China has a huge domestic consumption which India is light years far to match..
Pakistan ceded a chunk of disputed territory to China earlier and settled its borders permanently - it is now regarded as a the most peaceful border in the world.

Now we are annexing GB and soon we will also strike more favourable position with AJK with more economic benefits.

What can Indians do about all this?? NIL, Nadda, ZERO!
There is one thing Indians know from 1991 experience..no one will come to bail them out financially...Where as Pakistan has plethora of option even at times of deep bankruptcy!

I doubt you understand, what you are talking about.

The ONLY legal Pakistani claim to Kashmir comes from UN resolutions.

If Pakistan makes move to declare GB a part of Pakistan...UN resolution on Kashmir under Chapter Six(non mandatory enforceability) , becomes defunct as all the parties to dispute have refused to abide by the resolution.

There by taking away Pakistani claim to rest of the Kashmir.

However if the status quo remains, and war breaks out some time in the future..then India is within in its f right to capture any part of Kashmir...including the area through which CPEC passes. ..afterall Cease fire line or LOC is not IB..who ever holds the ground, owns it..and isnt that what Pakistanis tried to do in Kargil..tried to capture peaks on Indian side of LOC..in a bid to alter the LOC.

Here in lies the Chinese dilemma..can they risk investing $46 Billion in a route that passes through disputed region?

Hence recently they have pushing Pakistan to settle LOC as IB with India and make GB a legal part of Pakistan.
I doubt you understand, what you are talking about.

The ONLY legal Pakistani claim to Kashmir comes from UN resolutions.

If Pakistan makes move to declare GB a part of Pakistan...UN resolution on Kashmir under Chapter Six(non mandatory enforceability) , becomes defunct as all the parties to dispute have refused to abide by the resolution.

There by taking away Pakistani claim to rest of the Kashmir.

However if the status quo remains, and war breaks out some time in the future..then India is within in its f right to capture any part of Kashmir...including the area through which CPEC passes. ..afterall Cease fire line or LOC is not IB..who ever holds the ground, owns it..and isnt that what Pakistanis tried to do in Kargil..tried to capture peaks on Indian side of LOC..in a bid to alter the LOC.

Here in lies the Chinese dilemma, hence they have pushing Pakistan to settle LOC as IB with India and make GB as part of Pakistan.

Man you have patience to explain
I doubt you understand, what you are talking about.

The ONLY legal Pakistani claim to Kashmir comes from UN resolutions.

If Pakistan makes move to declare GB a part of Pakistan...UN resolution on Kashmir under Chapter Six(non mandatory enforceability) , becomes defunct as all the parties to dispute have refused to abide by the resolution.

There by taking away Pakistani claim to rest of the Kashmir.

However if the status quo remains, and war breaks out some time in the future..then India is within in its f right to capture any part of Kashmir...including the area through which CPEC passes. ..afterall Cease fire line or LOC is not IB..who ever holds the ground, owns it..and isnt that what Pakistanis tried to do in Kargil..tried to capture peaks on Indian side of LOC..in a bid to alter the LOC.

Here in lies the Chinese dilemma, hence they have pushing Pakistan to settle LOC as IB with India and make GB as part of Pakistan.

If India has not bothered about UN resolution on plesbestite in 65 Years..rest assured we can scrap it into recycle bin too..and do what ever we want..Will India risk to invade Pakistan?? Nope...never...trust me CPEC is our license to do whatever with Kashmir, Fata and GB and get away with it too...unless india was to see a mass outflux of capital and a spanner thrown into its economy!

Here is a mirror

Worry about your own house..

CPEC will boom for one simple reason..Unlike India..we have a much free market..and there are no controls unlike India..anyone can come in invest and operate..in individual competency..Pakistan is far ahead of India..

India's so called economic boom is a by product of American hot money pumping..which set the inflation sky hight and nessicated cost cutting with lower cost work force..the share of innovation and production in Indian economy is still low with 80% of the producing still coming from Agriculture..As production and workforce stabilizes back at home in the US..much of this Indian economic revival will erode...at the same time..Chinese will compete better in international markets than India...plus China has a huge domestic consumption which India is light years far to match..

Yes sir. India is going to crash land. Pakistan will take back not only Kashmir but also the entire country of India as it was under the Mughals. Be happy my friend.
Yes sir. India is going to crash land. Pakistan will take back not only Kashmir but also the entire country of India as it was under the Mughals. Be happy my friend.

India is also building dams in I O K?? Kashmir is a disputed territory..it does not mean it belongs to India!
But Rising shining shupah powaah india...what ever belongs to others belongs to India!
India is also building dams in I O K?? Kashmir is a disputed territory..it does not mean it belongs to India!
But Rising shining shupah powaah india...what ever belongs to others belongs to India!

Yes Correct. It is India building dams in Kashmir not China. Hope you understand the point.
If India has not bothered about UN resolution on plesbestite in 65 Years..rest assured we can scrap it into recycle bin too..and do what ever we want..Will India risk to invade Pakistan?? Nope...never...trust me CPEC is our license to do whatever with Kashmir, Fata and GB and get away with it too...unless india was to see a mass outflux of capital and a spanner thrown into its economy!

Well offcoure you can scrap UN resolutions and we fully support you in your endeavor.

But after that, you can never again lay claim to Indian part of J&K. As you have scrapped your only legal claim to Kashmir.
India will not invade GB because of CPEC, but were a war to break out in future with current status.

Then any area captured by India in Kashmir is India's .

And this what Chinese fear, by investing in a disputed area, they risk loosing the entire 46 Billion investment in Pakistan.
I doubt you understand, what you are talking about.

The ONLY legal Pakistani claim to Kashmir comes from UN resolutions.

If Pakistan makes move to declare GB a part of Pakistan...UN resolution on Kashmir under Chapter Six(non mandatory enforceability) , becomes defunct as all the parties to dispute have refused to abide by the resolution.

There by taking away Pakistani claim to rest of the Kashmir.

However if the status quo remains, and war breaks out some time in the future..then India is within in its f right to capture any part of Kashmir...including the area through which CPEC passes. ..afterall Cease fire line or LOC is not IB..who ever holds the ground, owns it..and isnt that what Pakistanis tried to do in Kargil..tried to capture peaks on Indian side of LOC..in a bid to alter the LOC.

Here in lies the Chinese dilemma..can they risk investing $46 Billion in a route that passes through disputed region?

Hence recently they have pushing Pakistan to settle LOC as IB with India and make GB a legal part of Pakistan.
And when that day somes, Pakistan and china both will make sure to protect its interest, both have done it individually in the past and surely can do it together in a better way
Well offcoure you can scrap UN resolutions and we fully support you in your endeavor.

But after that, you can never again lay claim to Indian part of J&K. As you have scrapped your only legal claim to Kashmir.
India will not invade GB because of CPEC, but were a war to break out in future with current status.

Then any area captured by India in Kashmir is India's .

And this what Chinese fear, by investing in a disputed area, they risk loosing the entire 46 Billion investment in Pakistan.

Well Chinese do not have an economy the Size of India...before putting down the money they obviously calculated the risk..Chinese planning is not run by Indians on PDF!


The thing is that Chinese are not the lone investors in Pakistan...major corporates have also upped their ante of investment in Pakistan...I hope every deal comes with free burnol for Indians..so they will not quack so much on PDF..

The fact is that India from its politburo to individual level cannot do anything about CPEC..it is much of a competitive threat with easier and shorter route of Chinese exports to Middle East..it is very much going to have an impact on Indian economic interests..

Yes Correct. It is India building dams in Kashmir not China. Hope you understand the point.

So are we...in Kashmir....we are building dams, hydropower and roads...why you jelly??
And to who ever wanted to carve an alternate route via Iran...


Iranian amateurity will ensure the sanctions are back after a brief holiday!

UN sanctions on Iran is history. Individual sanctions do not impact much. There is a reason why Russia, China, India & EU are all cozying up to Iran.

So are we...in Kashmir....we are building dams, hydropower and roads...why you jelly??

India builds with it's own money while Pakistan is building with Chinese money. That is the difference.
Well Chinese do not have an economy the Size of India...before putting down the money they obviously calculated the risk..Chinese planning is not run by Indians on PDF!


The thing is that Chinese are not the lone investors in Pakistan...major corporates have also upped their ante of investment in Pakistan...I hope every deal comes with free burnol for Indians..so they will not quack so much on PDF..

So are we...in Kashmir....we are building dams, hydropower and roads...why you jelly??

No, it is not run by Indians on PDF, but Indians on PDF are taking their cues from Chinese requests to your government(printed in your papers) for implementation of CPEC.

Pakistan mulls elevating status of Gilgit-Baltistan on Chinese insistence
AFP — UPDATED JAN 08, 2016 07:41AM


China cannot afford to invest on a road that passes through a disputed territory claimed both by India and Pakistan. —AFP/File

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan is mulling to elevate the constitutional status of northern Gilgit-Baltistan region in a bid to provide legal cover to the multi-billion-dollar Chinese investment plan, officials said on Thursday.

The move could signal a historic shift in the country's position on the future of the wider Kashmir region, observers have said.

The proposal would see the mountainous region mentioned by name for the first time in the country's Constitution, bringing it one step closer to being fully absorbed as an additional province.

Islamabad has historically insisted the parts of Kashmir it controls are semi-autonomous and has not formally integrated them into the country, in line with its position that a referendum should be carried out across the whole of the region.

Sajjad-ul-Haq, spokesman for the chief minister of Gilgit-Baltistan Hafiz Hafeez ur Rehman, told AFP: "A high level committee formed by the prime minister is working on the issue, you will hear good news soon."

Know more: ‘Almost’ Pakistan: Gilgit-Baltistan in a constitutional limbo

Rehman, who arrived in Islamabad on Thursday, was working on the finishing touches to the agreement, a senior official said, adding the document could be unveiled "in a few days".

In addition to being named in the Constitution, Gilgit-Baltistan would also send two lawmakers to sit in the federal parliament — though they would be given observer status only.

A third top government official from Gilgit-Baltistan said the move was in response to concerns raised by Beijing about the China Pakistan Economic Corridor, the $46 billion infrastructure plan set to link China's western city of Kashgar to the Pakistani port of Gwadar on the Arabian Sea.

"China cannot afford to invest billions of dollars on a road that passes through a disputed territory claimed both by India and Pakistan," the official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said.

The corridor plans have been strongly criticised by New Delhi, with India's Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj in June calling the project "unacceptable" for crossing through Indian-claimed territory.

India and Pakistan have fought two full-scale wars over Kashmir, and any changes to the status quo could prove a further setback to hopes for dialogue that were revived after Modi made the historic Lahore visit.

Those efforts were already seen as fragile following a deadly attack on an Indian air base near the Pakistan border Saturday that was followed by a 25-hour siege on an Indian consulate in Afghanistan on Monday.

But according to Pakistani strategic analyst Ayesha Siddiqa, the move could also signal Islamabad's desire to end the Kashmir conflict by formally absorbing the territory it controls — and, by extension, recognising New Delhi's claims to parts of the region it controls, such as the Kashmir valley.

"If we begin to absorb it so can India. It legitimises their absorption of the Valley," she said.

Also read: AJK opposes giving provincial status to GB
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