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Guess Who Facilitated Opening Trade Between Pakistan & India in 2021 ?

Imran Khan stopping trade of agriculture commodities benefitted the farmers community. At present, due to inflation, it seems to me that we have to trade with India to get cheaper goods. Kashmir was given up by both Imran Khan and Bajwa during their time. The military doctrine of Geo-Economics is correct for the time being. When we are in a better position then we can re-visit the Kashmir policy. Can keep the Kashmir issue simmering for the next five years.

We should give up the policy of being anti-India if it protects and gives us our share of water out of the Indus Treaty.
Imran Khan stopping trade of agriculture commodities benefitted the farmers community.

It also helped textile and chemical industry.

Engro planned a domestic plastics manufacturing plant which would not have been possible if cheap plastics could be imported from India.
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Back in 2021, Pakistani economic committee approved trade with India which later was not approved by federal cabinet. Pakistani media made lots of noise in the aftermath criticizing PTI government of not being able to make up its mind on the trade issue.

Now Dr. Moeed Pirzada has reveled that Gen. Bajwa had a discussion with an American business delegation in Februray 2022 and in that meeting he informed Americans that he had arranged trade with India back in 2021 but SMQ lobbied against it in cabinet. There was also a mentioned of Modi's visit to Sindh during that meeting between Bajwa and American delegation.

This makes SMQ a bigger patriot in my view, than Mir Bajwa ever hoped to be.

Here is the link to the video clip:

Provide data how much trade was there with India before the pandemic and after the pandemic
Back in 2021, Pakistani economic committee approved trade with India which later was not approved by federal cabinet. Pakistani media made lots of noise in the aftermath criticizing PTI government of not being able to make up its mind on the trade issue.

Now Dr. Moeed Pirzada has reveled that Gen. Bajwa had a discussion with an American business delegation in Februray 2022 and in that meeting he informed Americans that he had arranged trade with India back in 2021 but SMQ lobbied against it in cabinet. There was also a mentioned of Modi's visit to Sindh during that meeting between Bajwa and American delegation.

This makes SMQ a bigger patriot in my view, than Mir Bajwa ever hoped to be.

Here is the link to the video clip:

How dare you.

The Mir Jafar institution (GHQ) has never won any net land for Pakistan ever, they lost good chunks of it, it was us Azad Kashmiris, people of the tribal areas and northern areas who were the pinnacle in bringing AJK and GB into the federation. These imperial boot sniffing rats bargained Occupied Kashmir for pretty pennies... I feel ashamed for ever supporting these treacherous swines.. vice roys are only loyal to their foreign masters, not the people of Pakistan, Jinnah warned us that they had no business outside their barracks, and look what they have done to this country.


We reject them and their PDM spawn.
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Moeed Pirzada will blame everything on Gen Bajwa now (not that i have any sympathy for him). Unfortunately, this has become our national character that we try to paint someone iblees while all others act like Haji. This continues a vicious circle of blaming only others for own follies.
Back in 2021, Pakistani economic committee approved trade with India which later was not approved by federal cabinet. Pakistani media made lots of noise in the aftermath criticizing PTI government of not being able to make up its mind on the trade issue.

Now Dr. Moeed Pirzada has reveled that Gen. Bajwa had a discussion with an American business delegation in Februray 2022 and in that meeting he informed Americans that he had arranged trade with India back in 2021 but SMQ lobbied against it in cabinet. There was also a mentioned of Modi's visit to Sindh during that meeting between Bajwa and American delegation.

This makes SMQ a bigger patriot in my view, than Mir Bajwa ever hoped to be.

Here is the link to the video clip:

never trade with a terrorist civilisation
Never trade with India until Plebiscite is done in Kashmir.
In 75 years you have not fulfilled the first two conditions of UN for conducting plebiscite. Now it is too late I think. 😪

the first step, Pakistan was asked to withdraw all its nationals that entered Kashmir for the sake of fighting. In the second step, India was asked to progressively reduce its forces to the minimum level required for law and order. In the third step, India was asked to appoint a plebiscite administrator nominated by the United Nations who would conduct a free and impartial plebiscite.
Exactly the reason we don't have any interest in trading with Pakistan.
exactly we should not trade or even allow airspace with nation that conduct terrorism, religious prosecution, ethnic cleansing , intolerance, etc

you are lucky PDF hasn't banned you.. if it were up to me I would ban all Indians.
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We think alike, even GOI believes in the same:-

For India, trade and terror with Pakistan cannot go together​


100% agree

Indians are the arsonist and act as the firemen at the same time

India's long record of terrorism and state terrorism is a documented fact. Just wait till Khan comes back to power he will set you straight and with a new tough army chief India's terrorism will be exposed many times.

there will be no Bajwa or Nawaz around to pussy foot.

Lol Pakistan oppose direct trade with India but are willing to import Indian goods via Gulf countries at a much higher cost :rofl:

we have idiots and immoral clowns who like butt kiss India no matter what. it is kind of like those Indians who butt kiss England no matter how much the English pcuked the Indians,

don't worry with a nationalist Khan returning soon and the new army chief having similar values, relations with China and islamic nations will improve along with trade. Slowly and surely we will sack any thing to do with India.

pray Khan shut the airspace down.. your airlines nearly went bankrupt.

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