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Greetings on 131st Birth Anniversary of Founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah


Dec 22, 2007
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Nation celebrates Quaid’s 131st birthday

LAHORE: The 131st birthday anniversary of Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah is being celebrated by the nation on Tuesday (today) with solemn pledge to imbibe Quaid's motto, Unity, Faith and Discipline and to transform the country into a true Islamic welfare state.

On this occasion, national flag will be hoisting atop all government buildings and special prayers will be offered in all major mosques of the city for the integrity and prosperity of the country.

Schools and colleges have arranged special programs to mark the day. Declamation contests on various aspects of Pakistan movement and the leadership of the Quaid will also be held at the Guide House.

A number of social and political organisations will hold seminars, public meetings and symposia in the city while scout rallies will also be held to celebrate the day.

Radio and TV channels will broadcast programmes highlighting life and achievements of the father of the nation.

Newspapers will bring out special supplement editions to limelight the struggle of Quaid-i-Azam for the creation of a separate homeland for the Muslims of the sub-continent.
City News

I only wish on this day that people understand what Quaid e Azam, wanted Pakistan to be ............ A nation with pride on its past and with bright and prosperus future.
I heard a very interesting debate last night on Geo TV ( a repeat) about Quaid e Azam and his ideas.

It was ironic to hear one of the Islamist party spokesman claiming that Quaid's view of Pakistan was of an Islamic state. A man who was despised by all the Islamists of the day such as Maulana Madani and Abul kalaam Azaad. Who never took part in the Khilaafat movement and who was dubbed Kafir-e azam by Maulana Maudoodi, is now claimed by MMA parties as well!!!. The very people who vehemently opposed creation of Pakistan are now claiming to be her guardians.

At least here both Indians and Pakistanis are the same. Mahatma Gandhi, who was symbol of non violence, who stood for the rights of the Harijans is now claimed by the most racist party of all ( BJP), the same people who as Jan Singh murdered him. His birth place of Gujrat votes in the vilest killer of innocent muslims in all of Indian historty ( Narender Modi) third time a row.

The people of subcontinent truly know how to twist the saying of their founding fathers to suit their purpose.

I can say for sure; and I can go as far back as 1951;when I started reading the Zamindaar and Imroze; the two dailies subscribed by my family: that the Pakistan we have today is not even a facsimile of the country the great Quaid envisaged; thanks to Zia, JI and MMA.
One should pay heed to Jinnah's message.

Advani, the BJP leader, found him secular!
What a great man he was. Such people are rare. Their can be no one who can ever fill his shoes. We will alway be in debt to him, a debt which we will never be able to pay. I think that somewhere along the line we lost that passion, which Quaid-I-Azam got from the masses when he created Pakistan. If only our political leaders would try to be more like him. The only way we could succeed as a nation is if we follow his message of UNITY, FAITH and DISCIPLINE.
Wish , we can accept each other the way we are .
Wish we can learn from our the past , accept it and forgive each other.
Wish we can grow together .

What a great man he was. Such people are rare. Their can be no one who can ever fill his shoes. We will alway be in debt to him, a debt which we will never be able to pay. I think that somewhere along the line we lost that passion, which Quaid-I-Azam got from the masses when he created Pakistan. If only our political leaders would try to be more like him. The only way we could succeed as a nation is if we follow his message of UNITY, FAITH and DISCIPLINE.


Wish , we can accept each other the way we are .
Wish we can learn from our the past , accept it and forgive each other.
Wish we can grow together .


:) that is i think done at times but the problem remains the same

"Human instinct to rule over fellows"
Wish , we can accept each other the way we are .
Wish we can learn from our the past , accept it and forgive each other.
Wish we can grow together .


We must forgive and forget. We must sit down and discuss our problems in a civilized manner. We must give up this provincialism that we seem to have. We must project the real image of Pakistan. We must work and work to build Pakistan as strong as we can and as prosperous as we can.
On the edge of cynical Ego,
Where nations exist in all its shallow stubbornness
where we hide the truth
and waive coffins of humanity .

Wish , we can grow beyond that
Originally Posted by Jana

that is i think done at times but the problem remains the same

"Human instinct to rule over fellows"

Once , we have realised the effect of this instinct , we can use our intellect to overcome it .
thats humanity
We must move ahead together. Leave no one behind. This is what the Quaid-I-Azam wanted.
One should pay heed to Jinnah's message.

Advani, the BJP leader, found him secular!

Vision of Quaid-e-Azam

It would amount to doing great injustice to Quaid-e-Azam if some sentences of his Aug. 11, 1947 speech are twisted to serve as a basis for the establishment of a secular state and for ending the role of religion in the sphere of collective life. Quaid-e-Azam, entire leadership of the Muslim League and, above all, the whole Muslim community of the subcontinent had vividly made express their destination and goal. These were the objectives for which struggle was waged and invaluable sacrifices were offered. How can those who talk about secular values refute that Allama Iqbal based the argument of his famous address of 1930 on the unity of religion and state, of the spiritual and the mundane. Iqbal says that Islam is a religion that has its own collective system of life without which it is incomplete and Muslims remain deprived of its blessings.

In his letter to Quaid-e-Azam on May 28, 1937, Allama Iqbal maintained that:

The enforcement and development of the Shariah of Islam is impossible in this country without a free Muslim state or states. This has been my honest conviction for many years and I still believe this to be the only way to solve the problem of bread for Muslims as well as to secure a peaceful India.

In other words, he held that the establishment of an independent Muslim state and enforcement of Shariah were imperative for economic development and peaceful existence. This was the real issue and Quaid-e-Azam, too, repeatedly explained:

Pakistan not only means freedom and independence but the Muslim ideology which has to be preserved, which has come to us as a precious gift and treasure and which we hope, others will share with us.

It is noteworthy that Quaid highlighted not only the importance of Islamic ideology but also underscored the need of its protection and progress. This is what Quaid-e-Azam stood for. But those who are pressing for secular values and structure see it as "Anti-Jinnah Vision"!

As to what kind of democracy it would be where non-Muslim majority and un-Islamic views are imposed on Muslims, Quaid said:

I was told that I was guilty of disservice to Islam because Islam believes in democracy. So far as I have understood Islam, it does not advocate a democracy which would allow the majority of non-Muslims to decide the fate of Muslims. We cannot accept a system of government in which the non-Muslims merely by numerical majority would rule and dominate us. (Speech at Aligarh University, March 6, 1940)

Quaid-e-Azam repeatedly said that Islam is a complete code of life, Muslims are a nation based on belief and religion, Qur’an is their law for life, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is their real leader and law-giver, and Qur’an and Sunnah are the forces that shape Muslims’ individual and collective life. This concept of life and secularism are antithetical to each other. Ignoring all his commitments and pledges, his speeches and statements and talking about secularism is a dishonesty that is committed with great audacity, to say the least.

The leaders of the Pakistan movement passed the Objectives Resolution on March 12, 1949 whole-heartedly and with complete unity of heart and mind. This Resolution provides the basis for Pakistan’s Constitution, governance, and collective policy making and the whole nation is behind it. Quaid-e-Azam has unequivocally said that Pakistan’s Constitution would not reflect somebody’s personal whims and desires, rather the whole Pakistani nation would formulate it through the Constituent Assembly. Whether Aug. 11, 1947 or Jan. 12, 2002, nobody is above the Constitution, nor can he be allowed to consider Constitution as echoing his own sound.

If these are the views of Quaid-e-Azam, then where from has secularism descended?.

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