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Government of Pakistan should declare a Jihad on the terrorists


Dec 29, 2008
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I have emphasized in many posts about the need for GOP to make a very organized and comprehensive attack on the terrorists in all forms possible.
I think it is high time that we take a much more direct approach to the problem.

I believe it is time that GOP should declare a Jihad on the terrorists and openly announce it!
I want to see a telecast presentation by our government exposing the facts of the organized massacre carried out by TTP and their associated groups and leaders. They should be declared heretics, anti Muslim, evil and sowers of death and destruction.
Fatwa should be taken by well known and courageous Ulema from across the world and Imam Kaaba should be asked to give his consent as well.
This shall do much to damage the TTP propaganda of following Islam.

We should be told what the government intends to do and to what extend will it go to save people from these terrorists.
In return government should tell people to keep faith and help government in all ways possible.

This is needed to make all Pakistanis realize the trouble we are in and what we need to do and at the same time stir some emotions and instill some backbone into the masses and agencies alike.

An open WAR needs to be declared on TTP (and all terrorists) because regardless of any peace agreement their barbarism is not being curtailed.

Our cause shall be just and the protection of innocents is the best form of Jihad in Islam!

On top of this some basic things come to my mind.

1) Press should be firmly warned not to air/print such terrorist organizations interviews etc. This is causing nothing but confidence surge in the terrorists.
Utterly pathetic thing being done by our media.

2) Emergency AT cells should be created and an emergency number given to people to call in case of any suspicion or terrorist activity. Top agencies and personnel should head the cells and react to every call while keeping tab on the caller as well.

3) To support the AT cells, rapid response forces should be present in all the troubled, sensitive and threatened areas with minimum time to deployment and helicopter support.

Do let me know what you guys think as i have been dwelling on these lines since months and getting quite frustrated at our Government's meek stance and almost apologetic statements in face of TTP's false religious propaganda.
declare jihad inside Pakistan mean civil war alarm sir.
Let me educate you on the nature of Islamic law, a political government, especially the corrupt one we have in our "country" has absolute no moral or just and most importantly religious right to "declare a Jihaad" they are not the true Commanders of the Faithful (Amir al-Muminin or Imam al-Muminin) Also a high level fatwa is required for such a Jihaad to legitimize the Jihaad, and so there maybe a legal component to the Jihaad.

Other than that keep continuing these operations...
What are our intelligence agencies doing ? If they cant eliminate a guy (Baitullah) living inside Pakistan how can they save us from some enemy country ? :hitwall:

I think we should secure our border with Afghanistan and launch an extensive secret operation in tribal areas to get the prominent militants.
What are our intelligence agencies doing ? If they cant eliminate a guy (Baitullah) living inside Pakistan how can they save us from some enemy country ? :hitwall:

Makes you wonder.....................Doesn't it smh..:tsk:

Perhaps some members of the ISI are sympathetic to Baitullah Mehsud, or perhaps they think killing him will create a violent eruption in NWFP and ignite a fiercer resistance...

But again, the question you asked is important.

It makes you wonder...What in the...Is going on.:tsk:
Makes you wonder.....................Doesn't it smh..:tsk:

Perhaps some members of the ISI are sympathetic to Baitullah Mehsud, or perhaps they think killing him will create a violent eruption in NWFP and ignite a fiercer resistance...

But again, the question you asked is important.

It makes you wonder...What in the...Is going on.:tsk:

Yeah, it seems there are only two options: (1) the vaunted ISI is actually incompetant; or, (2) they want Baitullah Mehsud to go on killing hundreds of innocent Pakistanis, for some reason .....
Let me educate you on the nature of Islamic law, a political government, especially the corrupt one we have in our "country" has absolute no moral or just and most importantly religious right to "declare a Jihaad" they are not the true Commanders of the Faithful (Amir al-Muminin or Imam al-Muminin) Also a high level fatwa is required for such a Jihaad to legitimize the Jihaad, and so there maybe a legal component to the Jihaad.

Other than that keep continuing these operations...

A1Kaid, fatwa should be given in light of our situation and the atrocities committed by the terrorists.
I have studied Muslim history at quite a length and I do know that in the past such Muslims were declared as heretics/Kharji by the Muslim governments regardless of whether it was a true Caliph or a King sitting on the top and also Jihad was fought under many Muslim Princes/Kings as well.
Nur ud din Zengi, Salahuddin etc.
It is the cause which is important.

As much as i would like to have a morally sound government on the top that does not mean that if the cause is just, Jihad cannot be declared.
Jihad is struggle in the way of Allah for a just cause.
It is the state which declares Jihad and Amir al-Muminin is just a title given to head of state.

Will fighting these terrorists who are massacring Allah's creations not fall in the category of Jihad?
It absolutely does as far as i have understood Jihad.

A major thing to note is that these goons are actually using the name of Islam/Jihad to terrorize/butcher people, so is Jihad against them not a must in this case?
After all, effectively they are abusing Allah's name and we are all sitting silent.
Should not our Ulema be able to give a Fatwa?

I am ok with the PA operations and fully support it. We can carry out without declaring Jihad as well but terrorists need to be isolated from all ends.
What i am suggesting here is a way to tackle propaganda of terrorists regarding their just cause, otherwise they shall continue to be able to brainwash young minds and turn them into cannon fodder.

Lets not get into a debate of leadership crisis, my question is much more basic than that in order to understand what you guys feel.

Do we doubt our cause so much that we feel it does not merit a Jihad whereas the terrorists can claim to be fighting Jihad?
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Yeah, it seems there are only two options: (1) the vaunted ISI is actually incompetant; or, (2) they want Baitullah Mehsud to go on killing hundreds of innocent Pakistanis, for some reason .....

There are other agencies in the world that think they are the best, yet they have failled to find Bin ladden for the last 8 years.
Yeah, it seems there are only two options: (1) the vaunted ISI is actually incompetant; or, (2) they want Baitullah Mehsud to go on killing hundreds of innocent Pakistanis, for some reason .....

Thats far from the truth. The biggest factor behind the inability to seal that border is the topography. The mountains, caves, valleys, scant population density etc. make it impossible to seal it categorically. Not only Pakistan, but all the world powers put together cannot seal the border.

While I am sure there will be people (even some powerful people) in ISI who do not want BM to succeed, I do not think the ISI's policy will be to shield him - especially because the first and foremost victime of this tragedy is Pakistan, its citizens, and its army.
The point I think All Green wants to make is that declaring a proper Jihad on mutinous law breakers (in Islamic law technically any governing body has the right to take measures against them) will make their false Jihad blatantly apparent that it is an evil one based on shaky foundations and this will remove the cloudy coma state of most of the awaam of Pakistan and consequently such groups will lose support which will affect their morale and recruiting and they will have to raise the amount of bribe money that they pay the families of suicide bombers and recruits and their movement will quickly be extinguished.

Be advised that what they (TTP, Baloch groups, etc.) are actually fighting for is the dismantling of Pakistan proper, by far nothing to do with Islam (as their interpretations and implementations are so misconstrued and illogical that it uncovers their deceitful and elaborate guise).
ISI agents does not have magic machines so that when they press buttons they get Mehsud coordinates.CIA could not find OBL with all high advanced technologies.ISI should've sent in fighters to kill this bastard instead of giving coordinates to CIA which failed to react.
declare jihad inside Pakistan mean civil war alarm sir.

My current threat assessment stands. Pakistan has already taken sustained internal casualties and growing loss of territory from the enemy within, that it has blinded itself in sheer panic at the Civil War it is currently in.

There is a clear schism which has run down the middle of your country and in your nations psyche, and if declaring a Jihad as it has been described here helps to consolidate the mentality of the populace and the Diaspora to throw more of their weight behind the legitimate sovereign national power of Pakistan, then it should be sounded out loud and clear.
Let me educate you on the nature of Islamic law, a political government, especially the corrupt one we have in our "country" has absolute no moral or just and most importantly religious right to "declare a Jihaad" they are not the true Commanders of the Faithful (Amir al-Muminin or Imam al-Muminin) Also a high level fatwa is required for such a Jihaad to legitimize the Jihaad, and so there maybe a legal component to the Jihaad.

So if we went to war against india or any country..... the govt can not call a jihad?
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I think war with india is not in the intrest of Pakistan. But war with Indian elements that destroy Pakistan should be more open and destructive.
Let me educate you on the nature of Islamic law, a political government, especially the corrupt one we have in our "country" has absolute no moral or just and most importantly religious right to "declare a Jihaad" they are not the true Commanders of the Faithful (Amir al-Muminin or Imam al-Muminin) Also a high level fatwa is required for such a Jihaad to legitimize the Jihaad, and so there maybe a legal component to the Jihaad.

Other than that keep continuing these operations...

Pakistan Army's entire ideology is based on Jihad. Visit any Infantry barracks, you'd see Quranic verses written on them. Visit any Armored vehicle or tanks,You'd see versed written in there control panels. Helicopter cockpits or fighter cockpits, all have surah's and quranic verses in them. Why is that? It's because our forces are spiritual too along with being deadly. We have the right to declare Jihad on these taliban ****heads more than anyone else in the world. So please dont judge our country and its forces. Im thinking youve lived all your life in states and have never visited pakistan or understood the backbone of our forces. Its Islam!!

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