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Going to fight in IOK to be enmity with Pakistan, Kashmiris (Imran Khan)

but you don't need to go past them bad coward Pakistanis, do you? why don't you take your jihadi arse directly from UK to bharat bypassing them "cowards" you big brave "moslem" you!

For a man who won't even fly the Pakistani flag you seem very offended. I have my own country, it's called Kashmir. I want it to be a part of Pakistan, but if cowards like you and Niazi want to sell us out - then you can get stuffed.

The position the Imran Khan government is taking is no different to the position taken by Jordan wrt Palestinian territory in 1946. I bet he's trying to work a deal to agree LOC as a border, annex AJK for Pakistan and f--k the rights of the Kashmiri's.
there's problem with patwaries I.e Nawaz and self-interest first Pakistan second the reality on ground is that India cannot handle the unviable situation in iok they want to skirt a human rights catastrophe with terrorism that's what we are never going to let them do we are not going to provide a bad excuse to them this is not imran khan's strategy but our army's too so .
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Here it is from another source.


Coward. Wait in the coming days, you'll see AJK police and Pakistan army firing on Pakistani's and Kashmiri's in defence of India.

Are you really an idiot or you just hit your head really really hard?
What the heck you think that by crossing LOC you can achieve or all those idiots who are planning to cross it. You clowns understand little to nothing, yet get all emotional like bunch of idiots. IK is 100% correct for the time being, right now doing such non-sense will only hurt the Kashmir cause.
For a man who won't even fly the Pakistani flag you seem very offended. I have my own country, it's called Kashmir. I want it to be a part of Pakistan, but if cowards like you and Niazi want to sell us out - then you can get stuffed.

The position the Imran Khan government is taking is no different to the position taken by Jordan wrt Palestinian territory in 1946. I bet he's trying to work a deal to agree LOC as a border, annex AJK for Pakistan and f--k the rights of the Kashmiri's.
You can't be more wrong
Pakistani prime minister says India is waiting for 'any excuse' to crack down on the Kashmiris.

16 hours ago

Khan has held demonstrations across Pakistan to protest India's Kashmir move [File: Mary F Calvert/Reuters]
Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has warned citizens against joining the fight in Kashmir, saying the Indian authorities were waiting for "any excuse" to crack down on the residents in the Himalayan territory.

"If someone from Pakistan goes to India and he thinks he will fight in Kashmir ... the first person he will be inflicting cruelty on is the Kashmiris. He will have acted as an enemy of the Kashmiris," Khan said during a speech in Torkham on the border with Afghanistan on Wednesday.

Tensions have soared between the two nuclear-armed nations over Kashmir, parts of which is administered by both India and Pakistan, since New Delhi revoked the autonomy of the territory it controls on August 5.

Kashmir under lockdown: All the latest updates
New Delhi accuses Pakistan of using proxy armed groups in Kashmir, allegations denied by Islamabad.

"They have 900,000 troops there, they just need an excuse to claim that Kashmiris are with them and that terrorists are coming from Pakistan. We all know that everyone in Kashmir, from children to the elderly, are all against India ... but they will get an excuse," said Khan.

"Second, they will point the finger and tell the whole world that the real problem is of Pakistan and terrorism ... It will provide them with an excuse for torture and barbarism."

War of words
Since India stripped Kashmir of its special status last month and imposed a crippling lockdown in the region, leaders in both countries have engaged in an escalating war of words.

Khan refused to talk to India and promised to raise the Kashmir issue at the United Nations General Assembly next week.

"Until they lift the curfew in Kashmir and take back the revocation of Article 370, there is no chance of speaking with them, even though we have tried a lot."

Earlier on Wednesday, Pakistan fired back at New Delhi's "jingoistic rhetoric" when India's foreign minister promised to retake Islamabad's portion Kashmir.

Subrahmanyam Jaishankar told a news conference in New Delhi on Tuesday that the Pakistani-administered Kashmir is a "part of India and we expect one day that we will have the ... physical jurisdiction over it".

A statement by Pakistan's foreign ministry said it "strongly condemns and rejects" the Indian minister's remarks.

Khan has repeatedly likened Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to Hitler's Nazis, and called for international intervention to resolve the Kashmir dispute.

"Their policy towards Pakistan is full of hate, it is the policy of the RSS, which hates Muslims. They don't consider Muslims equal human beings in India," Khan said on Wednesday, referring to the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, the far-right Hindu supremacist group that mentors the BJP.

Are you really an idiot or you just hit your head really really hard?
What the heck you think that by crossing LOC you can achieve or all those idiots who are planning to cross it. You clowns understand little to nothing, yet get all emotional like bunch of idiots. IK is 100% correct for the time being, right now doing such non-sense will only hurt the Kashmir cause.

Stop being idol worshippers. You people are hypocrites. You will argue blame Arabs all day long for not supporting Palestinians against Israel, yet when it comes to your doorstep you won't walk the walk. If this had been Nawaz Sharif doing this, this forum would be full of Youthias calling him a traitor and questioning his business links. Because it's pop idol Imran Khan - everything is kosher.

Look next door at Iran, they have supported proxy wars in Yemen and Syria against US interests. What harm has come to them? The Taliban have fought a war against the US, eventually they emerged victorious. IK is bending over for India.
This is really unfortunate that our people do not want to dig deeper and fall to propaganda easily.

Imran Khan's statement should be seen in the context of FATF where India can exploit any emotional move by anyone from Pakistan crossing into IOK. Second things which should be considered is that, Jihad or any such activity should be state sanctioned not done by anyone on their own whims.

This is should be kept in mind that Pakistan is using diplomatic means to solve this problem with all other options available on table. Before you go on to declare him traitor or friend of India, please remember that DG ISPR said that "If all other options are failed, war becomes an option not by choice but by compulsion".

So my dear countrymen, have patience for it is rewarding and need of the hour.
there's problem with patwaries I.e Nawaz and self-interest first Pakistan second the reality on ground is that India cannot handle the unviable situation in iok they want to skirt a human rights catastrophe with terrorism that's what we are never going to let them do we are not going to provide a bade excuse to them this is not imran khan's strategy but our army's too so .

Everyone who doesn't agree with your leader is a member of opponent party. @$$h0l1c logic.

When bharti terrorists supported mutki bahni, were bhartis shivering from such noon existent labels? This proves Pakistanis care more about some foreign labels instead of doing it right for the country. It is govt job to recruit civilians willing to fight along with Kashmiris. How long will IK keep shivering and scaring Pakistanis. Seems like he is working just for his novel peace award.
Stop being idol worshippers. You people are hypocrites. You will argue blame Arabs all day long for not supporting Palestinians against Israel, yet when it comes to your doorstep you won't walk the walk. If this had been Nawaz Sharif doing this, this forum would be full of Youthias calling him a traitor and questioning his business links. Because it's pop idol Imran Khan - everything is kosher.

Look next door at Iran, they have supported proxy wars in Yemen and Syria against US interests. What harm has come to them? The Taliban have fought a war against the US, eventually they emerged victorious. IK is bending over for India.

And you lost all credibility in my eyes by going sectarian and proved for once and all you're an idiot who is also an emotionally immature little brat that knows nothing about the stuff he is typing, hence a keyboard warrior. Continue with your nonsense ranting, that is all after all you and your ilk can do.
Imran Khan awaits UN intervention and believes that the world will do something about it .... :lol:
Everyone who doesn't agree with your leader is a member of opponent party. @$$h0l1c logic.

When bharti terrorists supported mutki bahni, were bhartis shivering from such noon existent labels? This proves Pakistanis care more about some foreign labels instead of doing it right for the country. It is govt job to recruit civilians willing to fight along with Kashmiris. How long will IK keep shivering and scaring Pakistanis. Seems like he is working just for his novel peace award.
Seriously is it Imran Khan
Here it is from another source.


Coward. Wait in the coming days, you'll see AJK police and Pakistan army firing on Pakistani's and Kashmiri's in defence of India.

he is already famous for U turn

problem with IK is , this dumb idiot sees everything from his own eyes. he believes world leaders said something about kashmir will win the cause. he is idiot

What you are failing to understand is that IK is a very shrewd politician.

No one in this world claims that they are supporting terrorists.

Countries always say one thing and do another.

You should not go by his words but his actions.
This is a well-thought comment by IK. India is going to fabricate an incident within India blaming it on Pakistan. IK has deprived India an opportunity to blame it on Pakistan as it believes no civilian should cross the border.

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