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Featured Going Beyond The Call of Duty - FC Soldiers help ANA soldier


Dec 5, 2006
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Last couple of days have been heavy for troops deployed along our western borders. We lost good men in Bajaur and South Waziristan. In the midst of this grief Frontier Corps KP (North) troops in Bajaur received a distress call from an Afghan Army post. One of their soldiers was severely ill with a dropping body fluid level.

FC troops at the post rose above and beyond the call of duty and rush ahead in the dark of night to receive the patient. Wings doctors also moved to the location of the ANA soldier. His condition was assessed and he was administered requisite treatment. After stablising he was assessed fit to return to his country. FC troops in the highest tradition of scouts saw him off and got back to their routine of watching the other side.


After returning back he shouted: daal khor army murdabad.

jokes aside, that was indeed a good decision on humanitarian basis but not a smart one as this call could very well be a booby trap with IEDs on the spot to target the incoming rescue party but who am i to object, number one army should know better. :/
Last couple of days have been heavy for troops deployed along our western borders. We lost good men in Bajaur and South Waziristan. In the midst of this grief Frontier Corps KP (North) troops in Bajaur received a distress call from an Afghan Army post. One of their soldiers was severely ill with a dropping body fluid level.

FC troops at the post rose above and beyond the call of duty and rush ahead in the dark of night to receive the patient. Wings doctors also moved to the location of the ANA soldier. His condition was assessed and he was administered requisite treatment. After stablising he was assessed fit to return to his country. FC troops in the highest tradition of scouts saw him off and got back to their routine of watching the other side.

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Very balanced approach.
Last couple of days have been heavy for troops deployed along our western borders. We lost good men in Bajaur and South Waziristan. In the midst of this grief Frontier Corps KP (North) troops in Bajaur received a distress call from an Afghan Army post. One of their soldiers was severely ill with a dropping body fluid level.

FC troops at the post rose above and beyond the call of duty and rush ahead in the dark of night to receive the patient. Wings doctors also moved to the location of the ANA soldier. His condition was assessed and he was administered requisite treatment. After stablising he was assessed fit to return to his country. FC troops in the highest tradition of scouts saw him off and got back to their routine of watching the other side.

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I bet you my life's savings (its enough to make you happy) lol maybe not enough to retire on :rofl:,
he will go back and start swearing and bad mouthing Pakistan and our armed forces, these people are and always will be ungrateful.

India actively supported the Soviet Union whilst 1 million Afghans were being killed and murdered. We gave them our homes and still do to millions of them, and yet we are bad and everyone else is good in their books.
They are an ungrateful nation. I love them because they are my brothers, but I am within my rights to hate an ungrateful brother.
We should be very careful with these things, can't trust Afghans. This could have easily turned into a bloody massacre.
Last couple of days have been heavy for troops deployed along our western borders. We lost good men in Bajaur and South Waziristan. In the midst of this grief Frontier Corps KP (North) troops in Bajaur received a distress call from an Afghan Army post. One of their soldiers was severely ill with a dropping body fluid level.

FC troops at the post rose above and beyond the call of duty and rush ahead in the dark of night to receive the patient. Wings doctors also moved to the location of the ANA soldier. His condition was assessed and he was administered requisite treatment. After stablising he was assessed fit to return to his country. FC troops in the highest tradition of scouts saw him off and got back to their routine of watching the other side.

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And What if this would have been a trap? I Remember Indians did something similar. Called us for flag meeting and later killed our jawan. If this would have been repeated, we would have lost another Son of soil. Shouldnt their be some sort of SOPs in place for a situation like this? Besides since when did we started caring f0r what happens to these ANA Scums.
The Soldier should not have risked his life for ANA loser.
And What if this would have been a trap? I Remember Indians did something similar. Called us for flag meeting and later killed our jawan. If this would have been repeated, we would have lost another Son of soil. Shouldnt their be some sort of SOPs in place for a situation like this? Besides since when did we started caring f0r what happens to these ANA Scums.
The Soldier should not have risked his life for ANA loser.
No need to worry dear. All necessary precautions and safeguards were taken before going for ask this.

SOPs are already in place which were followed.

Humanity has no religion or country. This is what we proved from this event.
Our religion, customs & professionalism taught us to help those in need regardless of friend or foe. Despite the misdeeds & ills by ANA, Pakistan Armed Forces keep up the tradition high. As long as we don't forget these teachings, we will not just win over the enemy with weapons but hearts as well. Well done brothers ... well done for making us proud.
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