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Global Times: China ramps up J-20 stealth fighter production after domestic engine switch

Isn't this will make it as J-20C :P also the ramps up and the possibility of acquiring J-20 as mentioned by interior minister of Pakistan Sheikh Rasheed will surely wet the pants of Indians?
It was just an interior minister's innocent claim.
J-31 is on the table, for many reasons that J-20 is not suitable for export, not because it is the most advanced (which is not) and we want to keep it "secret"``

Life of engine also matters. Western engines typically have operational life of 6000-10000 hours. Russian on the other hand 2500-3500 hours. What about Chinese engines in current times ?
early WS-10s, those on J-11B have lesser life-spam than Russia's, but the new ones on J-10C, J-16 and J-20 are doing much better now, but still not on pair to America's.
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Chinese journalist that is laugh by you guys for quite long by saying J 20 hasnt used indigenous engine
I never heard of him, in China those who lives on writing military journals you can read it for fun, and those who know stuff they don't write..... You can say it information control or something else, but this is how it works in China.

as regarding to J20's engine, its early batches use Russian engines, and new batches switched to domestic ones, and the process started few years ago, lets leave it like that.
the sudden speed-up production wasn't solely due to the maturity of domestic engine as many others believe.
there were hundreds of other issues which were more crucial to J-20 production and its delivered quality.

I will make two examples (not facts, please don't think too much into it:disagree:):

1: The radar's backend filtering signal chip's effectiveness was around 55%, and they improved it to finally achieve 85%``````but then the chip's production defective rate rose to 75%, which pushed up cost and delayed shipment dramatically. Then engineers and supplier representatives gathered around to iron it out, and took a year to finally do so.

2: A part of the optic sensor was imported from the West, and due to the embargo, the line had cut. So they had to start to look for domestic suppliers. But there was no such supplier. They had to choose few contenders to R&D this part, and again, few years later, the domestic part had finally met the requirement of the army```;)
I listed 2, but there were hundreds of them :cry:
Finally, it's WS-15 time, what will be the next after WS-15?

But any hint, WHEN this will happen ... and even more I'm still confused on who's the "maker" of the WS-15: some say it is developed by the Shenyang Aeroengine Research Institute and manufactured by the Xi'an Aero-Engine Corporation and others say it is built at Shenyang Liming. :fie:
J-20 domestic engine's chief designer talking about how the engine was successfully manufactured , tested and integrated into J-20. Scientists and engineers of the Chinese engine design and manufacturing team are incredibly young, most are in their 20's and 30's.

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