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Global public opinion survey center survey: China's great power mentality i


May 23, 2011
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Global public opinion survey center survey: China's great power mentality is maturing
According to the September 7 issue of "Global Times" reported that China enter the nations of the world, is increasingly recognized as a national phenomenon. Recent years suffered humiliation and backwardness in just 30 years, the rapid rise of China, the national mentality with the economic take-off occurred in healthy and positive changes and adjustments? "Global Times' global public opinion survey center on August 17 to 29 in the country nine representative cities in the survey. Survey, nearly eight percent of respondents faced with foreign scholars who praise on China's attitude of calm or alert; nearly half of respondents agree with the strengthening of national image advertising to respond to the West "Bangsha" China; Sichengyishang respondents believed that China's social development and transformation in the majority of problems can be resolved.

State Council Development Research Center, Ding Yifan 6, "Global Times" reporter said that this shows that China's great power mentality in the mature, the foreign media "Bangsha" and "offering to kill," the Chinese people can keep more rational, sober and realistic attitude.

Beijing University history professor once the money by 6, "Global Times" reporter, said that from the above survey results, nearly eight percent of respondents remain calm and rational attitude of optimism than expected, with such a "do not mind fever "attitude in order to cope with the world has witnessed a variety of emergencies. (Reporter Wang Drainage)
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