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Global player India has every right to ties with Kabul: US

Also, if the powerholders in Afghanistan want a relationship with India, then Pakistan has no right to interfere in that.

And if the powerholders in Afghanistan want a relationship with Pakistan , then India has no right to interfere in that.

The whole chess game is about installing the right powerholders.

That's what the proxy war between Northern Alliance and Taliban was all about after the Soviet withdrawal.

we want a state not hostile to India

That doesn't make sense geographically. If the state right next to you is hostile, why does it matter if the one behind it is hostile or not? It makes a lot more sense for India to encircle the hostile neighbor by bringing the third country in your sphere of influence. By making Afghanistan hostile to Pakistan, India forces Pakistan to split its attention on opposite fronts.

Also, you guys will disagree, but we believe it lets India do its funny business in our western provinces -- something we believe it has been doing anyway with NATO's blessings.
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That doesn't make sense geographically. If the state right next to you is hostile, why does it matter if the one behind it is hostile or not? It makes a lot more sense for India to encircle the hostile neighbor by bringing the third country in your sphere of influence. By making Afghanistan hostile to Pakistan, India forces Pakistan to split its attention on opposite fronts.

Also, you guys will disagree, but we believe it lets India do its funny business in our western provinces -- something we believe it has been doing anyway with NATO's blessings.

ok it makes all the sense geographically...
for things like vouching for a per seat in unsc...international disputes...trading and commerce benefits...a friendly country is always welcomed...
having said that...it was in afghanistan that the whole ic-814 drama unfolded..the then taliban govt...disallowed indian commando operations...the least we can expect is not a repeat of that...mismanagement of the crisis...
Even Somalia has the right to have ties with Kabul. So who is stopping bharat from having ties with Kabul :P

Kabul means... undemocratic govt. of northern alliance drug lords.
Even Somalia has the right to have ties with Kabul. So who is stopping bharat from having ties with Kabul :P


But Somalia did not spend more than $ 1 billion in developmental projects in Afghanistan.

Come to think of it neither did Pakistan!!!! :bunny:
Even Somalia has the right to have ties with Kabul. So who is stopping bharat from having ties with Kabul :P


Definitely NOT Pakistan....or to put it more bluntly you CANT!

The max Pakistan can do is to appeal to the foreign powers that control Afg to minimize our presence there....in vain so far..
Definitely NOT Pakistan....or to put it more bluntly you CANT!

The max Pakistan can do is to appeal to the foreign powers that control Afg to minimize our presence there....in vain so far..

what you smoking ?? vegetarian weed ?

try stepping in, and see what happens ...

In spite of several requests from NATO / US, Indian government has failed to land a couple thousand troops there ... why is that you think ?
what you smoking ?? vegetarian weed ?

try stepping in, and see what happens ...

In spite of several requests from NATO / US, Indian government has failed to land a couple thousand troops there ... why is that you think ?

Vegetarian weed?
what you smoking ?? vegetarian weed ?

LOL Funny!

Have you ever heard the term "Bandar kya Jaane Adrak ka swad"?

try stepping in, and see what happens ...

Hold on...I thought it was getting us out that was the problem!

In spite of several requests from NATO / US, Indian government has failed to land a couple thousand troops there ... why is that you think ?

Because we have no need to maintain a military presence there.....our interest lies in building strong bonds with the Afghans through soft power....

Why? what new conspiracy theory have you dreamed up recently? Please share
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What you people think, for how many months any installed puppets/set up will last in Afghanistan after USA/NATO pack bags and head home?
What will be the status of indian influance or soft power then?
What you people think, for how many months any installed puppets/set up will last in Afghanistan after USA/NATO pack bags and head home?
What will be the status of indian influance or soft power then?

Big assumption that USA will pack their bags and just leave a strategic piece of land that they have spent billions on and from where they can check their two potential threats....China and Afghanistan....

High hopes is all I can say.....
many ifs and buts; hopefully sanity will prevail

by the way, where can one find steak weed?
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