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Glimpse at Indian 65 propaganda paper

LOL. It is called "cease-fire" line for a reason - you cease to fire across it. Technically, the North and South Koreans are still at war but you think if North Korea violates the cease-fire line, South Korea is not entitled to respond wherever it wishes? You do realize the North Koreans come across more sensible and restrained than Pakistan and that is quite something.

It is called ceasefire line for only one purpose. That it is not an international border.

Both India and Pakistan have violated it many times in different manners. So again it is India who started 65 war by crossing IB.
Google ... I think the paper name is Pratap in Urdu, it still comes out daily. We have nothing like this on our end.
We we were not the ones who started the aggression, it was you first by not agreeing with the promises you made for holding the peblicite to both Pakistan and the native Kashmiris and then subsequently invading, murdering and capturing the natives of IOK with arms just because you wanted more land.

You remember what was first condition to be fulfilled for holding pleblicite , Then tell me who has not agreed to promises

hat you are referring to as "pakistan started aggression on kashmir" was actually an Operation, not a full fledged war. Secondly, War is conducted by crossing an international border. LOC is not an international border.
Pakistan crossed LOC at Chamb for Operation Grand Slam, India crossed international border at Lahore for war.

Thirdly, Pakistan started operation in disputed territory. India attacked a city of Pakistan, not any disputed territory.

So if tomorrow India attacks Pakistan occupied Kashmir its not war ?
You remember what was first condition to be fulfilled for holding pleblicite , Then tell me who has not agreed to promises

So if tomorrow India attacks Pakistan occupied Kashmir its not war ?

Of course it is not - what's more if you cross LoC and then enter Lahore without violating the international border, you have still not broken declared war because according to Pakistani logic only if you cross the International Border that it is a declaration of war. :omghaha:
We've seen them and fought them, and have seen what bunch of sissies they are. This is very much expected from them.
So if tomorrow India attacks Pakistan occupied Kashmir its not war ?

Get knowledge about legality of disputed territory, line of control, cease fire line and international border.

Please dont me quote me any further
65 war in short.

Objective : Start war against India and Capture Kashmir.
Result : Pakistan defended itself.
Winner : Pakistan, because India could not capture Pakistan.

Mind = Blown....

Anywhere in the world, chasing back a country 10x your size is considered a victory. This is why many western newspapers during this time would feature headlines that read " India forced to retreat" "Pakistan pushes back Indian units" " "Pakistani victory" "India admits retreat" and were common occurrence. Any 12 year old knows what retreat means in military sense.

Indians really have a tall order trying to rewrite history. This is why the revisionism is such an embarrassment for them as we saw in the other thread where the IAF is painting its own planes in Pakistani colors and declaring victory over Pakistan. Desperation is such a devastating predicament. This is my two cent as a neutral.

Propaganda is embedded in Indian psyche and the slavish Indian media dutifully feeds the Indian's habit.
Be it 1965 or 1971 air kills, Kargil claims , Pigeon circus or the Fishing boat drama, when it comes to 'Fake 'n Staged'' the Indians leave no runners up. However since we are discussing 1965, here's prime example of Indian Propaganda Ingenuity.


Can you create a thread about this topic and other instances where the Indians blatantly lied about the war? Thanks.
Anywhere in the world, chasing back a country 10x your size is considered a victory. This is why many western newspapers during this time would feature headlines that read " India forced to retreat" "Pakistan pushes back Indian units" " "Pakistani victory" "India admits retreat" and were common occurrence. Any 12 year old knows what retreat means in military sense.

Indians really have a tall order trying to rewrite history. This is why the revisionism is such an embarrassment for them as we saw in the other thread where the IAF is painting its own planes in Pakistani colors and declaring victory over Pakistan. Desperation is such a devastating predicament. This is my two cent as a neutral.

Can you create a thread about this topic and other instances where the Indians blatantly lied about the war? Thanks.
Haha!! another pakistani trying to claim Neutral... Guess what hide your post activity next time, it reveals much about the person. Better luck next time... :lol:
Haha!! another pakistani trying to claim Neutral... Guess what hide your post activity next time, it reveals much about the person. Better luck next time... :lol:

No need to hide my posts. I am not a Pakistani. 100% neutral. Sorry to hear that you are the first casualty of my neutrality
Guess what! Pakistan wanted to capture Kashmir but instead of defending Kashmir, India started a full scale war on all fronts like a "Phappai Kutni" and ended up requesting for cease fire on the doors of UNO.
Sure sure An american who only likes and posts about pakistan.:lol: Yes yes believe you mate
Pakistanis have a habit of not disclosing thier country of origin.. I can understand this though. :D

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