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Gilles Jacquier victim of Syrian rebels

Syrian Lion

Feb 6, 2012
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Syrian Arab Republic
Syrian Arab Republic
INFO LE FIGARO - The French reporter, killed in January by the explosion of a shell in Homs, would have been the victim of a blunder by rebel forces.


Gilles Jacquier is dead of a shelling launched by rebels of Homs, which targeted a pro-regime Alawite neighborhood where was the journalist of France 2, January 11. "The ballistic analysis and information gathered on site by our sources just after the incident indicate that jackfruit was killed by shell fire from 81 mm mortar came from a Sunni rebel neighborhood, told the BBC a source close to the file to the Ministry of Defence in Paris. Analyzes show quite accurately the source of the shot. "" All specialized services (DGSE and DCRI particular, Ed) are in agreement on this conclusion, "says this source.

The France 2 reporter was hit by shrapnel as he left the staircase of a building , where he was with other French and Swiss journalists who obtained a visa through sister Mary Agnes, a nun close to the regime, based near Homs.

These findings confirm the information published by Le Figaro, one week after the accident , on the basis of a declaration of an official of an association of human rights in Homs - "we made ​​a big mistake" - reinforced by the details of a senior official of the Arab League, which had at that time observers on site in Homs. Soon after, their mission statement validated the thesis of the burr made ​​by opponents of Bashar Assad.

"The mission reports indicate that the French journalist was killed after a mortar attack by the opposition," emphasized in paragraph 44 of document. Important note: the text cites "reports". Indeed, another more detailed text, written by Arab observers in Homs, are at League headquarters in Cairo. But it was never released. "I asked the assistant secretary general, Nabil el-Arabi, why the league had not published the second report, said an official of the Syrian opposition. I was told that the French and Qatar, who led at the time the ministerial committee of the League, asked us not to publish anything, because it is a matter now in the hands of French justice. Each other and support the Syrian Army free, they have no interest, according to the opponent, that the dissidents were convicted of the murder of a journalist. "

Hungry for justice
February 1, at UN headquarters in New York, Foreign Minister Alain Juppe argued that "the Arab League had not endorsed the thesis" of the rebel fire, while recalling the wish of France to see "all light" shed on the disappearance. The day after the death of Jacquier, while admitting it has no proof, the Elysee favored a murder committed by the regime to deter journalists to investigate the revolt against al-Assad.

Very quickly, however, the judicial inquiry opened by the Paris prosecutor's office has moved toward the thesis of the burr. "Clearly this is not a shot directed, not with a mortar shell that can target someone," says a legal source close to the investigation. Given the limited means at its disposal, the French justice can hardly be clearer.

Unlike intelligence officers, she could not send any investigator on site. And, more than six months after the fact, it has not yet had access to intelligence scores. Some journalists accompanying Jacquier have long maintained that he was intentionally targeted by the Syrian army. Requested, the widow of Gilles Jacquier declined to respond.

Translated using google chrome: Le Figaro - International : Jacquier*: l'enquête française pointe les rebelles syriens

Translated by Google Chrome: Gilles Jacquier victime d'un tir de l'opposition syrienne - leJDD.fr

Jacquier is not the only victim of those terrorists, many Syrians were the victims of those terrorists, and the government were blamed for their death just like Jacquier death.
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