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Gilani wants N-tech to match India


Jul 30, 2011
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ISLAMABAD: Pakistan PM Yousaf Raza Gilani on Sunday said that his country needs civil nuclear technology to meet its energy requirements besides maintaining balance with India in the region.

"Pakistan needs civil nuclear technology and wants to obtain it. The technology is important for Pakistan to maintain balance with India and to promote regional stability," Gilani said before departing for Seoul to attend a 53-nation nuclear security summit. "If we don't have balance with India, there will be lack of stability in the area.''

A Pakistani parliamentary committee on national security report had made a similar demand recently. "The US-Indo civil nuclear agreement has altered the security balance in the region. Therefore, Pakistan should seek similar treatment." Gilani said he would meet US president Barack Obama and discuss the Afghan situation with him at the summit. Foreign minister Hina Rabbani Khar and Pakistan's ambassador to US Sherry Rehman are accompanying Gilani.

Gilani wants N-tech to match India - The Times of India

Lack of stability in the area if India gets civil nuclear technology:lol:

And talk about stability, they should be wondering about other stability before going for nuclear deals.
What is Pakistan bent upon making a fool of themselves in front of the whole world and becoming a laughing stock?
They tried to block the Indo-US nuclear deal and the NSG approval before and failed miserably. But, still they have not learnt their lesson.
Why does Pakistan always look upto match India ?

Can't it do something for its own ?

Anyway as they say, imitation is the best form of flattery...:tup:
HAHA since the onset OF India pretty much dominating over Pakistan....has anyone seen a more stable era? America had to jump in but anyways..

We were similar to pakistan not too very long ago....and those were the worst of times.
At least now when some of Pakistan have come out of there Islamic stupor ...they go about trying to achieve some kind of Balance?
Wont happen if India can do anything about it.
i think the deal is already done.....as the americans getting desperate............our govrnment need some drastic measures to make heppy the public.
HAHA since the onset OF India pretty much dominating over Pakistan....has anyone seen a more stable era? America had to jump in but anyways..

We were similar to pakistan not too very long ago....and those were the worst of times.
At least now when some of Pakistan have come out of there Islamic stupor ...they go about trying to achieve some kind of Balance?
Wont happen if India can do anything about it.

That's true. For most of their history since the creation of Pakistan, they have had a superiority complex about themselves with regards to India. The basic foundation of the two nation theory was based on racist superiority complex and less to do with religion. This got proved in 1971 by the separation of East Pakistan. Now suddenly the superiority complex is turning into an inferiority complex when they see that India is moved way ahead of them in the international perception. There is no longer the hyphenated relationship where everything was looked from equal=equal levels. The world is seeing that India is moving forward and Pakistan is moving backwards. This is not easily digestible for the Pakistani elites.
Well as Bush had said Pakistan is not india... We have a large population to provide electricity, stable nuclear programmes, most importantly safe nuclear industry !!!
Pakistan's chances of getting a civilian nuclear deal similar to that of India's are slim to none in the present climate.
Is Pakistani elections near? or US desperately wants the supply route open?

Nuke deal for supply route?
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