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Ghani seeking trade concession for India

The Wakkan corridor is under Taliban control. No matter what the Afghan government does, it cannot stop our trade with CAS. As for the Taliban, a small bit of easy paisa is all they need for us to trade with the CAS. Most of the food and other goods come from pakistan through the khyber pass. If they close us down by any chance, we'll starve em out
If that is the cSe why Re Pakistani trucks standing at Afghanistan border?
You guys can pay chilla to Taliban and drive your. Trucks through..... I like the narrative that Pakistani establishment has built.... We are the Center of the universe... "Nothing moves till the time we want to"....
The Wakkan corridor is under Taliban control. No matter what the Afghan government does, it cannot stop our trade with CAS. As for the Taliban, a small bit of easy paisa is all they need for us to trade with the CAS. Most of the food and other goods come from pakistan through the khyber pass. If they close us down by any chance, we'll starve em out

People who can be brought for few rupees, whats the gurantee that they will not destroy them for few extra cents
If that is the cSe why Re Pakistani trucks standing at Afghanistan border?
You guys can pay chilla to Taliban and drive your. Trucks through..... I like the narrative that Pakistani establishment has built.... We are the Center of the universe... "Nothing moves till the time we want to"....

Their misfortune, their loss. "I like the narrative that Pakistani establishment has built.... We are the Center of the universe..." Was it us who initiated the utterly foolish philosophy of "Akhand Bharat"? You people already consider yourself a superpower. And yes, we are the center of the universe. You can't reach Afghanistan because of us, nor can they reach you. We are yours and theirs gateway.

People who can be brought for few rupees, whats the gurantee that they will not destroy them for few extra cents

They are mercenaries friend. They fight for the group which pays them more. ISIS is a perfect example. Sometimes nations need to do "dirty politics" to secure their national interests. It wasn't us who invented this quote: "There are not permanent friends. There are no permanent enemies. National interest is Supreme" (Somewhere along those lines)

People who can be brought for few rupees, whats the gurantee that they will not destroy them for few extra cents

Besides. A few cents won't change their mind. We don't really need to pay them at all. The afghan pak situation can be handled through diplomacy. A few concessions here or there and we are back to business
why he is begging again? What happen to Chabahar? Instead of begging Pakistan Ghani should ask bhartis to not work on chabahar with teja speed, oh i forget you cant ask your masters..

Anyways his threats to Pakistan are empty, Pakistan does not rely on Afghanistan for central asian trade, Pakistan have China and Iran for central asian trade route..

And from where bhartis speaking about our central asia bound truks standing on afghan border.. No such news on media..
Brain , constipation happening in Afgan unclaimed territory , let indian spies run smuggling ops
They are mercenaries friend. They fight for the group which pays them more. ISIS is a perfect example. Sometimes nations need to do "dirty politics" to secure their national interests. It wasn't us who invented this quote: "There are not permanent friends. There are no permanent enemies. National interest is Supreme" (Somewhere along those lines)

Besides. A few cents won't change their mind. We don't really need to pay them at all. The afghan pak situation can be handled through diplomacy. A few concessions here or there and we are back to business

Mercenries and diplomacy never goes hand in hand, good luck dealing with them
Our Indian state terrorist panel are very confused.
Guys you have chahbahar so chill. We are not interested.
Looks like after US left India Afg, India has played the game well. Keep up the good game. India has started securing it's interest in Afghanistan. Maverick game by RAW!!
You can believe whatever you want....the fact is Pakistani trucks in route to central Asia have been standing at Afghanistan's border... They depend on you as much as you depend on them...that's how trade works
... They can very well survive as China has already got a train connecting Afghanistan...and Iran Afghanistan track reached Afghanistan border last month.... but your establishment does not tell you that ...right...

Our trade with the Central Asian stans is negligble at the moment. Afghanistan is the only country where some kind of significant trade happens (which is why trucks were standing at the border during closure). If we want we can get access to Central Asia through China.


But as said there is little incentive to do this at the moment as our trade with the Central Asian stans is not significant enough at the moment. Our largest trading partners are China, US and the gulf states. Afghanistan cannot impact us in any way as far as trading with these countries is concerned. The ball is therefore in Kabul's court which is trying to make India its largest trading partner. If they want to do that then they cant expect our corporation, till they stop supporting terrorist movements inside our border*. Sure if they decide to recognize the internationally recognized border, stop supporting terrorist movements and stop issuing statements against Pakistan at every given opportunity, then things can change, but as it stands there is absolutely no reason why Pakistan should be sympathetic to their plight. Build chabahar and use that route for trade with India. We have no problem with that.

*https://www.google.se/?ion=1&espv=2#q=brahamdagh bugti terrorist karzai
It's called give and take... You allow their trade...they will allow yours... Simple

There goes Pakistani talk of we are the gateway to central Asia... Out of the window.... You depend on Afghanistan and Iran to reach central Asia.... Just like I did depends on you to reach Afghanistan....

Let us worry about our dream, our plans or our talk. Don't you lose sleep over that.

You ain't getting any land route to Afghanistan. Period.

Go use Chabahar and stop bugging us.
10% of our exports in 2014 went to Afghanistan.

For every dollars worth of goods Afghans export to us, we export $7 back.

It's an important market.

The whole idea of CPEC is a trade corridor, trade will grow our economy and allow us to raise our skills and education.

Trade should be like sports, keep politics out of it ,as China and India do
It's called give and take... You allow their trade...they will allow yours... Simple

There is no trade with Central Asia through Afghanistan. The trucks waiting at Chaman and Torkham are carrying every thing Afghan and NATO needs to survive including fuel. Let the trucks wait. The biggest hinderance to settlement of Afghanistan is India and its Afghan proxies.
plz pakistan learn to be cruel to be kind, this time ummah should look after its own interest . cut them out, dont let thier atitude grow.
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