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Germans Cringe at Hitler's Popularity in Pakistan

yes...some guys in india admire him too.....say that he was a great military general...

He had nothing to do with the military victories, in fact it was his luck that he had great Military geniuses around him, and a stupid Stalin and weak govs on the other side. But he was extremely stupid and stubborn that his ego was the sole reason for the downfall of the German military.
Listen bro, lets not derail the topic. I don't want to argue on these points, because i doubt if the sources where you have been getting the information is credible or not. There is no genocide in Kashmir!! Do you know what a genocide is?
Though i agree that it is under occupation against the wishes of the Kashmiris, so there have been issues of human right violations, which in my personal opinion is shameful.
But the figures you quote, or mention genocide is pretty laughable.
Anyways, i do not want to discuss Kashmir here, so if you think i lost the argument , then yes i did.
KeenGuy? I really don't have time to argue with you I've referred quiet a few people to google and find the facts stop watching CNN/BBC/FOX/SKY/NAT GEO/DISCOVERY..you will be shocked to read what british had done in africa as well as frenchmen..more christians died than jews in WWII facts straight up..perhaps you should think about changing your flag.

well next time don't apply for Hajj if you do u'll be kissing arab *****..
Ok let me ask a question from keenguy do you agree holocaust of muslims took place during crusades?

I'm glad you got your university degree from google. Now you can educate the world with you vast dept of knowledge.

I don't kiss anybody ***. See unlike some people I don't follow Arab mentality and their political movements.

When I apply for Hajj I gurantee you I won't be kissing anybody ***.

I agree with persecution of muslims during the Crusades took place
I agree with persecution of muslims in Bulgaria took place
I agree with persecution of muslims in Bosnia took place
I agree with persecution of muslims in Kashmir is currently taking place

What is your point?
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Listen bro, lets not derail the topic. I don't want to argue on these point, because i doubt if the sources where you have been getting the information is credible or not. There is no genocide in Kashmir!! Do you know what a genocide is?
Though i agree that it is under occupation against the wishes of the Kashmiris, so there have been issues of human right violations, which in my personal opinion is shameful.
But the figures you quote, or mention genocide is pretty laughable.
Anyways, i do not want to discuss Kashmir here, so if you think i lost the argument , then yes i did.

I am not going to point on any thing one the above quote but one thing, and it is just a question! don't take it personally.

Who decides what genocide is, what are the rules and what figure of deaths or otherwise will decide that if it is even a genocide. Like there is the case of the Jews that every one gets hung up on, then allot of us don't even know the fact that more Muslims who happen to be Turks as well we killed after the break up of the Ottoman empire, in the areas of Macedonia, Greece, Bulgaria and so on. And why cant the Russians be blamed for the genocide of Muslims in the central Asian republics, in present day Ukraine and so on.
The hypocrisy in the opinions of most of the admirers is visible when they claim their love for Adolf for he in their opinion was a Jew annihilator but the next second these very people deny the existence of the Holocaust in entirety, not in magnitude.

For me it has nothing to do with his killing of Jews or no Jews. But he was a good commander thats what i like about him.

On another side Americans are no better than nazis what they have been doing to human beings in the name of just or unjust wars though most of their wars were never been just.

And most of the people who hate Hitler failed to condemen the Isrealies for killings of inncoent people.

All in all it again depends on your own interests whom you condemn or not
brownguy..wasn't derailing i just gave you a historical facts and figures..believe what you want those graves testifies they were massacred..

keenguy..Yes google is easy to search with research papers documents more reliable history on the net easily available that is why Internet is all about shared mass information and knowledge..because of the internet you're here today..spend some money buy greats books on amazon and else where or just surf up google books..and yes my knowledge is enough but not enough i have thirst for more knowledge.

keenguy mass murder of Muslims for you is just Muslim persecution and the no historical facts on jews deaths for you is holocaust? what is your actual stance?
For me it has nothing to do with his killing of Jews or no Jews. But he was a good commander thats what i like about him.

On another side Americans are no better than nazis what they have been doing to human beings in the name of just or unjust wars though most of their wars were never been just.

And most of the people who hate Hitler failed to condemen the Isrealies for killings of inncoent people.

All in all it again depends on your own interests whom you condemn or not

I don't understand why Pakistanis are so against U.S.A.

U.S.A. gives us weapons and money. $1.5 billion U.S. dollars per year. U.S.A. wants to see Pakistan live and prosper. Yet we follow Arab mentality and cry foul.

Arabs don't care about us. If India goes to war with Pakistan tomorrow not one Arab nation will send troops to defend us. Not one will give us support.

Ironically the only country that will give us support is U.S.A. Pakistan is a Major non-NATO ally. No other nation can touch us with out answering to U.S.A. We won't get military personnel support but we will get material support.

This is why we can't progress as a nation. There is too much stupidity in this country.
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Pakistanis are so misguided and so entrenched in their beliefs change is no change in sight. A theif who stole 1 billion from our government and spent 8 years in jail is our President. His wife who was apart of this came back from exile and everybody started to follow her and love her.

Everybody forgave them for taking the money from our children and using it for their own personal gain because they put a smile in your faces and told you what you wanted to hear.

Look at how we are now. Our government is so corrupt and doesn't care about us, crime is on the rise again. Our rupee is almost worthless now. We are going down the toilet. How much longer are we going to be like this? When are people going to open their eyes and see the error in their ways?
KeenGuy..and We Pakistan pay for the Weapons we buy from us..no us will not give you support when it comes to Kashmir, will not listen to you when it comes to Drone attacks, will not sell you crucial technologies but to your opposition so on and so fourth..

apologies members..keenguy come back to the topic of this thread..
KeenGuy..and We Pakistan pay for the Weapons we buy from us..no us will not give you support when it comes to Kashmir, will not listen to you when it comes to Drone attacks, will not sell you crucial technologies but to your opposition so on and so fourth..

And the sanctions they impose on us every now and then when every they have used us and dont need us for the time being. So we Pakistanis are more delusional in trusting the great USA of its double role.
Hitler's name is used for EG :
jan ko hitler hona .. or ... a strict teacher is called " Sala hitler hai " meaning some one tough not easy to deal with
KeenGuy..and We Pakistan pay for the Weapons we buy from us..no us will not give you support when it comes to Kashmir, will not listen to you when it comes to Drone attacks, will not sell you crucial technologies but to your opposition so on and so fourth..

apologies members..keenguy come back to the topic of this thread.

I don't have any respect for you to argue with you. You can go run and spread your wealth of knowledge with your "google education" and your conspiracy theories.
Pakistanis suck up to Middle Easterners

Given the situation of middle class Pakistanis in Arab countries where they are often underpaid, not even paid for months, abused, subject to false accusations and racism this important question arises once again: Why are Pakistanis so vigorously pro-Arab and pro-Middle Eastern?

The answer lies in a discomforting fact: Religion. Few are willing to face this fact. Because the last Prophet in Islam happened to be an Arab, many Pan-Islamist Pakistanis, particularly Wahhabbists simply worship Arabs.
This goes against Islamic teachings which openly stress Arabs and non-Arabs are equal in the eyes of the creator.

A fact to note is that in modern politics, Arabs identify themselves as Arabs, Turks as Turks, Persians as Persians (I'm not counting Iran's non-Persian populations as I am not certain on their political viewpoints). It's only the Pan-Islamist Pakistanis who see themselves as Muslims and identify themselves only as such.

These ignorant Pakistanis don't see the outright racism of Arabs against their people, nor do they realize Arabs would never want to include themselves with Pakistanis in their political movements.

You can often spot Pakistanis in pro-Palestinian demonstrations weather in Arab or western countries. At times you can see many of them, they're not difficult to spot at a pro-Arab demo.
But never have I seen or heard of Arabs or any other Middle Eastern national at pro-Kashmiri/Pakistani demonstrations.

While Pakistani pilots volunteered and risked their lives in Arab-Israeli wars, no Arab pilot was given permission by his government to engage in direct combat against Indian pilots in Indo-Pakistani wars.

It just doesn't end there with the Arabs. During the Iran-Iraq war right after the Shia Islamist regime in Iran took over, a lot of Arab and western countries supported Iraq (Syria sided with Iran I believe), while North Korea and Pakistan were the only known countries to lend military support to Iran.

Yet today many ignorant Iranians, especially Shia hardliners ignore this fact and falsely boast that Iran "fought alone" in the war without outside support.
Pakistani scientists Abdul Quadeer Khan even risked his life by sharing nuclear technology with Iran, another fact ignored by many Iranians.
Instead, Iran maintains excellent relations with India, sponsors protests against the treatment of Shias in Pakistan, when they have never protested against the oppression of their fellow Kashmiri Muslims by India or when Iran is known for it's discriminatory treatment of it's Sunni population. Iran has even lend India airbases within it's borders.

Imagine the reaction by the Arab and the Iranian regimes if Pakistan opened full diplomatic relations with Israel and allowed it to use Pakistani airbases. It's hypocrisy.
Yet all over the internet and public protests Pakistanis can be found all over, vigorously defending Iran in enriching it's nuclear program.

Another common phenomenon amongst Pakistanis is to claim Arab, Persian or Turkish ancestry. Some go as far as to claim direct descent from the Prophet Muhammad.
As I explained in this post, there was minor mixing with Arabs, Turko-Mongols (not the ones from Anatolia) and Persians, the majority still remain the same.

As the haplogroup maps below show, the distribution of the Semitic haplogroup J1 is very insignificant:



Even the Mughals, who were mostly Mongoloid belonged to haplogroup Q and it's subclades, invalidating Pakistani claims Mughal ancestry.
Sadly enough, there are even movements in Pakistan to make Arabic or Farsi the national language because some Pakistanis have decided to make Undri the scapegoat for all the linguistic tensions in the country and to "bring Pakistanis closer to their Muslim 'brothers'", which I decried and refuted such bias against Undri.

Having good relations with countries in our region is important for political and economic benefits. But this unconditional love and sacrifice for Middle Eastern people will take Pakistanis nowhere. It will gain us nothing and will only bring us losses.
As an example, Pakistan supported the Arabs during the Arab-Israeli wars and sold Iran missiles to aim at Israel.

Israel has been (probably in retaliation) selling India sophisticated weapons technology and actively been training Indian troops in Kashmir. Had Pakistan stayed out of other peoples conflicts, Israel might not have sided with India
Even in 2005-2006, Pakistan's government gave three million dollars to the Palestinian authority when there are millions of Pakistanis sitting on the streets starving and living in worse conditions then many Palestinians.

This money could have to improve living conditions for Pakistanis at home or even gone to Pakistani workers in Gulf countries who go unpaid for months and rely on bank loans to survive. Some even commit suicide to escape the unbearable slave-like conditions created by their greedy Arab employees.

Somewhere this inferiority complex towards Middle Eastern people has to stop if Pakistan is to progress as a nation.
Posted by Pakistani

Pak independent: Pakistanis suck up to Middle Easterners
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Hitler was trying to make a better life for his people he picked up Germany from a defeated nation,humiliated nation to a nation that was envied by all due to its military and economic progress!

Now till this point i guess everyone GERMAN loved him! like any indian would love someone who makes their country better!

the problem was he went overboard & in the end got defeated! he got defeated because what he was trying to achieve was humanly impossible!

however, he was no different from what churchill,stalin or rosevelt were trying to do for their own people!

people speak about monsters! US dropped a nuke on Japan that was monstrous too! they didn't stop there they dropped another one a couple of days later & probably would have kept dropping nukes if Japan didn't surrender!!!

i wonder how the germans wuold have loved hitler if he had succeeded!

Like the saying goes:


leave hitlers cruelty aside stalin was cruel US was cruel too BUT hitler lost and hence he ALONE is ridiculed! (not that he was a good guy!!!! but he was equally as bad as others)
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