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German Nudists Told To Shut Down Resort Because Migrants Will Be Offended

Desert Fox

Jan 16, 2010
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I bet you some of these flower power hippies were welcoming the refugees, now they get a taste of multiculturalism first hand @Zibago :lol:

NUDISTS in Germany have been told to cover up when an asylum seekers home facing their land opens next month.

By Allan Hall in Berlin
PUBLISHED: 08:01, Tue, Jun 21, 2016 | UPDATED: 08:13, Tue, Jun 21, 2016

The birthday-suited members of the Family Sport and Naturist Association Moritzburg in eastern Germany asked for funds to build a fence shielding them from the prying eyes of residents in the new facility.

Instead they got a letter back from authorities saying they would no longer be allowed to skinny dip in the lake that will separate their naked paradise from the new £1.2 million all-male refugee centre.

The nudists claim their starkers way of life - the club near the ancient porcelain manufacturing center of Meissen has been going since 1905 - is being threatened by officials not wanting to offend newcomers.

Public baths have become a flashpoint in the German refugee crisis as strictly Muslim men have become aroused at the sight of scantily clad females and seen their attire as an invitation for sex.

Many pools across country have been forced to put up signs warning refugees that bikinis are not an invitation to a come-on from over-stimulated men.

The home will house 112 asylum seekers on the pond at Radeburg.

"We need the home," said a local authority spokesman. "There is no other alternative."

The official said the bathing rules were actually in place before the home was planned but are now being enforced in a bid to head off any potential incidents.

But the nudists will still be allowed to wander around their club area naked - something that many said they will be loathe to do with the new residents across the way eyeing them. :rofl:

And the 400 members are united in their determination to carry on swimming in the buff.

Mrs. Hoffmann added: "We refuse to disengage from it. On our site we alone determine what we do and do not do."

The local authority has said it will construct some sort of screen on the asylum seekers’ side of the lake to prevent residents from gazing upon the nude enthusiasts.

@Vauban @SMS Derfflinger @Bundeswehr @MarkusS @Steve781 @mike2000 is back @vostok @C130 @XenoEnsi-14

For their own good.
Sight of nude women would have probably have driven hordes of rapist in training towards the camp.

Else a few beheadings would surely be on the curriculum.
I feel like we're not getting the whole story here. It seems like the website is sensationalizing this situation, and not giving us all the facts.
I think its the opposite. The migrants would love the view.

I think Germany needs to put its foot down on these migrants. They are taking refuge and need to adopt to Germany rather than the other way around.
you can't change European culture to suit your custom. they like to go naked on beaches and get awesome tans :oops:
As I Said before we can't blame the refugees, they NEVER forced German authorities to adopt such laws, if Germany, Sweden etc want to put foreigners/refugees before their own people then so be it, its their choice. Not our business.
The refugees have no blame at all in this.:pop:
As I Said before we can't blame the refugees, they NEVER forced German authorities to adopt such laws, if Germany, Sweden etc want to put foreigners/refugees before their own people then so be it, its their choice. Not our business.
The refugees have no blame at all in this.:pop:
Britain first :)

Imagine that you are in a refugee camp....race, religion, etc....doesn't matter, just imagine. You are sitting there all day, doing nothing...and across the window...there are bouncing...."you know what". Would you continue to chat with your mates....and wouldn't take a peek ?

It's wrong to build the refugee center there....building any kind of only male institution (like a male dormitory) to there, would be the wrong choice.
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People are expecting hot 22 years old girls in nudist camp.

Reality is that feet are not the only two things touching the ground when standing. :fie::fie::fie:
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