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Geo Tv Pakistan...

GEO and its owner teh Jang Group are black mailers and control the Karachi Stock Exchange. All of their reports only show negative image of Pakistan so that peopel lose hope and become desperate.

I would love to see an audit conducted to catch the flow of funds. Some managers at GEO are not even sure about the flow of funds.

These guys are traitors and need to be brought to justice.

Nothing more nothing less!
You are right!

I have a family example of black mailing from a newspaper!

the questions about the faith somehow makes sense..
The questions can solve many confusions hence making our faith more stronger..
but media is a blackmailer..no doubt!
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One question for all the the GEO supporters, the vulgarity GEO is showing, would you like to watch this with your family..ofcourse not. When I asked the same question with one of the producers in GEO, I was shocked to hear that, as per him we only show what my family can watch, I told him only one thing...well sir if this is what your own family wants to watch then we are not that valgur as your own family might be.

All these valgur dance shows, glamerous soaps, diperasing news they are all part of a big conspiracy infact a slow poison for the new generation. Think about it.

Its up to the mood of general public what they want to see. As you rightly pointed out vulgarity and stupid soaps, result Hum Channel came up with PTV style Drama (although slight vulgarity comes or may be openness beyond our acceptance limits) which forces Geo TV to produce similar Dramas, Faisal Qureshi is performing in one of them. So your likes and dislikes do affect what channel produce. Now we all have to express our disliking regarding undue over coverage of Bollywood, am sure they will reduce it. What I conclude they are still establishing best formula of success and acceptance.
One question for all the the GEO supporters, the vulgarity GEO is showing, would you like to watch this with your family..ofcourse not. When I asked the same question with one of the producers in GEO, I was shocked to hear that, as per him we only show what my family can watch, I told him only one thing...well sir if this is what your own family wants to watch then we are not that valgur as your own family might be.

All these valgur dance shows, glamerous soaps, diperasing news they are all part of a big conspiracy infact a slow poison for the new generation. Think about it.

right enough. I am also shocked when Private Channel producer answered that 'My program anchor wear short Dress just because People like it .'
GEO is big propaganda against Pakistan & Islam. There are Hundreds of Proof against them.
We have to become good so that we can Boycott this Damn channel. Our Minds should accept the truth otherwise not a matter.
I received an Email Regrading GEO TV, I want to share as it is. The author of this Topic has all the proofs.


I think you are not aware of GEO.Its been funded by USA government
just think, what Jew / Indian/ American lobby want
the basic idea is to promote frustration, and despondence in a nation so they start to demoralize the nation.. And the future can be mapped as they want to project in the minds of 50 percent Illiterate
population.. ..that are born.Muslim can't read ..But can see

Why on earth is USA is concern with
only GEO, why CNN, BBC
and Bush quote GEO? Why not other TV channels in
china, Japan , CUBA ,
Indian channel, Arab, France ..... ?why only
Pakistan ???? ??

Why geo showed peoples body without head, only
fingers parts, people
dying after bomb blast? Does any other channel show
these things????

Just think......

In India more than 2000 Muslims were killed in
Gujarat for three
months!!!! any 36 hours live coverage of these
killing have any one seen
on ZEE or star or Sony, etc any Indian channels????
Babri Masjid was
destroyed by Hindus any live coverage???? Nuns in
Tamil ado of India were
burned alive in a church and for next 6 hours the
church was burning did
any Indian channel or CNN or BBC showe that????? in
France 700 cars were
burned in one day

There are 89 separatist movements in India in
2007 ...from Bihar to
Kashmir Assam etc ....

Do you see on any Indian channel showing...
250 million people
sleeping on footpath???? ?

Zee India never showed killing of Kashmiris
and the attack on GOLDEN
TEMPLE , killing of Sikhs in Indian soil.

o How many Israeli channel shows killing by
Israeli soldiers???? When
they kill Palestinians? ????

o Have you ever seen Indian president or
politician been given
GALEE on TV channel during live coverage????

Any killing by Irish republican army???

30,000 rape cases in USA do you see on TV????

but you see Muktaran Maee on GEO, CNN, BCC

Why geo was not concerned with Benazir wealth
and property?? And
Nawaz Sharif property??

Ø WHO is GEO???? Just think???? They telecast
false news about
emergency and stock market crashed in Pakistan ...

Do you know Kamran Khan was getting RS 25 lakh
per month,

Do you know DR Shahid Masood, was a member of
NSF student party (a political left wing student party against Pakistan
and Islamic forces)....with RS 22 lakh per month and home in Dubai and Karachi . multiple visa ..

Same amount been paid to Hamid Meer editor ausaf......even Nadia
Khan with Rs 6 lakh per month.... Such huge amount
just for free???????

When they were not able to broadcast the 8 hour
cricket match they
said they lost 1 billion rupee and just imagine
without any money just
for free they were broadcasting judge activity for
free, Nawaz Sharif for
free and Benazir for free........ all... 36 hour
coverage just for
free???????? ????????? By a private
channel!!!!! !!!!!!!!

50 percent Indian dramas on geo and 25 percent with mix cast (Indian and Pakistani) and Indian films (which are ban in Pakistan cinema are been broadcasted by geo)

Geo did not showed any good news like
Islamabad, Peshwar Motorway
but instead it showed dead people in Karachi ....
they never discuss 5.1
billion dollar of oil refinery in
Pakistan instead they showed beheading of Pakistani people...

never discuss why America is telling Musharf to take
off his uniform ????
Why USA only emphasizing on reopening GEO where Aaj
and ARY also banned???? How come Hamid Meer came on BBC and said openly Musharaf killed GEO???? Why USA is interfering in our
business..!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!

A COUNTRY WHERE 60 percent of population
cannot read and never
been to school media must not be free...... because
they can just tamper
with the minds of the people.. and shape the nations
view the way they
want.. Such people dont have the right to be called
Why do Pakistanis have to see a conspiracy theory behind every other social issue?
research on forums and websites?

colour from israeli flag?

28 sec and i am already convinced this is some nutjob

orange from indian flag

seriously? what happened to the green part? and what about the ashok chakra?

"keep an eye on us through this eye" i though it was a news channel and therefore was supposed to act like a talkative mouth.

goes into talks about theology. interesting. but how does asserting that religions can/should evolve become anti national or part of a hindu-zionist conspiracy?

david's star on pakistani flag. so geo tv goofed up and made a 6 pointed star instead of 5 pointed. sharp eyes indeed. but isnt the david's star supposed to include all the lines? the ones inside the star too?

"false news that kasab is a pakistani national", and i thought GoP had accepted that kasab was a pakistani national. anyways moving on

there is a scroller about israeli channels not showing killings by israeli soldiers, was it in the original newscast or has it been added by the person making this video?

it seems it was indeed added by the person making the video. i am not aware who is mukhtaran mai. seems to be the name of the reporter in the video. but how is her coming on news channels related to the news channels showing deaths caused by israeli soldiers and rapes in USA? and how is it related to the zionist conspiracy? therefore surely mukhtaran mai is not the reporter's name. so who is mukhtaran mai?

now they r talking, the real story of kasab

just a lil question. where did he record the audio of this part? some other news channel perhaps?

so inspite of such strong evidence against the report by geo tv, GoP accepted that kasab is a pakistani national. amazing. so who do i believe? one unnamed news channel or another well known news channel AND the GoP?

geo tv caused the stock market crash in pakistan!!! false information being spread for such nefarious purposes !!!

and the video lets you down by moving straight to geo tv showing only negative news. maybe they should stop telling people that bomb blasts took place. or that there is an electricity shortage, or that crops are at so and so production level and you might have to shell out more/less for em. and they surely should not tell you where the TTP is present. so the TTP can behead you when u get there.

oil refinery worth 5.1 bil . good, naice. it was inaugerated recently? if not, what will the channel show about it? "breaking news, refinery worth 5.1 bil exists in pakistan". and if it was inaugerated recently, the video maker still does not prove that it was not mentioned by geo tv. just another baseless assertion

isnt emar international island in UAE?

okay. repeat of the geo tv shows negative news thing

isnt that some westerner speaking? how does that prove that geo tv was responsible for the crash?

google ads put an israeli ad in the jung website. stupid google algorithm. and we conclude that jung is zionist controlled.
and i tried looking for the website, to check if its a google ad. turns out they changed the format since this video was made. or i really suck at finding the website for "jung- number one news daily in pakistan"

"geo tv shows pakistan in a negative light like cnn and bbc."
the clips after that turn out to be rather nice. families on bikes. people buying stuff at markets, an actually working police constable!!! and some traffic. high rise buildings
wait a min , thats supposed to be a negative image !!!
and the scroller talks about showing the poor in india. why would you want to see the indian poor instead of those cool looking buildings and people peacefully giong about their business.

oh so he wants to see the monuments instead of modern buildings. to each his own. he probably prefers the aesthetic sense of those old buildings to that of the modern buildings that are shown on the video.

poor guy seems to crave news about india. again a scroller asking for more news about separatist movements in india. why doesnt he simply watch an indian news channel for that? pakistani channels would obviously air news about relevant things to common pakistanis. and most of them i thought were in pakistan and not in india.

the guy seems to hate indian soaps. even i do. atleast here we agree. ban all those indian soaps in pakistan. and do us a favour and get them banned in india too.

on a slightly serious note. india and pakistan share some linguistic ties. so indian movies can be enjoyed by pakistanis much like indians. i dont see the advantage of not airing indian movies for entertainment.

"nudity is not modernity. science and technology is modernity." this from a guy who prefers old monuments to modern accommodations.
yes nudity isnt modernity and neither is being portrayed so.
in the clips i could see a lot of dancing. but no nudity as such.

so in conclusion geo news is "jew news" because -
1) it throws up theological questions
2) it has orange and blue in its logo
3) it goofed up wrt to pakistani flag
4) it reported that kasab is a pakistani national. doesnt matter if they were right
5) mukhtaran mai got air tme on international news channels
6) it caused the stock market crash by reporting about bomb blasts and political stability in pakistan. people have no right to know such things.
7) some western channel reported the stock market crash
8) google ads put an advertisment of israeli products on its site.
9) it shows modern high rise buildings instead of old monuments
10) it doesnt report enough news about india
11) it airs indian soaps and movies
12) it apparently shows more skin on tv than the video poster is comfortable with
Another lame video. Can anyone substantiate US/India/Israel funds behind the news network. Recently an Indian ad showed the Pakistan air chief. Does anyone accuse it of being funded by the ISI :coffee:

Agreed Geo news is highly sensationalist. They need to tone down the rhetoric and stop showing gruesome images on TV, but thats about it. Some positive things, Geo is bold about the statements it makes ... now only if they were to become more professional about it.
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Yes it makes sense that how Zionists are funding our mainstream media to broadcast what they would like to be broad casted.
One read-through this thread, and we know why we are in trouble today. What a disgrace.

Geo is a News channel, it's not supposed to sugar-coat everything. Stop beign so damned paranoid.
Geo is a commercial channel and that explains it all. News or views presented on Geo or any other media outlet for that matter must not be taken as the words of Quran or hadith. Geo is not the only channel, there are many others and a wise person never relies on any one source of information. Geo could have an agenda, but than do CNN, BBC and Al-Jazeera. This is the age of information and it can not be denied. Please note that this phenomena is not only associated with the news; we have good as well as bad literature, poetry, fiction, gossip, even science. It is up to the wisdom and choice of the person what he/she chooses.

On a personal note, my Dad who himself used be an avid reader, never discouraged me from reading 'bad literature'. His argument was, how would I be able to appreciate a good piece of literature if I had not gone through an inferior or bad piece of work to compare it with.
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