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Gen Kayani told Obama that USA is creating controlled chaos to denuclearise Pakistan


May 15, 2014
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United Kingdom
Gen Kayani and Obama meeting in 2010.

14 pages document titled 'Pakistan's perspective' given by Gen Kayani to Obama in this meeting.

Gen Hamid Gul was spot on when he said 'Afghanistan bahana, Pakistan nishana'. It was always about Pakistan's nukes. Musharaf and then Gen Kayani formulated the long term strategy that Gen Raheel followed through with. This meeting with Obama was after the Swat operation (Rah-e-Rast).

What compelled Kayani and Musharaf to give NRO?! Maybe Benazir was confided in by Military Establishment with secured PM seat offered ... not long before her assassination she had declined to meet the US ambassador. Maybe Shariffs were included in the NRO to make it look all inclusive to the West. Zardari, Haqqani, unlimited visas etc and then Nawaz dawn leaks etc etc ...

US did not want IK to be PM ... this was communicated to Gen Bajwa before the GE.
West lost the war because of India. They were lying to west.india utilized west's hate against Pakistan. Pakistan was telling them truth. But it was hate towards Pakistan Made USA blind.they don't know india's dirty politics. Modi can sell his mother n wife to win againt pak
Gen Kayani and Obama meeting in 2010.

14 pages document titled 'Pakistan's perspective' given by Gen Kayani to Obama in this meeting.

Gen Hamid Gul was spot on when he said 'Afghanistan bahana, Pakistan nishana'. It was always about Pakistan's nukes. Musharaf and then Gen Kayani formulated the long term strategy that Gen Raheel followed through with. This meeting with Obama was after the Swat operation (Rah-e-Rast).

What compelled Kayani and Musharaf to give NRO?! Maybe Benazir was confided in by Military Establishment with secured PM seat offered ... not long before her assassination she had declined to meet the US ambassador. Maybe Shariffs were included in the NRO to make it look all inclusive to the West. Zardari, Haqqani, unlimited visas etc and then Nawaz dawn leaks etc etc ...

US did not want IK to be PM ... this was communicated to Gen Bajwa before the GE.

i agree with it. the whole WoT was about Pakistan.. look at how pakistan is mired with debt and economic downturn..
It was part of bigger game plan, destabilize Pakistan via terrorism, weaken it from the inside denuke it, that will free up India to fully focus on China. After all India is the new US proxy to contain China.

BUT, It all failed and now the new strategy is QUAD & AUKUS... All destined to fail again so long China keeps the momentum.
If they wanted to denuclearize they would have done it.
Don't take Kiyani as hero. He watched over when TTP was taking over the country.
One thing they achieved is to turn Pakistan into an economic hostage. We are in their debt trap and will be their slave for along time unless there is some kind of revolution in Pakistan.
Pakistan cannot be denuclearized as it will cause severe imbalance and everyone knows that. I call BS on this.

The US doesn't like you because you flip flopped and had incomptent officials.They don't trust you and see you as dishonest. It was a debacle from start to finish.

Should have made a stance and stuck with it. I would have said like Musharraf is gone full ally so the drone strikes wouldn't have happened and Osama would not have been found in Pakistan.

Or gone full Taliban brotherhood and said no to the WOT and got sanctioned to oblivion. Taking "one for the team" as they say.

Do you not think Taliban are responsible for all of this by taking Bin Laden money for free passage in Afghanistan? I don't care what NATO did after, why did the towers go down and why was he in Afghanistan? No point whining after the deed is done. You attack Russia like see what happens, you think they going to care what you have to say after? Taliban have a lot of apologies to offer and they have offered none, not even TTP disarming, so what did Pakistan achieve?

If Pakistan had followed through with Musharraf's plan there would have been civil unrest and it would be the perfect opportunity to identify the terrorists and kill off the ideology of the anti Pakistani narrative. You need your people to the point where they take your side whatever the outcome.

Unlike now which is a slow drip poision of TTP and the rest which go underground and come out to play as they please.

Instead you put your boots in both camps and became apologists to the anti Pakistanis as a side effect.

I know what Musharraf was aiming for when he tried to destroy Lal Masjid but his execution was so poor. There was no media narrative, just nothing to beat the phamplets being handed out by terrorists.

Just remember dissent is still dissent regardless of form. Its a red line. Protest all day for rights and this and that but you challenge the state, consequences should be dire. This is your weakness which is holding you back.

Do you think he would have tolerated TTP? He was more loyal than you think, he did boot out Nawaz Sharif out of the country. He cut off the water supply to Baluchistan to flush out BLA.

However the main damage was done by PMLN and PPP, they really screwed over Pakistan I hope you all understand that. Its unforgivable. I don't understand why they still have a vote bank? And I don't understand why people aren't even more mad at them for this shitf*est.
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Pakistan cannot be denuclearized as it will cause severe imbalance and everyone knows that. I call BS on this.

The only danger to this balance comes from the dire internal factors and trends within Pakistan.
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