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GB not to be made province at any cost, says Sardar Attique

GB not to be made province at any cost, says Sardar Attique

Former AJK Prime Minister and President Muslim Conference Azad Kashmir Sardar Attique Ahmad khan said that Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) will not be allowed to be made province at any cost.
While addressing a reception hosted by Central leader of Muslim Conference Syed Zahoor Hamdani today, Sardar said “We will not allow GB to be made a province at any cost. PM Nawaz Sharif should not take such steps which hurts the feelings of Kashmiris. GB is part of Jammu and Kashmir. Powers be delegated to it rather than making it a province”.
He went on to say Kashmir cause will be affected badly if GB becomes a separate province.
Government of Azad Kashmir should adopt a solid approach and then we will support it, he declared.
Non resolution of Kashmir issue has put at stake the peace of the entire world particularly South Asia, he remarked. The international community should play its vigorous role to address Kashmir dispute, he urged.
PML-N has completely failed in Azad Kashmir as PMLN workers despite having their own government are considering them worse than opposition, he added.
@django @unleashed @WAJsal @Arsalan @The Sandman @Hell hound @Jonah Arthur
I feared this would happen

FuK U and not only that Kashmir also must be divided into further units so that people will have more benefits
Gilgit-Baltistan is not Kashmir’s colony

Khalid Ali Nawaz

The militant and political nationalists of Indian-Occupied Kashmir, and their allies in Azad Kashmir, need to stop treating Gilgit-Baltistan as their colony. They are not our colonial masters. Their opposition to the constitutional and political empowerment of Gilgit-Baltistan is uncalled for, meaningless and unnecessary.

They cannot treat the 2 million people of Gilgit-Balitstan as their slaves. Gilgit-Baltistan is not their property. The era of Dogra occupation ended on 1st November 1947, when Ghansara Singh was arrested, and the Dogra forces were made to flee during the yearlong war.

The dark night of occupation and colonization ended on that day, and we have no intention of turning the clock back.

We, the people of Gilgit-Baltistan, are the ones who will decide our future, not people who have no relationship whatsoever with us, neither in terms of language, nor in terms of culture and nor in history, except for the time when some parts of GB were under the Dogra occupation.

The people of Gilgit-Batlistan have every right to live a dignified life, according to their own wishes and aspirations. The GB Legislative Assembly, an elected forum of the people of GB, has rightly called for integration of Gilgit-Baltistan in to Pakistan. This should be carried out as soon as possible, to protect the identity, and ensure the human and political rights, of the people of GB.

Those from Kashmir who are opposing our rights are not our friends. They, most probably, are our wannabe future masters.
Dingbat even if today we hold referendum neither GB, not Azad Kashmir and neither are IOK going to vote for indian option.

Over the last decade or so, my interaction with people from IOK has shown a drastic shift in their opinion towards Pakistan. Those who once advocated India, or a separate Kashmir, have realized Pakistan is their best bet.

Don't give these gangalanders too much thought, they are here to spew BS.
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