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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

You remind me of some of those defeatists Pakistanis who have long advocated recognizing Israel even though the benefits to Pakistan would be miniscule despite Pakistan selling its soul to the Devil.
You Victorious minds have already led to killing of 10,000+ Palestinians dead and God know how many severely injured
The cost of harming Israel is certainly not in Palestinian failure
10+ Palestinians for every Israeli dead.
I will say give a chance to minds you call defeatist and may be they can pull out some solution.
You Victorious so called Jihadist minds have only increased troubles for Palestinians.
What I noticed is Trophy APS has a latency that can be exploited by attacking from shorter range so the missile will hit the target before the system react. Trophy was a myth I honestly think it’s rubbish like in Lebanon 2006.

as expected the Israeli Merkava was overrated junk no different to the German Leopards and Americans didnt even field the Abram in Ukraine in case it was blasted to pieces and they lost their fake screen of invincibility which would hurt exports and cause a embarrassment

stupid dumb Arabs who are scared to death of any sight of a Merkava like Morocco bought into this myth and ordered the Merkava I guess they will be too frighted to ask for a refund now

APS has proved to be a total failure in the sight of a two stage rocket, how ingenious

this modified RPG is a two stage missile and so is the Hezbollah ATGM, first one does activate the APS but the second penetrates the tanks

and in many instances the APS has even failed to activate either due to range or detection failure

overrated Western junk


At a time when Netanyahu and the Israeli War Council are talking about their control of northern Gaza..

Today, the Al-Qassam Brigades directed the largest missile barrage in the history of the war at (Greater Tel Aviv) and targeted very sensitive areas.

Every day, Al-Qassam provides a military lesson and confirms its military superiority in all fields.

اللهم سدد
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You Victorious minds have already led to killing of 10,000+ Palestinians dead and God know how many severely injured
The cost of harming Israel is certainly not in Palestinian failure
10+ Palestinians for every Israeli dead.
I will say give a chance to minds you call defeatist and may be they can pull out some solution.
You Victorious so called Jihadist minds have only increased troubles for Palestinians.

It is for the Palestinians to decide what to do. But defeatists like you would be permanently enslaved unlike the Vietnamese, the Afghans, the South Africans, the Algerians, the Greeks, the Bosnians and many others who sacrificed even more than the Palestinians to get their freedom and dignity back.

And it is not just me--many many Western analysts are predicting a fall of Israel soon unless they mend their ways. I wonder what would the defeatist people like you say then? Would you be courageous enough to stick around in this forum when that time comes? I am not going anywhere-- I have been here for 14+ years.

But then--just like a lot of Israelis apologists in this thread have either become quieter or vanished knowing that Israel can't have the victory that Israel needs, you too would vanish or come up with some face saving excuse. Already Israel is being bashed even in the Western media.

Listen buddy: Your 'tiny' Israel can't win this epic war in the long run. A few decades of subjugating a hapless population while backed by a mighty Superpower is not some achievement in the longer scheme of things. But then what would you know--being a defeatist person who so ignorantly uses terms like 'tiny' Israel!! That alone shows how ignorant you really are--maybe intentionally ignorant because that's what defeatists are in their core.
1) No need of C&CC to fight in a urban jungle.
2) Hamas top brass has more than time to move to south.
More BS to cover previous BS.
Three Muslims countries attacked israel by surprise. They failed.
Israel will be there for another millenium, as this people was on this land 3000 years ago.
Better to think about peace.
Arab countries invaded because of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees from Jewish terror groups inspired by Nazism and communism. Palestinians were traditional folk, real Semites.
'Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis, proposing a Jewish state based on "nationalist and totalitarian principles, and linked to the German Reich by an alliance".[22][23]'

All mass murdering modern ideologies originated in 'Christian Europe'. Fascism, communism, nationalism, colonialism, imperialism. I thought Europe had overcome the Dark Ages but the Islamophobic hate there is incredible. The legacy of Inquisitions and Crusades is strong.
Three Muslims countries attacked israel by surprise. They failed.
Israel will be there for another millenium, as this people was on this land 3000 years ago.
Better to think about peace.

They are a European colonial state,,

Who are the people expected to make peace with?

These monstrous Jews??
Take them back to France or Europe
Jamal Muhammad Haniyeh, the eldest grandson of the head of the political bureau of the Hamas movement, was martyred in the occupation bombing of the Gaza Strip.
Who asked khamas to wake the sleeping snake??

Palestinians were under brutal occupation

The Jews were trying to circumnavigate the Palestine issue by making relations with Arab and Muslim states

It was vital that was stopped and hatred of the Israeli occupation energised across the world
It is for the Palestinians to decide what to do. But defeatists like you would be permanently enslaved unlike the Vietnamese, the Afghans, the South Africans, the Algerians, the Greeks, the Bosnians and many others who sacrificed even more than the Palestinians to get their freedom and dignity back.

And it is not just me--many many Western analysts are predicting a fall of Israel soon unless they mend their ways. I wonder what would the defeatist people like you say then? Would you be courageous enough to stick around in this forum when that time comes? I am not going anywhere-- I have been here for 14+ years.

But then--just like a lot of Israelis apologists in this thread have either become quieter or vanished knowing that Israel can't have the victory that Israel needs, you too would vanish or come up with some face saving excuse. Already Israel is being bashed even in the Western media.

Listen buddy: Your 'tiny' Israel can't win this epic war in the long run. A few decades of subjugating a hapless population while backed by a mighty Superpower is not some achievement in the longer scheme of things. But then what would you know--being a defeatist person who so ignorantly uses terms like 'tiny' Israel!! That alone shows how ignorant you really are--maybe intentionally ignorant because that's what defeatists are in their core.
What do you mean Greeks? They Greeks were not oppressed like the others in your list

id rather be in the israeli prison considering situation

release me after blockade plz
You Victorious minds have already led to killing of 10,000+ Palestinians dead and God know how many severely injured
The cost of harming Israel is certainly not in Palestinian failure
10+ Palestinians for every Israeli dead.
I will say give a chance to minds you call defeatist and may be they can pull out some solution.
You Victorious so called Jihadist minds have only increased troubles for Palestinians.

The crusaders were brutal,, the occupation of Palestine was for about 100 years in the middle aged

Would you have negotiated and allowed the crusader state to permanently occupy Jerusalem or would you have backed Salahadin?

Its now 800 or so years later, Salahadins name is legend

What's the name of all the worthless Arab leaders who made deals with the crusaders?
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