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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Al-Jazeera one of the mouthpieces of Arab kingdoms still calls revolutionaries of Yemen the rebel group generalizing millions of Yemeni population as an small group.

But anyways, some good news (Israelis are blabbering again claiming they have intercepted the incoming missiles from Yemen without showing a shred of evidence)

Yemen’s Houthis say they fired ballistic missiles towards Israel​

Israeli authorities say missile intercepted near Eilat after Houthi leader earlier promised to continue attacks.

All three of these guys should be banned from the forum for making lies for weeks about a Hamas HQ and massive command center in the Shifa Hospital. They make claims then run away when confronted about such claims that lead to the murder of babies in incubators. They are accomplices to this genocide.

@F-22Raptor @sammuel @kastus

Israel could hide such command centres in hospitals. This means it's ok to bomb Israeli hospitals.
They can make propaganda. And we will reject it and not accept it. The days of taking their propaganda are over. They will be held response for this horrendous and vile terrorist attack.
Yep. The terrorist and Nazi nature of this entity is now shown to the region and world. Any Arab or Muslim leaders that will continue to collaborate with this Nazi terror state will be killed.

Since nothing was found at the hospital. The Western Jewish terrorist media outlets are trying to do damage control for Israel. And the terrorists in this forum disappeared with their claims about a massive Hamas HQ and Command center at the hospital.
Actually, the Nazis never bombed hospitals or deliberately killed babies. Even in the Warsaw ghetto they allowed food and medical treatment. No water or electricity was ever cut off. These Zionist bastards are hatefilled dehumanized subhuman trash. That is the reason western and Arab puppet regimes are banning any independent media like al-Mayadeen or al Manar. The scale of Gaza holocaust will eventually emerge as such mass killings can not be hidden.

All three of these guys should be banned from the forum for making lies for weeks about a Hamas HQ and massive command center in the Shifa Hospital. They make claims then run away when confronted about such claims that lead to the murder of babies in incubators. They are accomplices to this genocide.

@F-22Raptor @sammuel @kastus

They can make propaganda. And we will reject it and not accept it. The days of taking their propaganda are over. They will be held response for this horrendous and vile terrorist attack.
I am totally disgusted that a supposedly Pakistani/Muslim forum allows these Zionist evil turds to post total lies, the Hindu street crappers should be banned as well.
This is terrorism and genocide. The goal is to close the hospital so not one can get treated. There was no Hamas HQ or anything like that. If US doesn't come out and clearly force Israel to leave the hospital alone, then we are heading towards a imminent religious war against the demonic and savage Jewish people.

Press coverage: “The New Arab”:The occupation army asks everyone in the Al-Shifa Medical Complex to gather in the middle of its eastern courtyard in preparation for the evacuation of the complex. The occupation army has installed facial recognition cameras and electronic gates.

They can make propaganda. And we will reject it and not accept it. The days of taking their propaganda are over. They will be held response for this horrendous and vile terrorist attack.
If the international community validates it, you may as well use it to advantage. Israel may be carpet bombed and nuked... Russia can now also do it.
And how many of them are Identified by IDF ? and how many of them were verified by independent sources ? Cause Israeli's are liars and everyone has seen it in past month.

Again, nothing but speculation, IDF has provided no evidence which are from neutral sources which can be verified about their claims.
Looky here...You guys will NEVER believe anything from anyone, independent or biased. No one is foolish enough to believe this line of argument. You guys already made up your minds.

The soldiers got to X location and secured the place. From that moment on, X is under complete control of the soldiers. They can do whatever they want with anything. It is not just the IDF but any military. Why do you think many still believe Hitler is still alive? Who found Hitler's body first? Any 'independent' sources to confirm? Any 'independent' sources to 'confirm' the US landed on the Moon? To this day, plenty still believe 9/11 was an 'inside job'.

If YOU believe in Hamas, nothing negative anyone can say about Hamas will change your mind.
Nevertheless, these GCC rats have revealed their true self.
Whaddaya mean 'have'? That implied recent. No, it has been known since 1948 that the Arabs never cared for the Palestinians except as pawns. Now with the Abraham Accord, that apathy is sealed.
Looky here...You guys will NEVER believe anything from anyone, independent or biased. No one is foolish enough to believe this line of argument. You guys already made up your minds.

The soldiers got to X location and secured the place. From that moment on, X is under complete control of the soldiers. They can do whatever they want with anything. It is not just the IDF but any military. Why do you think many still believe Hitler is still alive? Who found Hitler's body first? Any 'independent' sources to confirm? Any 'independent' sources to 'confirm' the US landed on the Moon? To this day, plenty still believe 9/11 was an 'inside job'.

If YOU believe in Hamas, nothing negative anyone can say about Hamas will change your mind.
Why do are you so irrational when it comes to Hamas? You reject facts and resort to demonization of the Hamas government and movement despite it being way more honest the IOF and the Israeli radical government. Hamas is fighting for a just cause.

But, for sake of discussion, let's put Hamas aside. What's happening isn't about Hamas. Israeli government showed intent and will to commit genocide and ethnic cleansing against the civilian population of Gaza. And has committed abhorrent crimes that have shocked and disturbed the world. Israel has killed more children in Gaza in one month than children have died in any wars in the past year. And you have not held Israel response, not even once.

This is a huge PR disaster for the US. Our global standing and credibility has been destroyed by Israel. Now many people are openly supporting Hamas and going to see Hamas as a reasonable movement with a just cause, after this disgusting mass murder campaign against the Palestinian people.
Whaddaya mean 'have'? That implied recent. No, it has been known since 1948 that the Arabs never cared for the Palestinians except as pawns. Now with the Abraham Accord, that apathy is sealed.
Your assessment is fair. It was the British created pimp regimes of Jordan, Saudis and Egypt that sold out the Palestinians in 1948 when the Zionist cancer infested Arab Palestine. Even in the 1973 war, Sadat sold out both the Palestinians and the Syrians after cutting a deal with the evil Jew criminal Kissinger. UAE is a British outpost created in 1971. The Persian Gulf Arabs are more corrupt and evil than their Zionist masters themselves. They have no morals and their only existence is for money and luxury. If there is a war in the Persian Gulf region, just with one missile strike on Dubai, 99% of the population will flee faster than Usian Bolt.
There was no hostages or Hamas complex or anything. Israel has been exposed again. A propaganda machine and a terror state. Let's see what these three people have to say. I have a feeling they will be gone for a few days. Israel just embarrassed the US again.

And the US itself claimed to have intelligence of a Hamas HQ at the hospital. As we all said, it's nothing more than savage Jewish lies and barbarism and terror. The US better answer now and has a lot of explaining to do. It is a accomplice to this appalling terrorist attack against a hospital.

@F-22Raptor @sammuel @kastus


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