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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

There is no internet or media coverage of anything happening in northern Gaza right now. Israeli forces have bombed journalists, the media, and forcefully expelled them. There are thousands of artillery shells and air strikes hitting northern Gaza right now. We don't know what kind of atrocities are being committed.

There must be a restoration of media and internet back to northern Gaza.
I want to see the blackmail Israel has on Western leaders to get this kind of unconditional loyalty.

It could also be related to the civilizational power Muslims posses being 1/5 the world population and growing by the day. Perhaps the Western world supports Israel just to cause problems and destabilize the region.

I bet its both though.
There is no internet or media coverage of anything happening in northern Gaza right now. Israeli forces have bombed journalists, the media, and forcefully expelled them. There are thousands of artillery shells and air strikes hitting northern Gaza right now. We don't know what kind of atrocities are being committed.

There must be a restoration of media and internet back to northern Gaza.
One guy coming out of there had this to say.

Turkish President Erdogan criticizes West for silence on massacre in Palestine​

It is vital to deliver fuel to places in urgent need, especially hospitals in Gaza, says Recep Tayyip Erdogan​

Gozde Bayar |11.11.2023 - Update : 12.11.2023

Turkish President Erdogan criticizes West for silence on massacre in Palestine

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday criticized the Western countries for remaining silent on the massacre in Palestine.
Speaking at an emergency joint Arab-Islamic summit in the Saudi capital of Riyadh, Erdogan said, “It is shame that Western countries, which always voice for human rights, and freedoms, remain silent on the massacre in Palestine."
“We are faced with unprecedented barbarism in history, where hospitals, schools, and refugee camps are bombed and civilians are massacred,” he added.
He stressed that it is vital to deliver fuel to places in urgent need, especially hospitals in Gaza.
“We believe that a fund should be established within the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to rebuild Gaza,” the president proposed.
The oil-rich kingdom is hosting a summit of the Arab League and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).
Representatives of the Islamic world exchange ideas about concrete steps to be taken regarding the recent developments.
Israel has launched relentless air and ground attacks on the Gaza Strip – including hospitals, residences, and houses of worship – since a cross-border attack by the Palestinian resistance group Hamas on Oct. 7.
At least 11,078 Palestinians have been killed, including 4,506 children and 3,027 women. The Israeli death toll, meanwhile, is around 1,200, according to official figures.

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President Erdogan called out shameful attitude in Western countries and condemns the silence over the death of innocent people of Gaza.

What has Erdogan done other than nice words?

Don't get me wrong. I love the Turkish people and their military technology is I think the pinnacle of the Muslim world currently. I have no hate whatsoever against the people of Turkey they are very strong and courteous and hard working people.

But WTF has Erdogan actually done for Palestine?
Israel has no right to take Palestinian land.

United Nations partition plan for Palestine from 1947 should be implemented
View attachment 1004706
That was violated by Palestine with arab supports, by not accepting and declared war against Israel on the next day

Still, being Indian - we do strongly support two nations formula on Palestine and Israel issue
That was violated by Palestine with arab supports, by not accepting and declared war against Israel on the next day

Still, being Indian - we do strongly support two nations formula on Palestine and Israel issue
And why should Palestinian accept their land being given to Zionist scum you moron. The Zionists are foreigners to Palestine, not the Palestinians themselves.

Why because USA supports Zionists? :disagree:
What an ugly and vile woman who is trying to spread India type fascism to the UK.
So much obsessed with India even if some one say, no water at moon, someone must declared culprit than you good to say, Indian used them all... They are culprit.

And why should Palestinian accept their land being given to Zionist scum you moron. The Zionists are foreigners to Palestine, not the Palestinians themselves.

Why because USA supports Zionists? :disagree:
But you quoted about UN resolution..

I just replied on that you can't use UN card now... That is invalid and null.

Rest, just old story... Not going to give you any solution... Palestinians will lose only... People need to live with reality.

Presently, Palestinians has no capabilities to beat Israelis and can take back all lands, they need to accept the two nations plan and move forward
Christian Zionism is Blasphemous In Christianity. Important to share with Evangelical Christians.

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So much obsessed with India even if some one say, no water at moon, someone must declared culprit than you good to say, Indian used them all... They are culprit.

But you quoted about UN resolution..

I just replied on that you can't use UN card now... That is invalid and null.

Rest, just old story... Not going to give you any solution... Palestinians will lose only... People need to live with reality.

Presently, Palestinians has no capabilities to beat Israelis and can take back all lands, they need to accept the two nations plan and move forward
I believe the UN resolution 1947 is still relevant. Palestine cannot defeat the Israelis to win all the land back.
I believe two state solution and make Jerusalem is the best solution the problem.
  • November 12 2023 10:13:51

Middle East leaders slam Israel at Saudi-hosted summit on Gaza​


Middle East leaders slam Israel at Saudi-hosted summit on Gaza

Middle East leaders and Iran's president meeting in the Saudi capital Saturday roundly condemned Israel's actions in its war against Hamas in Gaza, as fears mount the conflict could draw in other countries.

The emergency meeting of the Arab League and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) comes after Hamas militants' bloody October 7 attacks that Israeli officials say left about 1,200 people dead, mostly civilians, and 239 taken hostage.

Israel's subsequent aerial and ground offensive has killed more than 11,000 people, also mostly civilians and many of them children, according to the Hamas-run health ministry.

Host Saudi Arabia "confirms that it holds the occupation (Israeli) authorities responsible for the crimes committed against the Palestinian people," Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the Gulf kingdom's de facto ruler, said as Saturday's summit began.

"We are certain that the only way to guarantee security, peace and stability in the region is to end the occupation, siege and the settlements," he said of Israel's actions in Gaza and the occupied West Bank.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, on his first trip to Saudi Arabia since the two countries mended ties in March, said Islamic countries should designate the Israeli army a "terrorist organisation" for its conduct in Gaza.
Israel says it is out to destroy Hamas and blames the Palestinian armed group for the high death toll, accusing it of using civilians as "human shields" -- a charge Hamas denies.

The roster of attendees on Saturday also included Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Qatar's Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani, who called for "deterrent steps to stop the ongoing war crime" in Gaza, without going into detail.

Raisi is the first Iranian president to visit Saudi Arabia since Mahmoud Ahmadinejad attended an OIC meeting in the kingdom in 2012.

Iran backs Hamas as well as Lebanon's Hezbollah and Yemen's Huthi rebels, placing it at the centre of concerns the war could expand.

The conflict has already fuelled cross-border exchanges between the Israeli army and Hezbollah, and the Huthis have claimed responsibility for "ballistic missiles" the rebels said targeted southern Israel.

Analysts say Saudi Arabia feels vulnerable to potential attacks because of its close ties with Washington and the fact that it was considering normalising ties with Israel before the war broke out.

Kim Ghattas, author of a book on the Iran-Saudi rivalry, said during a panel organised by the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington that "the Saudis are hoping that the fact they didn't normalise yet, and the fact that they have a channel to the Iranians, gives them some protection."

Gulf states fend off call from Iran to arm Palestinians at Riyadh summit​

Iranian president had travelled to Saudi Arabia to try to force a more interventionist approach to Israel-Hamas war

Patrick Wintour Diplomatic editor
Sun 12 Nov 2023 09.53 EST

Gulf state leaders have fended off an Iranian-led attempt to call for arming the Palestinians and severing all diplomatic ties with Israel at an extraordinary summit in Riyadh, in a effort to retain control of the region’s diplomatic response to the Israeli assault on Gaza.
Tehran, however, insisted on Sunday that its influence remained through its allied “resistance factions” operating in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen. In a further sign that it has no intention of jettisoning a military path, militants near the Israeli border with Lebanon fired anti-tank missiles towards Israel, hitting a number of civilians, according to the Israeli military.

An Israeli ambulance service spokesperson told Israel’s N12 News that one person had been critically injured and between three to five others wounded. Footage showed cars on fire on a road near an open area.
The secretary general of Lebanon’s powerful Hezbollah group, Hassan Nasrallah, said on Saturday that the front against Israel would remain active, a declaration that in turn drew a warning from Israel to the Shia group not to escalate fighting.
An Israeli soldier watches Hassan Nasrallah’s speech on his phone

An Israeli soldier near the country’s border with Lebanon watches Hassan Nasrallah’s speech on his phone. Photograph: Jalaa Marey/AFP/Getty Images
Nearly 1,500 Hezbollah fighters in the ranks of the Syrian regime’s army have been withdrawn to strengthen the group’s frontline in Lebanon. The political and militant group is Iran’s most prominent proxy movement.

Israel-Hamas war live: al-Shifa hospital ‘no longer functioning’, says WHO, as aid groups urge attacks on healthcare centres to stop
Under bombardment, Gaza medics fight to save patients with no power, water or food
Israel-Hamas war: what we know on day 39
Control of al-Shifa hospital in Gaza is a key Israeli military and political aim
‘I will not be silenced’: Rashida Tlaib won’t stop fighting for Palestinian rights
Newsom 2024: could the California governor be a rival to Joe Biden?
Israel-Hamas war live: al-Shifa hospital ‘no longerfunctioning’, says WHO, as aid groups urge attacks on healthcare centres to stop
The head of Hezbollah’s executive council, Hashem Safieddine, said on Sunday: “The occupying regime [Israel] is delusional and mistaken if it believes that it can eliminate the Hamas movement or other resistance factions. The resistance front has developed both in terms of presence and strength.”
The relatively tepid outcome of the Riyadh summit, attended by 51 leaders in the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), left some disappointed, but others insisting the moral force of the unified support for Palestine shown by the Islamic world would force the US to rein in Israel.
The refusal of the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, to engage with US proposals for a long humanitarian pause and longer-term solution, including a future role for the Palestinian Authority, has angered the Biden administration.
In an unprecedented diplomatic push by Iran to force the Gulf monarchies to adopt a more interventionist approach, the country’s president, Ebrahim Raisi, travelled to Riyadh on Saturday, the first Iranian leader to do so in 11 years, in an effort to persuade the Gulf states to take a tougher approach and explicitly back Hamas.
The final OIC communique, however, was long on condemnation and demands for an immediate ceasefire, but short on practical steps to help Hamas.

It called for an end to the sale of weapons and ammunition to Israel, and a loosely worded proposal to break the humanitarian siege that did not explicitly mention the Rafah crossing from Egypt into Gaza.
It also called on the international criminal court and the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons to investigate possible Israeli war crimes, and for more decisive action from the UN security council. It also condemned “the Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip, the war crimes and the barbaric and inhumane massacres perpetrated by the occupation government”.
A Palestinian family flees south from the northern Gaza Strip

A Palestinian family flees south from the northern Gaza Strip. Photograph: Mahmud Hams/AFP/Getty Images
The lengthy statement made no mention of a ban on oil sales, a tactic used in the 1973 Yom Kippur war, the severance of diplomatic relations with Israel or the arming of the Palestinians. All three proposals had been advanced by Raisi in a 10-point plan he presented to the conference.
. Raisi praised Hamas in his speech, saying: “There is no other way than to resist Israel, we kiss the hands of Hamas for its resistance against Israel”. That view was not shared by most Gulf leaders, but it was echoed by the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. He said: “They want us to classify Hamas as a terrorist. No, it is not a terrorist. They are fighting for their homeland and struggling to obtain their rights.”
Palestinians mourn their lost relatives at a hospital in the southern Gaza Strip city of Rafah on Saturday.
Israel-Hamas war: what we know on day 37
Read more
It had originally been intended there would be two separate and consecutive summits this weekend, starting with a meeting of the Arab League, followed by a meeting of the larger OIC.
In the run-up to the Arab League summit, however, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Morocco and Bahrain opposed moves led by Algeria to close down US bases in the region and impose a trade boycott. Riyadh proposed the merger of the two summits, a device that softened the conflicts among Arab states by convening the larger gathering.
Israel Katz, Israel’s energy minister, had spoken of his country’s contempt for the summit, writing: “President [Bashar al-] Assad of Syria, who slaughtered hundreds of thousands, children, women, and old men of his own people, and the president of Iran, who slaughters any Iranian who dares to protest against him, or any Iranian woman who he regards as insufficiently modest, are gathering in Saudi Arabia with the leaders of the Islamic countries to discuss our war.
“For them, the Palestinians are cannon fodder against Israel, and many of the leaders there pray that Israel will eliminate the extreme Islamic terrorism that threatens them as well.”

He is one crazed Nazi blurting mad nonsense exactly like Hitler.

It was the most useless conference ever done in the last several decades. Ultimately, we can't even come to a conscious agreement to supply arms. All 45+ Islamic nations went in with a limp-d*ck and came out castrated. After seeing this, the Palestinians might as well give up and join Israel as equal citizens, join the armed forces, and counterattack the remaining Arab nations.

And when I say Arabs are Zionists people abuse and laughed at me on this thread

Daniel sometimes seems to be extreme sometimes but then people who listened to Israr ahamd in 1990s thought the same 🤷

Brother, there is a reason why the Prophet (PBUH) Muhammad warned the Arabs from screwing up and not the Ummah in general:

Prophet ﷺ said to ‘Awf ibn Mālik (rA),
“Count six signs before the Hour: my death, the conquest of Jerusalem, two mortal plagues that will take you [in great numbers] as the plague of sheep [depletes them], then wealth will be in such surplus that a man will be given a hundred gold coins and still be unsatisfied, then there will be a tribulation that will not leave an Arab home without entering it, then there will be a truce between you [the Muslims] and Banū al-Aṣfar (the Byzantines) that they will betray, and march against you under eighty flags, and under each flag will be twelve thousand soldiers.”
You see over the last few days I’ve noticed a mentality of Hindus like you unable to hide your glee and happiness at the thought of innocent babies dying.
Wantng to gloat and make cheap shots - you are without doubt the lowest form of human and it shows us the depths at dirty little Indians like you go to - it won’t change the fact in the real
World you are a deprived little failure in the real world - now fukc off and stop polluting this thread.

I have already made my opinion clear many times, but never got any reply.

These are double standards by Muslims. They are unable to see what their own Muslim ancestors did with non-Muslims.

Turkey killed millions in the Armenian Genocide in 1915 and made the whole area of Western Armenia a part of Turkey. Again Muslims are unable to see their double standards where they blame only Jews for being invaders but utter no words against the same things that their Muslim brothers did on a much bigger level.

Azerbaijan also invaded the Armenian land of Nagorno-Karabakh with the help of colonial Iran and then colonial Russia.
Armenian people were living in Nagorno Karabakh for thousands of years till the Azery Government started to settle Azeries there to change the demographics.

Are Muslims able to see their double standards when they blame Israelis for invading Palestine but don't blame Azeris for the same thing?

We have no love affair with the wrongdoings of Israel and Zionists. We would have opposed a Zionist state in 1948. But today Israel is a reality, just like it is a reality that the historic Western Armenia is a part of Turkey, or just like Pakistan is a reality and no more a part of India, even if the British conspired against the majority of the population of India of that time and created Pakistan against their wish.

Hamas are religious fanatics. They will never accept Israel. Even if any of their leaders try to accept Israel, he will be killed by Hamas.

Israel is also suffering from the same curse of religion. The Jewish religious fanatics will also never give up the idea of God-Gifted and God-Promised land, and they will try their best to expel all Palestinians.

Only Secularism can bring peace to the region.

Hopefully, the Secular Forces get stronger on both sides and get rid of both of them from the curse of religious fanaticism.
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