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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Yes, please see the work the NDMA and AL-Khidmat and the PMC are doing. The PMC has made a register of 500 doctors, nurses and paramedics who are on STANDBY to work in Gaza once permitted.

4 more charter planes of aid are ready to leave once permission is granted, just yesterday 90 Tonnes of aid was sent to Egypt destined to Gaza.

They did the same during Imran donation for his hospital in Karachi

They are true haram zadas
This could be because General sahib wants to funnel funds in a certain direction. Just donate directly to Al-Khidmat, they are the ONLY Pakistani NGO working in Gaza right now.
Yes,Israelis are ruthless

They are also guilty of the original sin ..

They started it .. reap what you sow

s, please see the work the NDMA and AL-Khidmat and the PMC are doing. The PMC has made a register of 500 doctors, nurses and paramedics who are on STANDBY to work in Gaza once permitted.

4 more charter planes of aid are ready to leave once permission is granted, just yesterday 90 Tonnes of aid was sent to Egypt destined to Gaza


it is all a scam.

They have clear instructions from Washington what to do
Yes, please see the work the NDMA and AL-Khidmat and the PMC are doing. The PMC has made a register of 500 doctors, nurses and paramedics who are on STANDBY to work in Gaza once permitted.

4 more charter planes of aid are ready to leave once permission is granted, just yesterday 90 Tonnes of aid was sent to Egypt destined to Gaza.

This could be because General sahib wants to funnel funds in a certain direction. Just donate directly to Al-Khidmat, they are the ONLY Pakistani NGO working in Gaza right now.

I don’t doubt individual Pakistani NGO helping out .. but gov support ?


One has to be a real idiot to believe them
I told you last week - when you like a post showing glee and satisfaction where innocent Muslims are being victimised and slaughtered - you might as well have written the post.
We all know what you are and where your sentiments are. You can attempt to be neutral or objective - thankfully you are too naive and not articulate to hide it.
You’re exposed and we know what you really are.
On topic - tonight the Shifa hospital is being carpet bombed and starved of supplies - ultimately the seriously injured and children will die. Pure evil scum is the legacy of the occupier - we shall not forget nor forgive.

I generally don't use such words in this forum but I carefully called @Foinikas a 'hypocrite' several pages ago. That's what he is.
BTW, the more this conflict goes on, the more the global opinion turns against Israel, the more even the Israel-backers in this thread will start to be quieter and/or more 'balanced'; actually, they already ARE somewhat quieter than some days ago in this thread.
No,you don't. First of all this "we all know",refers to a few wankers like you who are so stuck in their views they can't understand what I'm saying. They don't want to understand what I'm saying.
Second,there's a lot of people who do understand what I'm saying and who I am.
Third,I am trying to be objective. But if you think that objective means "cheer for Hamas and call all Israelis settlers",then I am stupid for thinking people like you can be educated.

You shall not forgive? You're in Pakistan eating biryani and watching cricket.

Yes,Israelis are ruthless. When they want to eradicate a threat,they rarely care about collateral damage. But you know who else is ruthless? Hamas. They are the ones using hospital grounds to move and launch attacks from as well.
Listen cockroach - you are a piece of turd. You thank posts that are cheering children deaths. You are an ultimate cockroach - perhaps the lowest form of human. Everything we detest in a human. Pretending to be Greek but we know you are a smelly dirty Indian.
I actually live in the UK and yes I do watch cricket. You sit there festering over my posts - get a life.
What’s upset you is you being exposed as a person thanking posts that are celebrating Muslim deaths. We know what you are cockroach.
Now go forth and multiply - dirty little Indian pretending to be Greek.
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