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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

I was listening to Haider Mehdi talking to Dr. Zafar Bangash who’s an expert on Palestine. Dr. Bangash was saying that Hezbollah cannot enter the war because Lebanon is economically weak and politically very divided. In case of war Israel will destroy Beirut and that will start a civil war which can go very badly for Hezbollah.
Ok, but isnt it possible that Hezbollah will destroy Israeli air bases severely enough this time so that Israeli airforce bombing flights on Lebanon are stopped or reduced? I think the argument/belief that Israel can and will bomb Lebanon back to the stone ages might make some assumptions that won't necessarily play out that way this time- new factors are at play in this conflict.
But what he said about UAE was the most shocking. He said that internal security in UAE is totally controlled by Israel. At the airport they may have local people sitting at the desk but in the background Mossad agents monitor everyone who passes through the airports.
He said that UAE is basically a satellite of Israel.
yea...they're just coming out now.
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That's not surprising..the thing that surprised me was the resentment against Palestinian people.

Spoke to dozen of Arabian emiriti or Saudis people in private in United States who have came here for education or other purposes.they really blame Palestine people for everything and stating that why don't they just agree to everything

In my opinion their monarchs are actually more propalestinian than the pe
No blame to Hamas, all the glory and respect towards last standing true warriors, their example will shed the light to future generations and now more then ever they should and will ne supported by any decent muslim state actor, they are already within hearts among not only muslims but within any decent people around the world.
Mu'mineen are not going to lose their hope in Allah(SWT) and his victory. What this genocide showed us is there is many hypocrites who came out openly amongst us that are very merciful towards Jews but extremely hateful to Muslims and wishing defeat on their own brothers and sisters.

This is not just Gaza's fight. This is a war on Islam directed by the Jewish people. And the Jewish people and Satan will not prevail. This has been going on for a long time and it will still go on. They have not won anything. Carpet bombing tiny and impoverished Gaza with US and Israeli warplanes is not impressive nor should make Muslims think they're weak. Hamas stood up to the US/Israel for over a month of genocidal carpet bombing and deliberate starvation and targeting of Palestinian civilians. Arab nations lost a war in 6 days meanwhile.

Now people are losing hope and blaming Hamas. You cannot lose hope during times like this. Dajjal will initially besiege and starve the believers. For over a year long period. Then the victory comes from Allah(SWT). The actual believers out there. Do not lose hope. And do not end your activism.
Israel bombed a hospital in Lebanon too:

Urgent| Lebanese Foreign Minister:
The occupation’s bombing of Mays al-Jabal Hospital in southern Lebanon is a crime against humanity
Warning to Nasralah to be careful what to say tomorrow
Ok, but isnt it possible that Hezbollah will destroy Israeli air bases severely enough this time so that Israeli airforce bombing flights on Lebanon are stopped or reduced? I think the assumption that Israel can and will bomb Lebanon back to the stone ages might make some assumptions that won't necessarily play out that way this time- new factors are at play in this conflict.

2007 war between Hizbollah and Israel showed us that Israel did what they're are doing to Gaza, they bombed Lebanon without mercy, destroyed absolutely anything that came in their way. This time Israel will do 10x more damage, they will literally make South Lebanon in to Gaza. Hizbollah doesn't have the capability to destroy Israeli aircrafts, Israeli will also use ballistic missiles on Lebanon. Last war Syria gave enormous supplies and support to Hizbollah but this time Syria is also destroyed and divided, thanks to the wahabi traitors.

For Hizbollah to join this war is a great risk. Usa will also bomb Hizbollah. Muslims made a huge mistake when many supported the Syria rebellion, which in return destroyed Syria and made Hizbollah and Hamas weaker (I know both Hamas and hizbollah are stronger than in 2007 but with strong Syrian state they would have been 10x more strong).

Syria is also sitting duck, israel will bomb Syria.
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