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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Israeli supporters are now offering $250 to college students to come out and join their protest. It is not about principle and people expressing their views. It is about paying people, so the crowd can look bigger. Heck, everything about them is all fake.


Indeed a shame. Hard times create strong men, and yet these cripples have spent too much time having grapes dipped into their mouths by houris and being fanned on their thrones to any longer have a pair of testicles. I predict the end of the al-Saud regime is nigh. Perhaps in two decades, at the most.

If one thinks about it...
* The sanctions had knocked "gas station masquerading as a country" off the grid. Making EU a captive market.
* A great chunk of NATO supplies dispensed at knocking Russia into submission.

Then Palestine happens...
* Venezuela sanctions broadly removed and Arabs/Iranians hold the keys.
* Isreal is further drawing the war stocks.
Someone somewhere is reading the whole scenario to flip switches as needed.

Another foot has to drop, either to knock sense in the wilfully enslaved or, remove/replace their lot altogether!

However, once burned, twice shy! They wouldn't slide a finger should their own lives depended on it... such is the conditioning.
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Israeli supporters are now offering $250 to college students to come out and join their protest. It is not about principle and people expressing their views. It is about paying people, so the crowd can look bigger. Heck, everything about them is all fake.

View attachment 972478

What surprise, every protest of any kind is plenty of people who get paid money to make the clown in the streets, welcome to real world.

Do you think that thousands Lebanese who gathered to listen Nasralah boring speeches are there for free?
Hey @BON PLAN, did your mother conceive you after being raped by a Nazi soldier during world war 2. Just curious, because you sound like a Nazi.

Fun Fact: France never actually switched back to their "actual" time zone. To this day they're still using the "German" time zone. Life in German -occupied France lol
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