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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Pakistan was not imported from another continent and was planted in South Asia. Pakistanis are indigenous to their homeland. How can he make that comparison? He is either dumb or desperate to get the attention of the Zionists.

He is a murtads,, they are all really upset at the moment,, not because Israel is bombing Palestinians
But because Muslims are speaking with unity and anger across the world
O - you are peddling half truths. Absolute zero proof of Hamas in the hospital. These are war crimes and genocide is being committed as we speak
When Fatah got really pissed at Hamas they attacked the Shifa hospital, which turned out to contain Hamas combatants. Do You care to explain why that was chosen?

That is evidence that Hamas did not respect the Geneva Conventions.
It is not evidence that Hamas uses the hospital this way today, but enough to make
your support just an exercise in producing hot air.
The attacks in early October shows that Hamas still do not respect the Geneva Conventions.

When the apparent LEADER OF THE SUNNI WORLD fights (Shia) Muslims when those Shia Muslims are trying to fight Israel, that helps me understand why some low self esteem Sunnis on PDF will yell that Iran is sectarian.

Some Sunni Muslims call Iran sectarian an anti-Sunni because the leader of the Sunni world is ultimately a coward.

There is no leader of the sunni world.
To the Indian dogs who support Israel

You have only one constant in your life

And that is to boot lick your masters

View attachment 966851

i find Britain is now match to LDC countries only. a tiny country ,UK, who is now nothing without charity from countries like India, CHina, Russia :-)
feeding on charity from India, China, Russia is now only fate of Britain-UK........
i find Britain is now match to LDC countries only. a tiny country ,UK, who is now nothing without charity from countries like India, CHina, Russia :-)
whatever bro.
Slums in our country still outstrip upper class streets in yours

GDP per capita isn't even something worth humiliating you on
whatever bro.
Slums in our country still outstrip upper class streets in yours

GDP per capita isn't even something worth humiliating you on

what charity we throw to British dogs, is the only future of UK-Britain, which is written on walls. put head up and see :-)
('we' means for India, China, Russia)
Have u seen how Armenians treated azeris in karabakh n adjoining areas? This was payback and now armenians crying.
Please don't be a blind person.

Just look at the crimes of Turkey. Just look at the Genocide of millions of Armenians. Just look how the whole west Armenian is today a part of Turkey and nobody even utters a word about it. (You also uttered not a single word against it and just neglected it, which is a shame).

And what about the killings by Azeri Governors of the Armenian population of Nagorno-Karabakh under the colonial rule of Iran and Russia?

Today you say that Hamas has all the right to kill Israeli civilians while Jews illegally occupied this land. But when Azeris did the same under the colonial rule of Iran/Russia, then you shut your eyes.

What are you going to do now? Again show the double standards and neglect this issue of Armenia while they are not humans in your eyes as they are Kuffar? Do you want to say that only Muslims of Hamas have all the rights but non-Muslims don't have equal rights?

War and occupation was a normal thing in the past and if anything, muslim invaders were considered most merciful.

What merciful?
Killing war prisoners is merciful?
Raping all women and girls by making them captives merciful?
Looting even the last penny is merciful?
Separating small children from their mothers and selling them in Islamic Bazaars of Slavery is being merciful?

These were the crimes of Muslim ancestors for the last 1400 years, till the Caliphate existed and till the non-religious West didn't kick on their back and forced them to abolish slavery.

The colonial British Empire also committed crimes, but they were nowhere close to the crimes of Muslim ancestors.

The colonial British Empire ruled almost all Muslim countries, but it abolished slavery in its colonies and didn't rape women, otherwise, women from our great grandmothers generations would have been enslaved and probably raped too by white colonial people.

After 1000 years of rule in india, muslims are still in minority.

Mughal rulers decided only to take Jizya and not to kill the war prisoners or enslave them all. Muslims were never in such a majority to rule over the whole of India. Muslim rulers were divided among themselves too.

Ibn Battuta: How Muslim Rulers took Hindu Princesses as slaves and raped them​

Ibn Battuta writes about Sultan Muhammad Tughlaq:

(On the festivels of Eid) ... Then the musicians and dancers come in. First of all, the daughters of the infidel Indian kings who have been taken as captives of war during that year and whom, after they have sung and danced, then Sultan presented them to the Amirs and to the distinguished foreigners, then after them the rest of the daughters of the infidels and these, after they have sung and danced, he gives to his brothers and kinsmen and relatives by marriage and to the sons of the maliks. The Sultan's session for this purpose takes place after the hour of afternoon prayer. Then on the next day also, after the hour of afternoon prayer, he holds a session after the same manner, to which are brought singing girls whom, after they have sung and danced, he gives to the amirs of the mamluks.
Online Reference:
The Travels of Ibn Battuta, A.D. 1325-1354, Volume 3, page 667 and 668

Has Israel committed such heinous crimes against Palestinians? No.
Has colonial powers of the British Empire or France committed such crimes as colonial Muslim ancestors did? No.
Did the colonial Britishers and the French did such a Genocide as Turkey did of Christian Armenians? No.
But the problem is your double standards.

On the other hand, ur so called secular wesrerners wiped out whole indigenous civilizations. Murdered whole civilizations by gifting them infected blankets, that is the worst barbarianism ull ever find.

Yes, they did it and for that we condemn them and as consider them war criminals.
But do you also then condemn the war crimes of your Muslim ancestors and condemn them?
If not, then why these Double Standards?

In modern times, ull not see muslims conquering other lands and forcing locals to live in open air prison,

Grapes are sour.
You don't have the power to invade non-Muslim lands, otherwise, you are no angels.
Your hero Saddam Hussain was one of the cruellest people who killed millions of Shia minority people and killed several hundred thousand Kurds.
Do you remember how Saddam Hussain killed 5,000 Kurds in one night when he bombed them with Chemical Weapons in Halabcha?

Halabja massacre

Your Muslim Heros of today didn't get power over non-Muslims, then they started killing their own Muslim brothers.

And your Muslim Caliphate of Turkey killed millions of Armenians in not distant past, but again all such killings for you are Halal Allah and the blood of non-Muslims have no worth for you.
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That "Greek", @Foinikas has far more respect for Muslim countries than you do. You go out of your way to insult Bangladeshi and Indian Muslims, calling them "inferior". You insult Gulf Arab countries and Iran with every other post you make. You insult Pakistanis for simply speaking out against your pro-Turk nationalism.

Foinikas may have questionable views, but he handles himself with far more respect than you do.
Trust me when I tell you that if it was up to the Greek people,we would have put sanctions on Israel a long time ago. Just like people in Pakistan,Bangladesh,Turkey would have as well. But it's the governments who do nothing. It's the governments who try to keep a careful stance.

For decades,in Greece both left-wing and right-wing were against the oppression of Palestinians. Our governments used to be friendly with Gaddafi and Arafat in the '70s,'80s and '90s. But later,American pressure,Turkey's rivalry and EU didn't let us take a clearly pro-Palestinian stance.
To the Indian dogs who support Israel

You have only one constant in your life

And that is to boot lick your masters

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It's in Hindu nature

I reckon it's all to do with the caste system ingrained in hindus, they don't stand up to power , just like Dalits are not expected to stand up to brahmins

This is why the hindus has 1000 years of being dominated whilst Palestinians fight constantly for freedom
I don t know what are iranians thinking they are doing... but it s going to be by stages, once Gaza problem is solved for israelis, they are gonna go for Hezbollah or Syria, is very clear to me.

And then they will address their Iran problem in a isolated way. Then Turkiyeh.

Sorry, but this lack of strategy and awareness of Iran is really worryng for their future. It s not going to end with Gaza, i say you Gaza end it s palestine end, and the beginning of the end of a lot of countries.

Turkiyeh is also in the queue.

Iran fatwa is an incredible stupid and naive thing of Iran.
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