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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Arent they supposed to be made out of chicken tho`.....technically I mean?.

I remember in james clavells King Rat,they raised and sold them for their meat and referred to it as "squirrel deer".The story takes place in a ww2 japanese prison camp for allied pows.

Rat Mcnuggets,the latest taste sensation from Mickey Ds...

I don't have much fast food, but I don't think I'll ever think of a chicken McNugget the same again

BTW I totally LOL'd when I read

"Rat Mcnuggets,the latest taste sensation from Mickey Ds...
More people are waking up. Zionism Jewry needs to be destroyed. There might be some good Jewish people, I don't know. But I, and others, have had enough of this Global Jewry Cabal running the world and committing mass murder. We need to start the movement against global jewry, even if a ceasefire is reached in Gaza. We are under a Jewish occupation worse than the Jewish occupation of Gaza.

Actually I agree that Israel and Palestinian may have the same origin / ancestor. Well, yes. After 70 AD, where Jerusalem was burned by Roman Empire, and around 100 AD where most of king David descendants were massacred, Israel people left their country and spread to all over the world. But I doubt that all of them were leave. I'm sure that some must be left in the region. And who know what happen to them? I'm sure that some of their descendants still alive in the region when the Jews from all over the world returned. And maybe they have been converted to Islam / Christian. And maybe they are actually the Palestinian people today.
no, there were no such name "palestinians" 3000 years ago except philistines.
Later the Jews were known as palestinians in modern time
Israeli Minister of Health: “Israel” is in the most serious mental health crisis in its history

Must be refering to this :


I just can't fathom the thought process behind the expectation that an enemy you are fighting a war with has to supply you water and electricity because 'international law' says so. Can one go to court and enforce 'international law' during war time? What will the Gazans do if the war lasts another month?
I hope one day you will be without food and water with bombs and desdtruction raining down on your head then maybe then you will realise the disgust in what you are saying.
Yet another war crime by the evil Jewish state. Targeting a ambulance with a airstrike. They won't even try the Hamas was in it excuse and there's no reason to when they got a greenlight from the US to commit genocide.


Occupied Palestine: Al-Mayadeen correspondent: 2 paramedics were injured when the occupation forces targeted an ambulance in the Abu Sharkh area in the northern Gaza Strip.

Can we call you gayriki instead?

That "Greek", @Foinikas has far more respect for Muslim countries than you do. You go out of your way to insult Bangladeshi and Indian Muslims, calling them "inferior". You insult Gulf Arab countries and Iran with every other post you make. You insult Pakistanis for simply speaking out against your pro-Turk nationalism.

Foinikas may have questionable views, but he handles himself with far more respect than you do.
That "Greek", @Foinikas has far more respect for Muslim countries than you do. You go out of your way to insult Bangladeshi and Indian Muslims, calling them "inferior". You insult Gulf Arab countries and Iran with every other post you make. You insult Pakistanis for simply speaking out against your pro-Turk nationalism.

Foinikas may have questionable views, but he handles himself with far more respect than you do.

In addition to the points you made, he also might very well be a direct descendant of the Greek Pantheon of Gods

They're copying NATO tactics. War is all about resources and geography. Gaza is too small and lacks resources and weapons supply. It can't go up against NATO unlimited weapons supply and funding. Israel gets no credit at all from me. It's entirely dependent on US military support and funding. Some like to suggest US is holding it back, I'd beg to differ.
Israel needs regime change. They can't keep teaching hate and violence. There must be a government that can coexist with it's neighbors for there to be a two-state solution. Israel's solution to everything is violence. Incursions in the West Bank everyday. They can't go a day without bombing a Palestinian territory or country. The reality is the problem is with the Jewish people that are inherently violent/controlling/stubborn. It's not the Palestinians.

This is not going to work.
Hamas hates Jews many times more than Bibi's government hate Hamas.

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