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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Taliban had the same ratios but still gave ISAF a bloody nose and still in power. Your time comes. Out of fear, keep coming to this forum and talking about how good things on a channel thats an Israeli mouthpiece.

Rockets still falling on you guys . Even though I am sure you are dodging. Your military service and hiding somewhere as a coward in the west

Rocket don't have much damage on human life. If Israel will escalate the war with Lebanon, Lebanon as a country is gone. It will look like another Somalia. Israel air force have lots of area to carpet. All the shia viligaes in the south will be carpet bomded like gaza. Beirut will suffer heavily. Lebanon ports air port television electricity everything will be eradicated. This is why lots of Lebanese running away because they fear of war will break loose they will suffer
Hezbollah confirmed to have Iranian "358" loitering micro-jet SAM

This innovative and cheap Iranian loitering SAM was fired by Hezbollah at an Israeli drone near the border and intercepted by Israeli Patriot missile. The 358 missile was first seen in service in Yemen and is also possessed by the Iraqi Resistance PMU forces, and now confirmed to be in the possession of Lebanese Hezbollah.

This missile will be vulnerable to interception near the border but its utility against drones and helicopters cannot be understated. The Houthis used the 358 missile to shoot down US Scan Eagle and Chinese Wing Loong drones (among others) in Yemen.
Please stay realistic. Pakistan is on its knees because of its economy. But if/when there is a regional war then things will change. I don't think Pakistan is going to act without coordinating with at least Turkey, if not with Iran and Saudi Arabia. Currently, there is a Turkish proposal to deploy Turkish troops in Gaza as guarantee to both Israel and Gazans and that's where Pakistan can help to be part of that force.
Pakistan has black un registered economy.. it is not big deal. Real deal Zynes stooge Asim munier
Rocket don't have much damage on human life. If Israel will escalate the war with Lebanon, Lebanon as a country is gone. It will look like another Somalia. Israel air force have lots of area to carpet. All the shia viligaes in the south will be carpet bomded like gaza. Beirut will suffer heavily. Lebanon ports air port television electricity everything will be eradicated. This is why lots of Lebanese running away because they fear of war will break loose they will suffer
You're terrorist
This explains it. How is their diplomats still there and not expelled.

Until these countries close the Israeli embassies and block all economic trade then everything they say is propaganda meant solely for an internal audience, to meet the demand to take a pro-Palestine stance but without incurring any of the costs associated with actually doing that in practice.

All the shia viligaes in the south will be carpet bomded like gaza.
Your IDF says they do not "carpet bomb" areas. Are they lying?
No state border with Isreal can stay strong if Isreal is there.. you all naive.. Isreal survival is in danger if any country border stay strong. So it was very first plan to destroy Jordan Syria Lebanon Iraq Syria.Saudies and UAE they have surrounded themselves for money. Attacking Saudis is the risk as it will turn every musim in war as because of makkah and madina.. so they are forcing saudies to accept isreal as state. After 50 years then Isreal will take away Syria and Lebanon. Jordan King is pupi but his country will be part of Isreal. So today palestinians fighting for whole arabs .
Egyptians are controlled and their education system is controlled as well they are another papi of usa and France...
Best test method to call locals terrorists give them name Hamas algaida hasbulla isis. This how it works for them to get support in back home but this world is getting true pictures via social media. It is new crusade war
Attacking Al Aqsa is the same as attacking Mecca and it is the litmus test the Jews are watching.
Rocket don't have much damage on human life. If Israel will escalate the war with Lebanon, Lebanon as a country is gone. It will look like another Somalia. Israel air force have lots of area to carpet. All the shia viligaes in the south will be carpet bomded like gaza. Beirut will suffer heavily. Lebanon ports air port television electricity everything will be eradicated. This is why lots of Lebanese running away because they fear of war will break loose they will suffer
Where will money come to run this expensive war... that is question. Isreali business is closed because of war.. as no ships going near Isreal.. carry on. Longer you go more you get tired.. hamas will want this war stay long for months ....
Get Willson bro. Go in Italy and Europe in drug shops you will find best afgstan Hashish in top price. As per minerals. Chinese played well. Tliban made them run and signed contracts with chines to extract minerals
US has settled its "intervention objectives" in Afghanistan as pointed out in previous responses. Afghan Taliban have called on the US to release funds for Afghanistan and invest in Afghanistan but US have raised the issue of women rights in the present. China does not bother with these sentiments in comparison. USAID is working in Afghanistan but all else is frozen.

US wants to reduce its reliance on China for its manufacturing needs and build new partnerships in Asia to serve its interests. US will not attack OBOR projects, this is bad press and of little value. US will want to engage with China on some matters, keep the door open. How Elon Musk was able to open factories in China? American administration approved it because China is a big country and market in the end. There is posturing for public consumption in large part. US might check China in a conflict like it has done to Russia in Ukraine at most. Cold War is fought in a very calculative manner.
No , just with jihaddist isis and Muslim brotherhood supporter and extremists shia group. I hop that in the next coupe attempt he will not servive
When Iran war will start and Hormuz strait will be closed, war effects will be global, or at least in Eurasia.

Israel state is just the useful corrupt idiots of the Americans.

First victim israeli people, next victim whole eurasia people.
Until these countries close the Israeli embassies and block all economic trade then everything they say is propaganda meant solely for an internal audience, to meet the demand to take a pro-Palestine stance but without incurring any of the costs associated with actually doing that in practice.

Your IDF says they do not "carpet bomb" areas. Are they lying?

Well we told the civilians to leave, thier problem
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