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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

An excellent example of why little Indians should be kept thread of articulate delicate threads. Polluting it with your low quality trolling is not needed.
No one celebrates deaths of any civilians be it Israeli or Palestinian.
The problem is the indiscriminate attack and carpet bombing of hospitals schools and churches - targeting civilians. The problem is this rogue nation and committed genocide and war crimes by blocking water electricity and food.
The fact is you simply can’t hide your detest for Muslims and show non of this I. Your shit post suggests you are here to spectate - do it quietly and don’t post shit on here - is disrespectful and also puts you in the league of vermin so give yourself a break and us and remain shush
Indians have no self respect, they will lick A$$ of any creature if it goes against Pakistan or Islam, leave them alone they are petty small people.
Not trying to give you a hard time or anything like that, Lord knows the last thing I want to do is bang heads with you looool. Just trying to get a better understanding of this animosity some of you guys have towards Arab leaders. Do you expect them to actually fight like you quoted above? Make some kind of military intervention and start a war with the apartheid state?

If so, gimme an example of what let's say Saudi Arabia should do in your opinion.
Even Egypt or the UAE.

Since you did say "to fight for the Palestinians" then you're not advocation for something along the lines of what some others have suggested like be more aggressive than just condemning the genocide and actually expel the zionist ambassadors from their countries. Or cut off trading if they're doing any, even boycott commerce etc. That I would agree with, and I do think that they should do more in that respect.

But to start a war? As we all know quite well and have seen it happen right in front of our eyes in this war and in the Ukraine, it's not only the illegitimate zionist child of the United States, but the USA (and co.) will also bring forth its own wrath that would cripple any country and bring it down to its knees. No leader would ever risk such a thing, regardless of holding on to his seat or how much money he's making. Leaders are supposed to be cautious and rational, not impulsive or reactionary, especially when that reaction is irresponsible and could bring utter destruction and total collapse. Iraq, Libya & Syria even Afghanistan all come to mind as perfect examples. Does anyone even consider that? Or is it just about bashing them because they're hated scum? Just trying to understand the logic here.

Your point about Iran is superb. That's not really an angle brought up by many. You never really hear or read much about the Mullah's 'raison d'etre' being the necessity to keep the continuation of the Palestinian/Israeli conflict to fuel the need for its proxies and give it additional options and strength to counter the apartheid state's constant threatening or war because of a supposed perceived Iranian "nuclear threat." It's really an incredible cat & mouse game played at the 2nd highest stage in the world. Nice observation by you.

What happened was I quoted the wrong post by @HGV . This one below was the one I was supposed to quote when I posed the question to him about Saudiya shooting down a Yemeni/Houthi missile.

The tweet claimed that Saudi Arabia has been shooting down several missiles fired by someone in Yemen, presumably towards the apartheid state. implying that Saudiya was somehow "defending" the zionist state and complicit in its crimes, so to speak. Which is obviously absurd and ridiculous on a magnagamothical scale!! lol. A delusional, bigoted, racist, hateful and deceitful comment directed at Arabs is all it is. So, assuming there's even a shred of truth to that insinuation, regardless of what destination those missiles were headed to, if the only route is directly over Saudiya's territory, then why the hell wouldn't it shoot them down without a spec of prejudice? Who the hell would ever allow a single missile, let alone several missiles to be lobbed from a neighboring country (a country with a hostile element) through its airspace regardless of who the intended recipient is? No one is the answer.

As far as your point about whether a ballistic missile could be shot down at its mid-course altitude which in Yemen's case, most of the missiles the Houthis have been firing have been categorized as ballistic (SRBM, MRBM or IRBM) then they're obviously within reach of Saudi air defenses. And they don't have to be intercepted only at their midcourse either. Afterall, they did spend $15B on THAAD.

Wow! Did they really do that? This is unbelievable. That's a huge hit on the apartheid state to downgrade their credit rating that badly!? Some things are happening, brother. This sacrifice might not be in total vein after all. T3ala nakol el halawa ya s3at el beh! :D
they at least can ask americans to leave their countries and deny them military bases but answer be probably iran bla bla, thing is they can have other "protector" then usa but they do not want it and that is their guilt and compliance in ongoing atroicities.
Hi. I am back. How are you.
Let's make it short . I kinda freestyled. It was just straight kick into lower abdomen. Ouch , foot size 13, he he winced like a little b. Tch.
If you didn't bark , a little doggy could have away with a bit of psychological roughing but you panjjeet barked, so as it has been the usual occurance , a Hindu got beaten by the Muslim.
Bark bark , in London there are a plenty opportunities to exhort tax .
Mater ti jebem
That's nice, but India has Kashmir and you will never get it from them. :-)


Look who the 'palestinians' are sending into battle LOL

He has been liquidated, of course. What was he 15 or 16? about 45kg

Not sending their best!

you can not defeat this people without genocide, western animals can bark and support it all the time they have, but faith will always prevail
Many times genocides have been conducted successfully. Don't be too sure that Palestine will survive a genocide. Moors couldn't survive the genocide despite the faith, nor most natives in the New World.
Good morning folks 😜
50 hizbullah terrorist eradicated
10-20 islamic jihad + Hamas terrorist are dead. It seems idf frustrating hizbullah and taking minium casualties.
7 soldiers got the hard massage not to escalate the war by sending them to hell.
8 more are in critical condition
It was a massage for 2 rocket attack in Golan heights
West bank:
Hundreds of hamas and islamic jihaddist arrest. Israel continue eradicates hamas members in jenin
The casualties in the west bank above 100
Above 1500 terrorist bodys of hamas+islamic jihaddist are being cleaned from the south. Israel also have many hamas terrorist in captivity that shin bet integrate for intelligence (they are giving critical information without any problems)
Tent city in a making
North: will be eradicated completely
South: their is a humanitarian corridor. But Israel also strick han-hunis.
More then 10 terrorist eradicated in the sea by Israel navy yesterday
More then 700 terrorist eradicated just yesterday
The casualties is up to 6000 by now
More are under the rubble
Cyber attack on Iran electricity system
Millions don't have access to electricity because of it

Have a nice day everyone 😘
This is the new Israel, the lion. Syria fired two rockets into empty fields in Israel - Israel responds by eliminating 8 terrorists and wounding more.

Good morning folks 😜
50 hizbullah terrorist eradicated
10-20 islamic jihad + Hamas terrorist are dead. It seems idf frustrating hizbullah and taking minium casualties.
7 soldiers got the hard massage not to escalate the war by sending them to hell.
8 more are in critical condition
It was a massage for 2 rocket attack in Golan heights
West bank:
Hundreds of hamas and islamic jihaddist arrest. Israel continue eradicates hamas members in jenin
The casualties in the west bank above 100
Above 1500 terrorist bodys of hamas+islamic jihaddist are being cleaned from the south. Israel also have many hamas terrorist in captivity that shin bet integrate for intelligence (they are giving critical information without any problems)
Tent city in a making
North: will be eradicated completely
South: their is a humanitarian corridor. But Israel also strick han-hunis.
More then 10 terrorist eradicated in the sea by Israel navy yesterday
More then 700 terrorist eradicated just yesterday
The casualties is up to 6000 by now
More are under the rubble
Cyber attack on Iran electricity system
Millions don't have access to electricity because of it

Have a nice day everyone 😘
Some very good and satisfying stats. I keep telling the Arabs and Muslims that the game has changed here. They don't seem to understand it yet. Hezbollah still very dangerous of course, but to eliminate 50 rats and only have 3 casualties on Israel's side attributed to them, is fantastic.

The problem with that elegantly simple solution is one can counter it with primitive jungle law, strong overpower the weak, as has happened throughout human (and non-human) history.
He's an American willing to fight to the last palestinian.
Just now
Channel 13: terrorist that have connections to Muhammad deff was redirected
North: will be eradicated completely

That won't be as easy. The vast underground tunnels, face-to-face combat, and massive residential areas. Hamas' best bet is to play it strategically. Israel will need to come up with a strong decisive plan in order to achieve their stated goals.
This is remarkable stuff. If this actually works. I would say israel is pretty screwed militarily
Almas ATGM Tests:

Good morning folks 😜
50 hizbullah terrorist eradicated
10-20 islamic jihad + Hamas terrorist are dead. It seems idf frustrating hizbullah and taking minium casualties.
7 soldiers got the hard massage not to escalate the war by sending them to hell.
8 more are in critical condition
It was a massage for 2 rocket attack in Golan heights
West bank:
Hundreds of hamas and islamic jihaddist arrest. Israel continue eradicates hamas members in jenin
The casualties in the west bank above 100
Above 1500 terrorist bodys of hamas+islamic jihaddist are being cleaned from the south. Israel also have many hamas terrorist in captivity that shin bet integrate for intelligence (they are giving critical information without any problems)
Tent city in a making
North: will be eradicated completely
South: their is a humanitarian corridor. But Israel also strick han-hunis.
More then 10 terrorist eradicated in the sea by Israel navy yesterday
More then 700 terrorist eradicated just yesterday
The casualties is up to 6000 by now
More are under the rubble
Cyber attack on Iran electricity system
Millions don't have access to electricity because of it

Have a nice day everyone 😘
Lol nice lies
Why do your media lie to you? The situation in Israel seems very bad
That won't be as easy. The vast underground tunnels, face-to-face combat, and massive residential areas. Hamas' best bet is to play it strategically. Israel will need to come up with a strong decisive plan in order to achieve their stated goals.

Israel will not send soldiers to fight terrorist directly in the tunnels. Israel channels said that their are other options to destroy the tunnels from the ground level either by soldiers on the ground or bunker bombing
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