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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

He is an Israeli, what do you expect, a country created on the back of mass extermination and genocide? He needs time out though,as he is losing his mind, laughing at dead children and incomprehesible suffering.

20 Oct, 2023 09:35
HomeWorld News

US State Department arms-transfer chief resigns over Israel​

The official has characterized Washington’s rush to provide military aid as “shortsighted” and “destructive”
US State Department arms-transfer chief resigns over Israel

FILE PHOTO: Israeli artillery in action on October 12, 2023 © Mustafa Alkharouf / Anadolu via Getty Images
A senior official in the US Department of State responsible for weapons transfers has resigned in protest, stating that Washington’s rush to arm Israel was “shortsighted, destructive, unjust, and contradictory to the very values that we publicly espouse.”
Josh Paul had served as the director of the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs (PM) for more than 11 years. On Wednesday, he published his resignation letter on his LinkedIn profile. HuffPo was the first major news outlet to report it on the same day.
Paul said he took the job knowing that it entailed “moral complexity and moral compromises” and strived to make sure that “the harm I might do could be outweighed by the good I could do.”
“I believe that in our current course with regards to the continued – indeed, expanded and expedited – provision of lethal arms to Israel – I have reached the end of that bargain,”
he explained his decision.
US to divert shells for Ukraine to Israel – Axios
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US to divert shells for Ukraine to Israel – Axios
Washington was repeating the same mistakes that it made for decades, he wrote. The policy is “an impulsive reaction built on confirmation bias, political convenience, intellectual bankruptcy, and bureaucratic inertia.”
The letter cited Paul’s academic experience in the Middle East and official work with Israel and the Palestinian Authority. He said he had “deep personal ties” to both sides of the conflict, and denounced the biased approach, which he claimed obfuscates wrongdoing by the party that the US is partnered with.
Paul condemned the murder of civilians by “terrorists” whether the victims “dance at a rave” or “harvest their olive grove” and the kidnapping of children “whether taken at gunpoint from their kibbutz or taken at gunpoint from their village.”
West has ‘lost’ Global South over Israel hypocrisy – FT
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West has ‘lost’ Global South over Israel hypocrisy – FT
Collective punishment is an enemy of the desire to build a better world, “whether it involves demolishing one home, or one thousand; as too is ethnic cleansing; as too is occupation; as too is apartheid,” he stated.
Violence escalated in the region after the Palestinian militant group Hamas launched a surprise incursion into southern Israel this month, killing hundreds of people and capturing scores of hostages. Paul described the raid as “a monstrosity of monstrosities” in his letter.
Israel responded by ramping up its blockade of Gaza and subjecting it to intense bombardment. The Israeli government said it was determined to “obliterate” Hamas.
US President Joe Biden visited Israel on the day Paul tendered his resignation letter, pledging to ask Congress to allocate additional aid to meet the ally’s military needs. He will reportedly ask for $10 billion in emergency spending this week.
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The so called wisdom Jewish people, not seeing the root problem even till this date and still thinks dropping a few bomb could changed anything.

Detroit synagogue President found stabbed to death outside her home​

AFP | | Posted by Sreelakshmi B
Oct 22, 2023 03:07 AM IST

The killing came at a moment of escalating tensions in Jewish and Muslim communities across the United States.​

The politically active leader of a Detroit synagogue was found dead with stab wounds outside her home on Saturday, and police said the motive of the slaying was not known.
President of Detroit synagogue Samantha Woll(Facebook)
President of Detroit synagogue Samantha Woll(Facebook)

The killing came at a moment of escalating tensions in Jewish and Muslim communities across the United States over the Israel-Hamas conflict that has taken thousands of lives this month.
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The victim of Saturday's murder, Samantha Woll, 40, presided over the Isaac Agree Downtown Synagogue in Detroit.
Emergency personnel found Woll dead "with multiple stab wounds to her body," Detroit police said in a statement. A trail of blood led officers to Woll's nearby home, "which is where the crime is believed to have occurred."
"At this time, the motive for the killing is unknown."
German Synagogue Attacked With Firebombs Amid Israel-Hamas War; Scholz Vows To Protect Jews
"We are shocked and saddened to learn of the unexpected death of Samantha Woll, our Board President," the synagogue posted on its Facebook page. "At this point we do not have more information."

CCPA Notice
Woll was active in Democratic Party affairs, working for US congresswoman Elise Slotkin and on the campaign of Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, the Detroit Free Press said.
"I am shocked, saddened and horrified to learn of Sam's brutal murder. Sam was as kind a person as I've ever known," Nessel posted on X, formerly Twitter.
Slotkin, who served as a CIA officer before entering Congress, said Woll sought to build "understanding across faiths, bringing light in the face of darkness."
The Free Press said Woll had been active in a grassroots organization aimed at bridging ties between young Muslims and Jews.
That's what happens when you incite violence against Palestinians and Muslims. All in the name of supporting Israel's genocide. And making death threats against people who support Palestinians. They'll respond with more hate and incitement because all they know is hate and violence. And they assume they have upper hand because people aren't hateful and violent like them to choose violence and hate as first option.

The more hate and violence and genocide they partake in, the more likely we are gonna see people start dealing with them in a way they understand.
North Korea reserves the right to launch a pre-emptive strike against US strategic forces deployed in South Korea.
North Korea News Agency
Our message to them is Munira Mastri and his friends worship the dollar and their Kaba is America and London. It is impossible to send an army to protect the Palestinians. As a Pakistani, I am sorry that the army we build is not for the protection of their people or Muslim ummah, but to protect their elites and DHA plots.

Pakistan army not only duped Pakistani but also Muslims around the world.
The so called wisdom Jewish people, not seeing the root problem and still thinks dropping a few bomb could changed anything.

It's a myth that Jews are wise. The Jews in the US have an average IQ about 110, that is 10 points above the US average. The Jews in Israel have an IQ if 92. Among all the Jews in the world their IQ would probably be 100, the average for people of European ancestry. They do have a higher than average number of very gifted people, but it helps that they have preferred access to top universities and jobs.

However, intelligence does not equate to wisdom. How can a nation be considered successful if it only has 16 million people--only 0.2% of the world's population. That is miniscule compared to populations of other major civilizations. The leaders of the Jews have been leading their people from catastrophe to catastrophe, having been expelled from over 100 places over the last couple of thousand years. Their small number forces them to live parasitically off other countries.

Any country that allows them in, they end up taking control of it and eventually being thrown out. In the last century they took over Russia and Germany and were thrown out of both. Today they're taken over Palestine and USA. Their expulsion from Palestine is virtually guaranteed; it's just a matter of time.

Expulsions and exoduses of Jews

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The US Sun

China deploys six warships to Middle East as tensions in region boil amid fears Israel crisis could become all-out war​

By Juliana Cruz Lima,
16 hours ago

SIX Chinese warships have been deployed to the Middle East as tensions boil over Israel, reports claim.
China's 44th naval escort task force has been involved in routine operations in the area, and spent several days on a visit to Oman last week.
China deployed six warships, which have been operating in the Middle East amid tensions in Israel Credit: AFP

Chinese leader Xi Jinping called for a two-state solution to the Israel-Hamas war Credit: Reuters
The country's 44th naval escort task force spent several days on a visit to Oman Credit: Alamy

The task force - from the People’s Liberation Army Eastern Theatre - left Muscat for an unspecified location on Saturday after taking part in a joint exercise with the Omani navy.
It includes the Zibo, a Type 052D guided-missile destroyer, the frigate Jingzhou and the integrated supply ship Qiandaohu - all stationed in the Middle East at a time of heightened tensions.
During the visit, Chinese commanders met Omani military officials and visited military institutions, while sailors from both countries toured each other’s shops.
They also organised a basketball game, according to state news agency Xinhua.
The PLA task force has been involved in escort missions for shipping since arriving in the Gulf of Aden north of Somalia six months ago.

But it handed over its mission to the 45th escort task force earlier this month.
The new convoy, from the PLA’s Northern Theatre command, includes a Type 052 destroyer Urumqi, the frigate Linyi and a supply ship Dongpinghu.
On Thursday, Chinese leader Xi Jinping said a two-state solution to establish an independent Palestine is the “fundamental way out” of the Israel-Hamas war.
“The top priority now is a ceasefire as soon as possible, to avoid the conflict from expanding or even spiraling out of control and causing a serious humanitarian crisis,” Xi was quoted as saying by China’s state-broadcaster CCTV.
It comes after the US has been sending off a powerful arsenal to the Middle East, as Israel's war against Hamas deepens.

The American military is increasing its firepower in the region, looking to prevent Iran and other Iran-backed groups from getting involved in the conflict.
The US empire of steel includes a network of bases in the Middle East with 2,000 troops, 2,400 Marines, and 13 warships now on alert.
A few A-10 Warthog and F-15E attack planes arrived in the region last week, with more advanced military aircraft expected to join.
The Pentagon is also rushing air defences and munitions to Israel, as well as an aircraft carrier monster fleet to the eastern Mediterranean, Reuters reports.
Another carrier is also set to be sent to the region in the coming days.
The United States has also told some 2,000 troops to be ready to deploy within 24 hours if notified - instead of the usual 96 hours - and could include units that provide assistance like medical aid if needed, a US official said on Monday.

Washington says the moves are meant as a deterrent, not a provocation.
On Friday, a US Navy warship fired what are believed to be America’s first shots in defence of Israel near the Red Sea coast of Yemen.
An official said the USS Carney shot down 15 drones and four cruise missiles fired by Iran-backed Houthi rebels in a nine-hour onslaught.
It comes as every big gun is pointed towards Gaza, with the world holding its breath for Israel’s imminent invasion of its Hamas enemy’s stronghold.
And humanitarian aid has begun to flow into Gaza after the border crossing with Egypt was opened, providing a "lifeline" for those suffering in the enclave.
The Chinese task force had been conducting operations in the Middle East since May Credit: Reuters

Pakistan, Iran and KSA should send some ships too

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The US Sun

China deploys six warships to Middle East as tensions in region boil amid fears Israel crisis could become all-out war​

By Juliana Cruz Lima,
16 hours ago

SIX Chinese warships have been deployed to the Middle East as tensions boil over Israel, reports claim.
China's 44th naval escort task force has been involved in routine operations in the area, and spent several days on a visit to Oman last week.
China deployed six warships, which have been operating in the Middle East amid tensions in Israel Credit: AFP

Chinese leader Xi Jinping called for a two-state solution to the Israel-Hamas war Credit: Reuters
The country's 44th naval escort task force spent several days on a visit to Oman Credit: Alamy

The task force - from the People’s Liberation Army Eastern Theatre - left Muscat for an unspecified location on Saturday after taking part in a joint exercise with the Omani navy.
It includes the Zibo, a Type 052D guided-missile destroyer, the frigate Jingzhou and the integrated supply ship Qiandaohu - all stationed in the Middle East at a time of heightened tensions.
During the visit, Chinese commanders met Omani military officials and visited military institutions, while sailors from both countries toured each other’s shops.
They also organised a basketball game, according to state news agency Xinhua.
The PLA task force has been involved in escort missions for shipping since arriving in the Gulf of Aden north of Somalia six months ago.

But it handed over its mission to the 45th escort task force earlier this month.
The new convoy, from the PLA’s Northern Theatre command, includes a Type 052 destroyer Urumqi, the frigate Linyi and a supply ship Dongpinghu.
On Thursday, Chinese leader Xi Jinping said a two-state solution to establish an independent Palestine is the “fundamental way out” of the Israel-Hamas war.
“The top priority now is a ceasefire as soon as possible, to avoid the conflict from expanding or even spiraling out of control and causing a serious humanitarian crisis,” Xi was quoted as saying by China’s state-broadcaster CCTV.
It comes after the US has been sending off a powerful arsenal to the Middle East, as Israel's war against Hamas deepens.

The American military is increasing its firepower in the region, looking to prevent Iran and other Iran-backed groups from getting involved in the conflict.
The US empire of steel includes a network of bases in the Middle East with 2,000 troops, 2,400 Marines, and 13 warships now on alert.
A few A-10 Warthog and F-15E attack planes arrived in the region last week, with more advanced military aircraft expected to join.
The Pentagon is also rushing air defences and munitions to Israel, as well as an aircraft carrier monster fleet to the eastern Mediterranean, Reuters reports.
Another carrier is also set to be sent to the region in the coming days.
The United States has also told some 2,000 troops to be ready to deploy within 24 hours if notified - instead of the usual 96 hours - and could include units that provide assistance like medical aid if needed, a US official said on Monday.

Washington says the moves are meant as a deterrent, not a provocation.
On Friday, a US Navy warship fired what are believed to be America’s first shots in defence of Israel near the Red Sea coast of Yemen.
An official said the USS Carney shot down 15 drones and four cruise missiles fired by Iran-backed Houthi rebels in a nine-hour onslaught.
It comes as every big gun is pointed towards Gaza, with the world holding its breath for Israel’s imminent invasion of its Hamas enemy’s stronghold.
And humanitarian aid has begun to flow into Gaza after the border crossing with Egypt was opened, providing a "lifeline" for those suffering in the enclave.
The Chinese task force had been conducting operations in the Middle East since May Credit: Reuters

Pakistan, Iran and KSA should send some ships too

carrier USS Gerald R. Ford

The world's largest aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78)


carrier USS Gerald R. Ford

The world's largest aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78)


Don't think it is needed to bomb the poorest enclave in the world, but then Zions are sick people.
This child just broke my heart man and I am not a softie. She probably had a family, looks like she was raised in a good family, probably lost all her relatives and an orphan now.....


Does anybody have any other video, twit or info about this child?

Last edited:
The Israeli Army: Hezbollah is dragging Lebanon into war

This child just broke my heart man and I am not a softie. She probably had a family, looks like she was raised in a good family, probably lost all her relatives and an orphan now.....


Does anybody have any other video, twit or info about this child?

If I find anything about it I'll let you know. May Allah help them.
Our message to them is Munira Mastri and his friends worship the dollar and their Kaba is America and London. It is impossible to send an army to protect the Palestinians. As a Pakistani, I am sorry that the army we build is not for the protection of their people or Muslim ummah, but to protect their elites and DHA plots.

Pakistani army is worse than the Israeli Army... It murders and bombs it's own people.

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