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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

why did the zionist entity just commit this war crime with american weapons, and western support?

Because they are too afraid of fighting like men face to face in urban warfare…

“War” to them means pressing a button, and mass slaughtering completely defenceless civilians….

By doing this, they satisfy their lust for blood and revenge without a massive invasion…..

This is a deliberate gruesome war crime, with the complicity of all the western regimes

Europe, us and the so called ‘west’ share this blood on their hands

Important report - obvservation :

The moment Biden landed here , Hamas almost did not fire , very little activity from our airforce as well and also Hizbullah stopped firing.

Moments after he took off , Hamas started shelling again and we have rockets in the north from Hizbullah.

Conclusion :

I think we should invite Biden to come live here permantly , or at least intill a solution to this conflict is found.

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Important report - ovbservation :

The moment Biden landed here Hamas almost did not fire , very little activity from our airforce as well and also Hizbullah stopped firing.

Moments after he took off Hamas started shelling again and we have rockets in the north from Hizbullah.

Conclusion :

I think we should invite Biden to come live here permantly , or at least intill a solution to this conflict is found.


Or, y'all leave with him and live in his proximity? Have fun!
The only problem is the next one could very well be not only just as evil, but even worse.


I can't help if you are unable to think more than about religion...

I have never condoned either Israel's killing of innocent civilians or Hamas's terror attacks that resulted in the deaths of innocent Israelis.

Are people here acting as blind supporters just based on religion?

If you ask about the third country or people: most countries are reacting neutral way, because

There are only two points-

1. Hamas killed innocent people in Israel.
2. In response, Israel attacked Gaza, and now innocent people are suffering and being killed, including Hamas.

No one cares what you believe or don't believe; - the straight-forward point is that HAMAS should have never attacked innocent Israelis.

The reason your government is mostly silent is because the Pakistani government and establishment know that openly supporting Hamas will be interpreted as supporting terrorism. Take a look at how your country is responding on this incident, still they are mostly mute.

Don't shoot me in the head—this is a simple fact. You should ask your government and leadership this question first.
Listen you thick retard - look at my flags - I live in the Uk born in the Uk.
Look at what the Israeli have done systematically in the last 60 years plus. Take Palestinians from school to torture them - taking their land - evicting them - building colonies against international law. Eventually something is going to give.
What Hamas was horrific but Israel is a state backed by the west causing genocide. Blocking water electricity to innocent is a warm crime.
Now try to remove that nose out of the backside of Jews and see things objectively - you blindly attempt to jump to conclusions without assessing the hardship of the last 70 years.
Palestinians will die and will prevail

Important report - ovbservation :

The moment Biden landed here Hamas almost did not fire , very little activity from our airforce as well and also Hizbullah stopped firing.

Moments after he took off , Hamas started shelling again and we have rockets in the north from Hizbullah.

Conclusion :

I think we should invite Biden to come live here permantly , or at least intill a solution to this conflict is found.


I was afraid Biden would get hurt--you know, even Ben Gorian Airport has seen rocket alarms. A killed or injured Biden would totally involve America into this war. Nobody wants that--not even Americans.
Having said that, there is still no appetite in America to get militarily involved in this war. But if this gets out of hand then you can count on some Gulf of Tonkin like False Flag!
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