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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Palestinian cause was destroyed when the arabs secretly sold the land to Britain for a future state of Israel, then slowly the arabs started to recognise Israel, one by one. The gulf arab governments have been living in peace for 1 century due to this.
But nooo,the Palestinian cause wasn't just an Arab or Muslim cause. Millions of people around the world wanted to see Palestinians free and the Israeli oppression that started in the late '80s,to stop.

People from different countries,Christians,Muslims,Buddhists,people with different political views like communists,romantic leftists,romantic right-wing patriots,nationalists,they all had sympathy and many supported the Palestinian cause. And I'm not talking about battles or struggle or activism. Even with words and protests.

And then Hamas goes and does that....and look at that. What will the public immidiately think of? Jihadi barbarism in Syria,Iraq and Afghanistan.
Israel is getting ready to give Ummah the Chuumaah.. tel ki sisi tayar rakho

LOL Hindu chutiye, we know why Israel begs for recognition from Arab and other Islamic countries. What is your Israel going to do? Tell me. Kill Hamas? Wow LOL Is that supposed to be impressive?

Let your little Israel fight a real country. We will see what happens. Fighting unarmed Palestinians is in no way impressive nor mighty.

Now tell me Hindu kutte, is Pakistan aiding Palestinians or not?


Thing is nobody does anything for the Palestinians and maybe that's the reason for this brutality now. There are 700,000 illegal settlers in Palestinians territories and yet "Civilized world" has done nothing.
I know. But Hamas had always been like this. Refusing to negotiate,refusing to cooperate,refusing to stop until "all jews are kicked out". Their own hardcore ideology and fantasies of liberating the entire Holy Land made them act like aggressors.

See how Fatah took a more diplomatic approach after the mid-2000s.
but this is insane, the blowback will get many more Palestinians killed.
Pro Palestine movement will get shouted down as terrorism.

But what Hamas has just done is a retaliation: Why the OP and other responses I have read so far not established a context for this brazen attack by Hamas? It was the Israeli killing several Palestinians in recent weeks in Palestine. Would you stay silent if your brothers and sisters are being slaughtered in broad day light? Would you stay silent if your homeland is being taken over, reducing you to a Bantustan?
Israelis have absolutely ZERO INTEREST in a 'negotiated peace'. Why would they? They have taken-over the a Superpower's political system and have now even submitted the Arab world to accept Israel's landgrab.
But what Hamas has just done is a retaliation: Why the OP and other responses I have read so far not established a context for this brazen attack by Hamas? It was the Israeli killing several Palestinians in recent weeks in Palestine. Would you stay silent if your brothers and sisters are being slaughtered in broad day light? Would you stay silent if your homeland is being taken over, reducing you to a Bantustan?
Israelis have absolutely ZERO INTEREST in a 'negotiated peace'. Why would they? They have taken-over the a Superpower's political system and have now even submitted the Arab world to accept Israel's landgrab.

You will never hear this in any media.
Mullahs, they never calculate anything and always think of divine intervention, lets see how divine intervention will save them from IDF this time around. I hope palestinians don't suffer much of this bullshit fuckery by hamas but again those rascal jews won't spare gaza this time!!!.
**** Mullahs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It will be bloodshed. What is there to grasp. Hamas will fire rockets. Israelis will bomb.

Europeans don't have a clue how far they are from peace today. War has already reached European shores. Other wars are now slowly going to take place.
It will probably turn into a World War. From Ukraine to Syria to Israel.
Well i guess if u r going to die anyway, its better to die fighting. This should serve as a lesson to israelis, u cannot continue to grab their land n kill them. Israel should worry the day all muslims retaliate and wipe them out.
Most likely.
I don’t think so. It will be contained with in the region. Israel will dispense punishment on Palestinian civilians while they eliminate hamas and the Muslim brathars will watch it happen. They are already conditioned to turn a blind eye.

Hamas really fcked themselevs up bad this time and took down any idea of a future state of Palestine
France and the United States, as members of the UNSC, have declared their unconditional full support for Israel. The US has also assured that any military systems needed will be provided immediately. Other countries declaring support were India and Ukraine. By the way, Indian friends, your trade corridor has been left for another spring, sorry, but we told you about it.

The EU commission also made an open call for support.

The Russian president expressed support for a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders with Quds(Jerusalem) as its capital. UN member states overwhelmingly share the same approach.
Well i guess if u r going to die anyway, its better to die fighting. This should serve as a lesson to israelis, u cannot continue to grab their land n kill them. Israel should worry the day all muslims retaliate and wipe them out.
Long time no see Sir
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