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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Thats what i say, he didnt led them all, he led just the offensive against greeks and even there he was not the only general leading.

in the other victories he was still a low level officer in the army lol

Palestine we lost because of him

in libya he fled the battlefield

what are you talking about are you going to lecture me on Turkish history?

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very modern guy that i have to give you
Very modern guy who gave Turkey its modern state with Istanbul at its head and kicked out the Greeks.

Otherwise you'd be getting shafted in your rear end by the Greeks right now if the Ottomans had their way. now piss off
There is a plot in this development. Netanyahu was in trouble so this development will help revive his politics and he will have the carte blanche to complete his project.

Netanyahu have something big in mind.

300,000 troops is a big force. Not many would like to pick a fight with a force of this size.

I agree. Although much of those 300K are reservists, but it is an intimidating number. More importantly, the immediate dispatch of US fleet towards the region will ensure no direct involvement from Iran and Syria. It does not seem Iran is ready to take on US head on yet.

Hezbollah's response to date does not suggest they are willing to escalate to a full scale war. Lebanon is a divided country, and probably half the country would not want to be dragged into another war. But we will see how things unfold.

If Hamas conducted this betting on other players will come to their aid, or worse - did not even coordinate with them (which is unlikely), then they made a strategic blunder unfortunately.
Israel will definitely annex Gaza. There is no way that Mossad did not have any clue about an operation of this magnitude. They let it happen, so that now they can commit a genocide and yet not face any international backlash. Internal politics wise, it also strengthened Nethanyahu's position in power.

I understand why Hamas did it, the way they did it as they felt no other options remain. But unfortunately, they just gave a license to Israel to annex Gaza without any condemnation from the world.

Only thing that could prevent such an outcome, if other actors join in and this turns into a full scale regional war.
Israel would probably commit massacre in Gaza, no doubt, but will they be able to annex Gaza for an extended period of time, thats a big question mark.

Somehow, I don’t think Hamas is that stupid to not see what the impact of their operations will be. There is a higher game to it, which I am trying to understand.
"We are in the middle of a campaign. I know you have been through terrible and difficult things. What Hamas will go through will be difficult and terrible. We are already in the campaign and we have only just started it. Your leadership is very strong in these difficult days. It will take time and a strong stand is needed in the coming difficult days. The state will turn over every stone to help you all. I ask you to stand firm because we are going to change the Middle East. I embrace you and the residents - we are all with you and we will defeat them with strength, a lot of strength."

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Cut food supply, a great idea to increase Hamas power and popular support in Gaza to them.

Israel is ruled by traitors to their people, or by idiots, anyway, massive resignation should already happened in Israel state security services high ranking idiots.
People don't understand that if the US supplies boots on the ground, this won't be the first war we've fought for Israel.
The Iraq War was not to contain WMD's, neither was it for oil. It was a war to secure the realm for Israel that had been planned for years before 9/11.


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