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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Let me guess who the Black Flags of Khorasan can be. There are three options, Iran, Afghanistan or Pakistan. Pakistan is not in the the traditional location called Khorasan, but we could imagine it is. In reality Pakistan is Hind, the land of Hindus, not known for bravery or war making ability.

There are four qualities needed to win wars. Faith, Brains, Technology and Bravery.
  • Iranians have all four: Faith, brains, technology and bravery.
  • Afghans have two: Faith and bravery, but no technology or brains.
  • The British Indian Army of Pakistan led by whiskey drinking generals has none of these qualities.
So, I would say that the Black Flags of Khorasan will be Iranians, maybe aided by Afghans.
Exactly. Say this again to the rabid Shia haters here who hide behind the “secular” and nationalism when claiming xyz. Typical cowards of hind, that’s what South Asia is and has been in its history and it shows.
They must be settling in hotels, I don't know, but it has only been 24 hours since the war started and refugees have started arriving. We now know if there is a war nearby by the density at Antalya and Istanbul airports.

What? Refugees? Just put them in an outbound flight wherever they want to go to? Why even grant entry into Turkey?
This should be a wake up call to Israel. It cannot handle a full scale war with Iran and it’s proxies.

And also for Tel Aviv's main backer, the USA regime.

In the event of military aggression by the USA, Iran would replicate similar feats on a giant scale.

USA decision makers are aware of this, hence why they've refrained from attacking Iran in decades of mutual confrontation. Far fetched excuses ("Washington has had other pressing matters on its plate all the time", "Iran is simply abnormally lucky") cannot obfuscate the reality of Iran's deterrence power.


Censored already by "free speech"-practicing, USA-based "social media".

Ah but they want masses of uneducated Arabs,Kurds,Afghans,Pakistanis,Bangladeshis and black Africans,huh?

...with zionist elites featuring prominently among European establishment oligarchs who brought about these immigration policies.

National-zionist (as opposed to real patriotic) Europeans however lack the fortitude to consequently denounce these same elites of theirs. Picking on immigrant Moslem subproletariat is so much easier and above all, the safer thing to do. Problem being it won't solve any of their nations' existential dilemmas.

Remember the thing about Iran getting the hierarchy of foes right, i.e. understanding that the zio-American empire tops the list and that takfiri terrorists are nothing as long as they aren't empowered by said empire. This is the whole difference between authentic revolutionaries and opportunistic disposable patsies. The latter will trade sustainability of their political action (to their masters, they always have an expiration date) for a brief but illusory "moment of glory".

Let them continue acting as footmen and goons for the very powers exploiting them, they'll see what good it will do their nations. If they actually care, that is.

‎”How many times has a small force vanquished a mighty army by the Will of Allah!”

‎-Quran 2:249

The mujahideen of Gaza believe in Allah and put their trust in Allah. No technology or money stands in their way.

Defeatists and those discouraging Moslems from legitimate Resistance against oppression can consider the above verse.
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I can't express enough the immense amount of respect I have for the courage of the Palestinians. They know fully well they will be almost wiped out or completely annihilated but still they went ahead with this. I don't know if this kind of an attitude is the result of human psychology when their back is on the wall or it's Islamic jihadi tradition and belief or a combination of both. I am literally failing to believe my eyes and ears what I am seeing. The Palestinians have balls you need trucks to carry. I bow my head down to them in their honor.

The outcome of this war is going to be extremely bad for Palestinians but their fight and courage will be written in history in letters of gold.
I can't express enough the immense amount of respect I have for the courage of the Palestinians. They know fully well they will be almost wiped out or completely annihilated but still they went ahead with this. I don't know if this kind of an attitude is the result of human psychology when their back is on the wall or it's Islamic jihadi tradition and belief or a combination of both. The Palestinians have balls you need trucks to carry. I bow my head down to them in their honor.

The outcome of this war is going to be extremely bad for Palestinians but their fight and courage will be written in history in letters of gold.
When you are born in Gaza, you are born dead. It’s literally a jam packed prison where people live hopeless lives and death and destruction is all around you because Israel is constantly bombing you.

So from that standpoint, I can see why many Gazans take on actions that most other people around the world view as suicidal.
Gaza is a giant concentration camp that is still standing in the world, if the Nazis were still standing, they would salute down to Israel.

But the point is, they cannot scare those who are not afraid of death.

They can kill 3 million Palestinians in Gaza today, one by one, but they cannot kill the Palestine ideal. Today, even if they kill one by one the oppressed Palestinians in the West Bank, in areas that appear on the map but in reality are almost completely occupied, they will not be able to cleanse Quds of Muslims. Palestinian ideal is a monument that rises with the tombstones of every martyr, a monument that the Crusaders, who once gathered from half of the old world, thought they could destroy when they entered Quds, but they were the ones destroyed against.
When you are born in Gaza, you are born dead. It’s literally a jam packed prison where people live hopeless lives and death and destruction is all around you because Israel is constantly bombing you.

So from that standpoint, I can see why many Gazans take on actions that most other people around the world view as suicidal.

True but the Arabs, the Turks, the Pashtuns are well known for their bravery. I read about their bravery in the books of Islamic history. I am lucky to witness it in my lifetime, this is a sparta move on steroids. I am equally unlucky to see the demise and mass killing of the poor and oppressed.
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