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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Malala is asleep in arms of Israel, even though Mia Khalifa is speaking
I said we could have been harsher towards israel. There is a level of western bias.
"a level" of bias? If by that you mean giving nuclear submarines to the occupying regime that illegally occupies Palestinian land and imposes an apartheid regime which ritualistically slaughters thousands of civilians every other year, while condemning Palestinians for resisting, then yes, I guess you could call that a level of bias.
This is the biggest terrorist attack since 9/11.
Classic Zionist propaganda point

IDF has conducted numerous massacres far worse than this, with the difference that they are the occupying power and not a resistance force
I see israel as “arab light”.
They act nearly as ruthless.
You should study their military doctrines and educate yourself about their level of barbarity
I was not born during the nakba and usually react to recent events?
Unless you were born yesterday there are plenty of major Israeli crimes for you to condemn

In the last days of the 2006 invasion of Lebanon when the war was already over they dropped more than 4 million cluster munitions in Lebanon, just today they massacred entire families of Palestinians and dozens of children

Music festival for peace?
European Jews went to have party next to occupied Gaza for peace? Please quit your bullshit
Collateral damage is different from directly targetting civilians.
Massacring Palestinian children and babies and entire families on multiple occasions in every attack in Gaza = collateral damage?

You are mentally disturbed
Ah we agree that Hamas is a terrorist organisation.
I said "groups they [you] call terrorists", so no.
And I suggest nothing of the sort.
During israel being in full power. Palestinian population increased tenfold and life expectancy with it. Its arab minority is growing faster then israel genral population.

That does not match with many here portraying israel as the devil incarnate.
You show a lot of the usual Zionist propaganda points. Why is Israel in "full power" over Palestinian land? Do you agree with ICJ, HRW, AI, BTS and other Israeli groups that Israel is an illegal occupying regime which is imposing a system of apartheid over occupied Palestinians?
The hostages taken back to Gaza include multiple nationalities including Europeans and Asian. Same is the case with the casualties and fatalities taken inside Israel.
It would be wise for Hamas to unilaterally release all the (1) non-Israeli, (2) elderly and (3) young hostages. This would minimise the world's anger against Hamas and would not reduce its leverage vs Israel.
f they fought without clear visible signs, they are fair game, no rules, pal.
Partisans need always to be destroyed, doesn't matter how if they engage "fair and square" regular units.
Use a clear, visible sign, otherwise ...
Ah true,Geneva convention says they have to uniforms or clear signs that they are an armed formation.
The hostages taken back to Gaza include multiple nationalities including Europeans and Asian. Same is the case with the casualties and fatalities taken inside Israel.
To my knowledge as far as Asians are concerned, Thai, Filipino and Nepalese citizens have either been killed or kidnapped. Number of which continues to increase as more are documented.
Also Hezbollah said it will invade Israel if IDF does a ground operation into Gaza- bluffing now is fatal.

This is where the real escalation comes!!!
But again: Mr. Putin: What are YOU waiting for?? Americans would concede to you if you hurt their puppet masters.
In the end, it is just a few hundred Congressmen/Senators who are beholden to power Lobbies deeply embedded in the Beltway politics which define the American foreign policy. The Palestinians/Iranians have just given an opening to Putin to save himself!!
The Muslims youth should start knifing Jews wherever they find them; in London, New York, Amsterdam, everywhere.
Why don't you first get rid of the cancerous generals and free your own country before worrying about other countries?

What a disgusting thing to say btw.


1920-1948, Total casualties for thisperiod 20,631, including 6,092 fatalities.
1948-2021, Totalcasualties for this period 63,543, including 31,227 fatalities. (Veryhigh killing of Palestinians by their muslim brothers!)

TheState of Palestine has shown limited progress towards achieving thediet-related non-communicable disease (NCD) targets.
42.0% ofadult (aged 18 years and over) women and 29.5% of adult men areliving with obesity.
The State of Palestine's obesity prevalenceis higher than the regional average of 10.3% for women and 7.5% formen.
At the same time, diabetes is estimated to affect 20.7% ofadult women and 20.1% of adult men.
The birth rate and populationgrowth are among the highest in the world.
Over half of thepopulation is under 15 years old, and at the current rate of growththe population is doubling approximately every 15 to 20 years.
Lifeexpectancy is 74.16 years, for men 72.48 years and for women 75.95years.
This means life expectancy in the Gaza Strip is slightlyhigher than the global average, which is 73 years.
The childmortality rate is 1.546% (world average 2014: 4.8%).

What aHolocaust perpuated by the Kikes on the Palestinians.
Genocide? No.

33,771Jews in initial two-day massacre (29 survived)
100,000–150,000Jews, Soviet prisoners of war and Romani on later dates

THAT was a good hammering of people who you don't wish to seeanymore.
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