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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

beccause Israelis dont have ground forces manpower to fight all its enemies boldly!! Heavy airforce and artillery action is common in Western militaries when they dont have or are afraid to use their ground forces, US taught Israel this rubbish now. if US was a true and competent ally, it would be flying in troops into Israel now.
Frenkly do not know what is end game of this operation but if some news are true that israel asked for truce already via egypt mediators it is huge win for them.
Also, some unconfirmed rumors that they managed to reach hebron in west bank, that is other significant thing for them to gain even more popularity among palestinian people and show that armed resistance works at the end.
First of all, I don't see any report anywhere from either side showing they went as far as Hebron, that's another part of Israel, which would require another front, and that would be a big news because you can't hide the other front. You would know if Hezbollah have entered west bank whether or not they have taken Hebron.

Second of all, I don't think it's likely that Netanyahu would back down just 1 day after the attack, if so, that either mean the Israeli weren't ready at all for this attack and this attack should have and would have progressed a lot further than it actually did, or Netanyahu just lost his plot. This is not really a big scale attack, that is within the coverage of the IDF to recover those area, I mean it literally would have no meaning to ask for a truce now, for what? They mobilise for reserve and then ask for truce?

And finally, there are always end games with these type of attack, you don't just wake up one day and tell yourself you need to kill some Israeli today, something HAMAS wanted from this, the question I ask is what is it that they are looking at, and how is this attack going to contribute to their plan, and if they are, like you said, have no end game, then this attack, or whatever this is, is doomed to fail.
I don't think any amount of oppression justifies going inside houses and killing random people and kidnapping women with their babies. Parading dead women on trucks as if you live in the medieval times and raiding neighbourhood like latin american cartels.

There has to be honor,unless of course Islam allows all this? Does Islam allow the killing of random people? Even women and children? If yes,then that's another matter. Aaaah then it's a religious thing.

I'm confident comments like mine won't be kind to me, but as much as i feel dismay at
indiscriminate violence by both sides majority is by Israel - what choice do they have after 75 years of occupation and apartheid. See things from the other perspective.
Palestinian family and babies murdered in Israeli airstrike deliberately targeting their home. Jewish people are causing anger all over the world. They are getting themselves into a world of trouble. Jewish people must come out and condemn the hypocrisy of Jewish officials in the US. If Jewish people even think to authorize invasion of Gaza then life for any Jew anywhere in the world will become cheap.

These Jews are actually the modern day descendants of the Crusaders of 1000 years ago.

The European crusaders were such barbarians that when they captured Jerusalem in 1099 they slaughtered all the Muslims, Christians and Jews in the city. They were known for cannibalism, boasting of eating Muslims they killed.

These Jews of today are descendants of Ukrainians who converted to Judaism. They’re more closely related to the Crusaders of Europe than to the original Jews of Palestine. No wonder their morality is also similar.

They held Jerusalem for 88 years before being expelled. This occupation may not last much longer than that.
Do you know how these usurers are used? You see , legally no Jew is allowed to live
in England . King Edward expelled them from England and The Parliament never recedent that law. Practically when time comes to runway to England , the userers will be banned from there
Well it is a lot easier to murder unarmed women attending a music festival for peace
, then taking on the military head on ofcourse….

Gunning down the elderly waiting for the bus. or families driving their car to get groceries. Or children hiding in their Kibbuts house.

Lets see how casualty figures are with the upcoming military response from Israel…

To put things in prespective , this is the worst catastrophy since the creation of Israel.

The numbers at the moment are: 600 murdered and 2000 wounded. 90% of those are civilians , that where massacred at the outdoor party or dragged out of their houses and shot.

Almost all of the wounded where hurt from gun shots , so the numbers are going to get worse. We also dont know how many bodies where snached into Gaza in pick up trucks.

We also have over a hunfred kidnapped citizens in Gaza , among them children woman and elderly.

So the response we will see would likely be different than what we have seen before.

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beccause Israelis dont have ground forces manpower to fight all its enemies boldly!! Heavy airforce and artillery action is common in Western militaries when they dont have or are afraid to use their ground forces, US taught Israel this rubbish now. if US was a true and competent ally, it would be flying in troops into Israel now.
Even US has some morals - it will not fight Palestinians. This is between Israel and Palestinians.
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