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[Gallery] This paradise is called Iran

Shrine of Imam Reza






its good to be proud of your country mate . but this would have been better posted in the general images section.
very nice..I think Isfahan is quoted as the most decorated city in the world?

Even the Iranian counslate in Saudi Arabia is an exceptional piece of art and people drive their visitors up there to view the impressive Iranian art of construction.
I have a small doubt!!
Through the history, iran was called persia !!!
What importance does the name of IRAN hold in ur history?
there is already a thread running,youdont need to make dozens on same topic, thread reported
Sohail someone put a video about Iranian President living in a humble house. this I think is something not common in Muslim leaders can you get any information if this is true etc

I have a couple of Iranian pharmacists who work for my company I think I will visit Iran in the next two years some time for holiday or maybe biz
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