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From an Angry Soldier


Oct 26, 2006
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From an Angry Soldier

Date: 2007-04-10, 1:00PM PDT

I'm having the worst damn week of my whole damn life so I'm going to write this while I'm pissed off enough to do it right.

I am SICK of all this bullshit people are writing about the Iraq war. I am abso-*******-lutely sick to death of it. What the **** do most of you know about it? You watch it on TV and read the commentaries in the newspaper or Newsweek or whatever god damn yuppie news rag you subscribe to and think you're all such ******* experts that you can scream at each other like five year old about whether you're right or not. Let me tell you something: unless you've been there, you don't know a god damn thing about it. It you haven't been shot at in that ******* hell hole, SHUT THE **** UP!

How do I dare say this to you moronic war supporters who are "Supporting our Troops" and waving the flag and all that happy horse ****? I'll tell you why. I'm a Marine and I served my tour in Iraq. My husband, also a Marine, served several. I left the service six months ago because I got pregnant while he was home on leave and three days ago I get a visit from two men in uniform who hand me a letter and tell me my husband died in that ******* festering sand-pit. He should have been home a month ago but they extended his tour and now he's coming home in a box.

You fuckers and that god-damn lying sack of **** they call a president are the reason my husband will never see his baby and my kid will never meet his dad.

And you know what the most fucked up thing about this Iraq **** is? They don't want us there. They're not happy we came and they want us out NOW. We fucked up their lives even worse than they already were and they're pissed off. We didn't help them and we're not helping them now. That's what our soldiers are dying for.

Oh while I'm good and worked up, the government doesn't even have the decency to help out the soldiers whos lives they ruined. If you really believe the military and the government had no idea the veterans' hospitals were so fucked up, you are a god-damn retard. They don't care about us. We're disposable. We're numbers on a page and they'd rather forget we exist so they don't have to be reminded about the families and lives they ruined while they're sipping their cocktails at another fund raiser dinner. If they were really concerned about supporting the troops, they'd bring them home so their families wouldn't have to cry at a graveside and explain to their children why mommy or daddy isn't coming home. Because you can't explain it. We're not fighting for our country, we're not fighting for the good of Iraq's people, we're fighting for Bush's personal agenda. Patriotism my ***. You know what? My dad served in Vietnam and NOTHING HAS CHANGED.

So I'm pissed. I'm beyond pissed. And I'm going to go to my husband funeral and recieve that flag and hang it up on the wall for my baby to see when he's older. But I'm not going to tell him that his father died for the stupidty of the American government. I'm going to tell him that his father was a hero and the best man I ever met and that he loved his country enough to die for it, because that's all true and nothing will be solved by telling my son that his father was sent to die by people who didn't care about him at all.

**** you, war supporters, George W. Bush, and all the god damn mother fuckers who made the war possible. I hope you burn in hell.


Just surfing through the net and found this written by a soon to be mother, pretty sad, so whats your opinion guyies?
US troops killed by Baghdad bomb
Six US soldiers and their translator have been killed by a roadside bomb in Baghdad, the US military has said.
The attack happened in the west of the Iraqi capital on Saturday, a statement released on Sunday announced.

The troops' identities have been withheld until their families can be informed, the statement said.

The soldiers were reportedly part of a unit searching for weapons caches and bomb-making equipment in insurgents' safe-houses around the city.

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2007/05/20 13:42:32 GMT

There are more war supporters than war-haters in the Army
I believe in the War on Terror, It has to be carried out; how to is a question of interpretation.
@ Adux
do u honestly believe that the war in iraq has anything to do with the War on Terror..............they r not the same bro..............
I was infact talking about Afghanistan; Iraq has its ulterior motives which I think is quite henious, but lets also agree to the fact Saddam was in no way an angel. He had a very secular outlook as well as a good friend of India, but he was still a dictator and murderer. There is a difference between Musharraf and Saddam. They may have the same traits in secularism but rest everything so different.

Americans messed up;And they are responsible for a lot of things about Iraq. But to say everything that is wrong with Middle east is America's fault is a bunch of baloney;
Americans messed up;And they are responsible for a lot of things about Iraq. But to say everything that is wrong with Middle east is America's fault is a bunch of baloney;

most of the problem in the middle east were created by the muslims themselves............america just flamed them for its own purposes, which i think was a good strategy.............. it was bad for the poor people though..............anyways, as u said, afghanistan is a whole different matter..............
Yes, true. I wrote somethinglong time back in another thread, and it always intrigues me...

I have always wondered why none of these suicide bombers and the self proclaimed keepers of their faith attack Royal Families Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Baharin, or the governments of Egypt and Turkey who are actually staunch supporters of US, than the Israeli's themselves, Heck the America's greatest baby Israel Have given American Tech to China, While their Muslim Friends have been more than loyal

I consider America a threat peace of the world too, But atleast I know it is America, I know where to target and who to blame......
The fact about terrorism; is that it is faceless, it hits at the priniciple's on how nation states are formed and are continuing today. It is a threat to every nation in the world including Pakistan, India America or China. It makes civilian targets outside the context of war legtitmate.
I have always wondered why none of these suicide bombers and the self proclaimed keepers of their faith attack Royal Families Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Baharin, or the governments of Egypt and Turkey who are actually staunch supporters of US, than the Israeli's themselves, Heck the America's greatest baby Israel Have given American Tech to China, While their Muslim Friends have been more than loyal

hehehe good idea Adux...................
but their staunch support is not because of the love for americans, but rather because these people need the americans for their own vested interests................who cares about the common man when their own pockets are filled huh?
and i agree with u that terrorism is a very big threat to all of us...............but sometimes i wonder, would there even be terrorism if the americans had'nt tried to impose their own ideas through out the world?
and i agree with u that terrorism is a very big threat to all of us...............but sometimes i wonder, would there even be terrorism if the americans had'nt tried to impose their own ideas through out the world?

Here I dis-agree with you, Americans tried to use very country for their advantage, much like Pakistan using Afghanistan or India using Sri Lanka, The strong will try to get stronger by steping on the weak. In case of countries it is a justified tactic, maybe not in human life. It is the responsiblity of each country to look after themseleves. I dont agree with you when you talk about America inventing terrorism, ofcourse they used it, as Pakistan used it, as India used it, but even if america didnt support it, somebody else would, or it would have come up in some other form or the other. Religious extremisim is as bad as racist extremisim. I do believe in the American values and I do believe in democracy and secularism, The whole world will not be compleltly christian, muslim or Hindu or any other thing at any point of time. Secualrism is very important for a stable world.
using another country for one's own purposes is justified.............hell, thats good politics..............but invading another country and subjugating the people, and on top of that, imposing their own values on other people is not justified...............i too believe in democracy and i am against extremism of every kind but i also believe in the freedom of the people to choose how they live their own lives.............this is what america doesnt allow others to do, and hence, terrorism is born.
The whole world will not be compleltly christian, muslim or Hindu or any other thing at any point of time. Secualrism is very important for a stable world.
using another country for one's own purposes is justified.............hell, thats good politics..............but invading another country and subjugating the people, and on top of that, imposing their own values on other people is not justified...............i too believe in democracy and i am against extremism of every kind but i also believe in the freedom of the people to choose how they live their own lives.............this is what america doesnt allow others to do, and hence, terrorism is born.


What about Terrorism before the Iraq invasion?
Subjugating people more than Saddam; do you think..really?
Americans lost Iraq in my opinion when they failed to bring up the civic structure back in the first year itself, People go nuts when they dont have medicines, hospitals, water, electercity, work, food etc.
Americans arent killing Iraqi's, the Iraqi's are...Shia, Sunni, Kurd; that is cuz of the extremism they have in them not cuz of the Americans. They just opened the can of worms!!!!!
How did Jinnah and Gandhi lead the freedom fight for our respective countries? Not with a suicide belt.
There is a sense extremism that is born now a days, in case of Muslims they blame it on Wahabbisms, in case of Hindu they blame it on RSS types, Zionist for Israel....etc etc
I consider America a threat peace of the world too, But atleast I know it is America, I know where to target and who to blame.....

Dear adux.. I completely agree with you notion that Americans have boched up iraq badly.. but to say that they are a threat to the peace of the world is a bit overboard dont you think...

A threat it may be but it is an essential one......When was the last time we had restored democracy .. or freedomm apart from bangladesh.... We appease a roughe government in Myanmar.... The so called superpower china and russia encourage as many cronies( guys dosent incude pakistan) and totliterian regims as possible.. sudan myanmar former cis states etc..

On the contrary wherever americans have shed blood they have tried to restore all the aforesaid values ..In case of Iraq they just did not anticipate the kind of intersect clashes that have unfolded..If you remember rightly one of the plan of the pentagon was to establish an umbrella of democracy with iraq in the centre of me..
Well you might argue all those royals and puppet regimes supported by the americans.. well last time i knew saudis did not slaughter their people , egypt did not have a genocide as sudan nor quatar did not have human rights violations rivalling myanmar.....

Now how about the deltas and rangers that shed blood in somalia...
The American's came in to overthrow Saddam, and they did it, they should have left right away.
They stayed behind, promising the stars, wanted to develop Iraq, they didn't keep up their promise, just as much they had done so in Afghanistan, durring the Soviet Invasion.

The infrastructure was bombed away by the Americans, not Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. Then they supported Israel to blast Lebanon, who'd expect love for them?

The American's need to leave, get rid of it's military pressence, and invest heavily in rebuilding the economy and infrastructure, only then can the damage be repaired.
Iraq under Saddam was a MUCH better place. Saddam was not anti-Shia or anti-Kurd. Saddam was a dictator and a dictator will be with you if you support him, if youre against him, youre gone. even if you are against him, it shud be for a reason.

when Saddam came into power, Shias of iraq turned against him and picked up weapons, Saddam gave them what is expected of a dictator. Similarly, the Kurds rebelled for no reason and got what was expected from a dictator.

the Baath Party, widely portrayed as a Sunni party had a majority of Shia members. When the US gave the list of 100 most wanted Baath Party officials, 60 were Shia, in the list of 10,000 Baathists who cannot take up Govt jobs, 6000 were Shia.

So to say that Saddam was anti Shia is BS. the US invaded a country, destroyed it cmpletely, ignited the sectarian violence and when Iraqis kill the invaders they call them terrorists. Just like the indians invaded Kashmir, oppressed the people and denied them their rights and when they rebel they are called terrorists. i wonder why the Mukti Bahini were never called terrorists by indians.
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