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From a retired Indian army officer

KeyBORED Warrior

Mar 29, 2019
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from a retired Indian army officer

*What has happened in East Ladakh is the beginning of the death by a thousand cuts.*

*I'll try to explain here how the Tactical Defeat in Galwan has been turned into a Strategic Defeat.*

*Military PsyOps & Propaganda is an Essential part of any Armed-Forces' Narrative.*

*It has its benefits in that it unsettles the enemy.*

However, this propaganda is not for self-consumption.

Because that only leads to disaster.

And that is what we have been doing in the last few years.

*China has been closely watching the shenanigans of the Indian Leadership for quite some time now.*

And what it has seen has left it happily perplexed.

*It saw how a non-incident like "Surgical Strike," something which was commonplace across the LOC was propped up by a Pliant Media at the behest of the Ruling Dispensation.*

*It saw how no one asked critical Questions as to who died in that Attack & what Tactical Goal was Achieved.*

*Then came the "Balakot Strike."*

*It saw how the Indian Military failed to hit the Objective but the Local Media still celebrated the non event as if something fantastic had taken place.*

*In the face of undeniable Evidence to the contrary, the Political Leadership, & sadly, but not surprisingly, the Military Leadership too, insisted that they hit the Target & achieved their Objective.*

*China saw how No One raised the obvious Questions domestically & how Indians ended up celebrating what was essentially a Cock-up.*

*In the days to come, the Indian Air Force lost the dogfight over Kashmir.*

*It lost a plane, one of its pilots was captured and it managed to Shoot Down its Own Helicopter.*

*The media presented it as a Tactical AND, horror on horror, a Strategic Win, once again in the face of undeniable evidence that suggested otherwise.*

*While we were dancing, China realised that the primary focus of the Political dispensation in Power in New Delhi is Headline Management for the consumption of the Domestic Audience, & that the Armed Forces with some very Incompetent People at the very Top was kowtowing to the narrative spun by the Political Class.*

*It is here that China saw the opportunity.*

*China knew that it can escalate the situation in Ladakh & get away with it.*

*It also knew that while the pressure on the Government in New Delhi would be immense to retaliate—especially so because it made its Domestic Audience believe that it is capable of doing so, even if it is not—that factor will be mitigated by the habit of the Indian Political & Military Leadership to spin every Tactical Defeat into a Victory for the consumption of the Domestic Audience.*

And that's exactly what has happened.

*While 20 of Ours were killed, we managed to tell our Domestic Audience that We killed More.*

That's not what happened.

*The sheer number of Ours who were Captured by them proves that We were pummelled !*

*Otherwise, you would have captured theirs, not they yours.*

*China correctly guessed that New Delhi will manage the Headlines & sat back Quietly.*

*Now, as things stand, we have lost territory.*

*We will never be able to regain those lost Territories.*

*Indians have gobbled up their Government Propaganda hook, line & sinker that somehow we have won !*

That's what China wanted.

It will not even actively refute it.

What's the point.

*It will keep taking Territories piecemeal every Few Months.*

*And every few months, Our Masters will spin every loss as a Victory & sell it successfully to us.*

*All the while the heightened tension at the border will keep draining the Indian Armed Forces AND India Financially.*

*This death by a thousand cuts will continue till We will have no option left but to fire the First Bullet.*

They are waiting for us to do so.

*The unilateral abrogation of Article 370 means that China will not recognise any border pact be it the one signed in 1993 or the ones done earlier.*

*It has also successfully called out the Duplicity of the mandarins in Delhi who thought that they were hoodwinking China by talking about "Wuhan Spirit" on the one hand & actively working to become a member of the Anti-China Quad Alliance on the other.*

*Tweedledum & Tweedledee think they are the only Clever People on Earth.*

*I see people abusing the Political Leadership for this Defeat.*

*But what about the Military Leadership?*

*Weren't they eager to toe the political line?*

Some might even say, way too eager!

*Agreed Sanghis at the helm have a very mythical & exaggerated idea of Our Power & its projection, but shouldn't the Military Leadership have told them that we have a Tactical Parity with Pakistan & that We might lose a Plane or the Pilot or Both if we get too gung-ho & ignore cold calculations.*

But they didn't.

*When the PM made that "comical claim about taking benefit of clouds to dodge enemy RADAR," we laughed it off.*

*But the world & the Chinese, saw how a serving Air Vice Marshal came on record to justify such a gaffe.*

*The Chinese thus correctly identified this weakness & exploited it.*

*And they will further do so in the days to come.
from a retired Indian army officer

*What has happened in East Ladakh is the beginning of the death by a thousand cuts.*

*I'll try to explain here how the Tactical Defeat in Galwan has been turned into a Strategic Defeat.*

*Military PsyOps & Propaganda is an Essential part of any Armed-Forces' Narrative.*

*It has its benefits in that it unsettles the enemy.*

However, this propaganda is not for self-consumption.

Because that only leads to disaster.

And that is what we have been doing in the last few years.

*China has been closely watching the shenanigans of the Indian Leadership for quite some time now.*

And what it has seen has left it happily perplexed.

*It saw how a non-incident like "Surgical Strike," something which was commonplace across the LOC was propped up by a Pliant Media at the behest of the Ruling Dispensation.*

*It saw how no one asked critical Questions as to who died in that Attack & what Tactical Goal was Achieved.*

*Then came the "Balakot Strike."*

*It saw how the Indian Military failed to hit the Objective but the Local Media still celebrated the non event as if something fantastic had taken place.*

*In the face of undeniable Evidence to the contrary, the Political Leadership, & sadly, but not surprisingly, the Military Leadership too, insisted that they hit the Target & achieved their Objective.*

*China saw how No One raised the obvious Questions domestically & how Indians ended up celebrating what was essentially a Cock-up.*

*In the days to come, the Indian Air Force lost the dogfight over Kashmir.*

*It lost a plane, one of its pilots was captured and it managed to Shoot Down its Own Helicopter.*

*The media presented it as a Tactical AND, horror on horror, a Strategic Win, once again in the face of undeniable evidence that suggested otherwise.*

*While we were dancing, China realised that the primary focus of the Political dispensation in Power in New Delhi is Headline Management for the consumption of the Domestic Audience, & that the Armed Forces with some very Incompetent People at the very Top was kowtowing to the narrative spun by the Political Class.*

*It is here that China saw the opportunity.*

*China knew that it can escalate the situation in Ladakh & get away with it.*

*It also knew that while the pressure on the Government in New Delhi would be immense to retaliate—especially so because it made its Domestic Audience believe that it is capable of doing so, even if it is not—that factor will be mitigated by the habit of the Indian Political & Military Leadership to spin every Tactical Defeat into a Victory for the consumption of the Domestic Audience.*

And that's exactly what has happened.

*While 20 of Ours were killed, we managed to tell our Domestic Audience that We killed More.*

That's not what happened.

*The sheer number of Ours who were Captured by them proves that We were pummelled !*

*Otherwise, you would have captured theirs, not they yours.*

*China correctly guessed that New Delhi will manage the Headlines & sat back Quietly.*

*Now, as things stand, we have lost territory.*

*We will never be able to regain those lost Territories.*

*Indians have gobbled up their Government Propaganda hook, line & sinker that somehow we have won !*

That's what China wanted.

It will not even actively refute it.

What's the point.

*It will keep taking Territories piecemeal every Few Months.*

*And every few months, Our Masters will spin every loss as a Victory & sell it successfully to us.*

*All the while the heightened tension at the border will keep draining the Indian Armed Forces AND India Financially.*

*This death by a thousand cuts will continue till We will have no option left but to fire the First Bullet.*

They are waiting for us to do so.

*The unilateral abrogation of Article 370 means that China will not recognise any border pact be it the one signed in 1993 or the ones done earlier.*

*It has also successfully called out the Duplicity of the mandarins in Delhi who thought that they were hoodwinking China by talking about "Wuhan Spirit" on the one hand & actively working to become a member of the Anti-China Quad Alliance on the other.*

*Tweedledum & Tweedledee think they are the only Clever People on Earth.*

*I see people abusing the Political Leadership for this Defeat.*

*But what about the Military Leadership?*

*Weren't they eager to toe the political line?*

Some might even say, way too eager!

*Agreed Sanghis at the helm have a very mythical & exaggerated idea of Our Power & its projection, but shouldn't the Military Leadership have told them that we have a Tactical Parity with Pakistan & that We might lose a Plane or the Pilot or Both if we get too gung-ho & ignore cold calculations.*

But they didn't.

*When the PM made that "comical claim about taking benefit of clouds to dodge enemy RADAR," we laughed it off.*

*But the world & the Chinese, saw how a serving Air Vice Marshal came on record to justify such a gaffe.*

*The Chinese thus correctly identified this weakness & exploited it.*

*And they will further do so in the days to come.

Please give officer name and what is the source of it.
This was posted by an indian on an indian news page. There are now atleast 2 people in india who can cut through the bullshit and collective cognitive dissonance of the indian political/military leadership, media and masses.

Please give officer name and what is the source of it.
I have asked the person for source, lets see if they reply. I'll post it here.
from a retired Indian army officer

*What has happened in East Ladakh is the beginning of the death by a thousand cuts.*

*I'll try to explain here how the Tactical Defeat in Galwan has been turned into a Strategic Defeat.*

*Military PsyOps & Propaganda is an Essential part of any Armed-Forces' Narrative.*

*It has its benefits in that it unsettles the enemy.*

However, this propaganda is not for self-consumption.

Because that only leads to disaster.

And that is what we have been doing in the last few years.

*China has been closely watching the shenanigans of the Indian Leadership for quite some time now.*

And what it has seen has left it happily perplexed.

*It saw how a non-incident like "Surgical Strike," something which was commonplace across the LOC was propped up by a Pliant Media at the behest of the Ruling Dispensation.*

*It saw how no one asked critical Questions as to who died in that Attack & what Tactical Goal was Achieved.*

*Then came the "Balakot Strike."*

*It saw how the Indian Military failed to hit the Objective but the Local Media still celebrated the non event as if something fantastic had taken place.*

*In the face of undeniable Evidence to the contrary, the Political Leadership, & sadly, but not surprisingly, the Military Leadership too, insisted that they hit the Target & achieved their Objective.*

*China saw how No One raised the obvious Questions domestically & how Indians ended up celebrating what was essentially a Cock-up.*

*In the days to come, the Indian Air Force lost the dogfight over Kashmir.*

*It lost a plane, one of its pilots was captured and it managed to Shoot Down its Own Helicopter.*

*The media presented it as a Tactical AND, horror on horror, a Strategic Win, once again in the face of undeniable evidence that suggested otherwise.*

*While we were dancing, China realised that the primary focus of the Political dispensation in Power in New Delhi is Headline Management for the consumption of the Domestic Audience, & that the Armed Forces with some very Incompetent People at the very Top was kowtowing to the narrative spun by the Political Class.*

*It is here that China saw the opportunity.*

*China knew that it can escalate the situation in Ladakh & get away with it.*

*It also knew that while the pressure on the Government in New Delhi would be immense to retaliate—especially so because it made its Domestic Audience believe that it is capable of doing so, even if it is not—that factor will be mitigated by the habit of the Indian Political & Military Leadership to spin every Tactical Defeat into a Victory for the consumption of the Domestic Audience.*

And that's exactly what has happened.

*While 20 of Ours were killed, we managed to tell our Domestic Audience that We killed More.*

That's not what happened.

*The sheer number of Ours who were Captured by them proves that We were pummelled !*

*Otherwise, you would have captured theirs, not they yours.*

*China correctly guessed that New Delhi will manage the Headlines & sat back Quietly.*

*Now, as things stand, we have lost territory.*

*We will never be able to regain those lost Territories.*

*Indians have gobbled up their Government Propaganda hook, line & sinker that somehow we have won !*

That's what China wanted.

It will not even actively refute it.

What's the point.

*It will keep taking Territories piecemeal every Few Months.*

*And every few months, Our Masters will spin every loss as a Victory & sell it successfully to us.*

*All the while the heightened tension at the border will keep draining the Indian Armed Forces AND India Financially.*

*This death by a thousand cuts will continue till We will have no option left but to fire the First Bullet.*

They are waiting for us to do so.

*The unilateral abrogation of Article 370 means that China will not recognise any border pact be it the one signed in 1993 or the ones done earlier.*

*It has also successfully called out the Duplicity of the mandarins in Delhi who thought that they were hoodwinking China by talking about "Wuhan Spirit" on the one hand & actively working to become a member of the Anti-China Quad Alliance on the other.*

*Tweedledum & Tweedledee think they are the only Clever People on Earth.*

*I see people abusing the Political Leadership for this Defeat.*

*But what about the Military Leadership?*

*Weren't they eager to toe the political line?*

Some might even say, way too eager!

*Agreed Sanghis at the helm have a very mythical & exaggerated idea of Our Power & its projection, but shouldn't the Military Leadership have told them that we have a Tactical Parity with Pakistan & that We might lose a Plane or the Pilot or Both if we get too gung-ho & ignore cold calculations.*

But they didn't.

*When the PM made that "comical claim about taking benefit of clouds to dodge enemy RADAR," we laughed it off.*

*But the world & the Chinese, saw how a serving Air Vice Marshal came on record to justify such a gaffe.*

*The Chinese thus correctly identified this weakness & exploited it.*

*And they will further do so in the days to come.
People like him and Pravin Swahney are very dangerous to Pakistan. We need more BS Rona Dhona, Gen. R***i Khana(Bakhshi) type charachters!
A retired Indian Army Officer talks to a Pakistani, who then shares it with another Pakistani who then shares it in PDF. Very Authentic!
It has Pakistani masala sprinkled all over it!
A retired Indian Army Officer talks to a Pakistani, who then shares it with another Pakistani who then shares it in PDF. Very Authentic!
It has Pakistani masala sprinkled all over it!
lame justification, some your retired army man telling truth you have false superiority ego over Pakistan and china , especially China is way way ahead in terms of military R&D
A retired Indian Army Officer talks to a Pakistani, who then shares it with another Pakistani who then shares it in PDF. Very Authentic!
It has Pakistani masala sprinkled all over it!

In a country where a retired army officer is too scared to speak his mind, speaks volumes about the direction that country is heading towards.

Even in a country like Pakistan where everyone thinks the army calls the shots about everything, journos, politicians and common people alike don't think twice when it comes to speaking their minds on social media. I have 'friends' on fb who support PTM, keep complaining about the Military and its budget, openly speak for/against the mandir, openly curse PMIK and Bajwa, criticise relgious figures like Moulana Tariq Jameel etc. Religous fanatics who ridicule liberals and liberals who talk back with the same ferocity. In short, contrary to common notion that Pakistan has a 'restricted' media and oppressed public, the reality is quite the contrary. Just spend a day on my fb and you'll be surprised about the openness of opinion sharing. Pakistanis are VERY opinionated people.

On the contrary, i googled and searched to find the 'source ' for this post but couldn't find a single one. The tone of the post shows that its written by a disgruntled but indian officer who is in anguish about the damage that has been inflicted about the ruling elite in the last few years. If it was written by a Pakistani, the tone would have been much different and more importantly an INDIAN wouldn't be sharing it on indian pages. Still if you don't feel its authentic then its upto you, ultimately it benefits us lol.
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