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French Presidential and Legislative Elections 2017-News and Updates

Emmanuel Macron : President of the Republic
Edouard Philippe : Prime Minister

The government ;

Bruno Le Maire : Minister of the Economy
Gerard Collomb : Minister of the Interior
François Bayrou : Minister of Justice
Sylvie Goulard : Defence Minister
Jean-Yves Le Drian : Foreign Minister
Nicolas Hulot : Minister of Ecology
Muriél Penicaud : Minister of Labour
Agnès Buzyn : Minister of Health
Jacques Mézard : Agriculture Minister
Frédérique Vidal : Minister for Higher Education, Research and Innovation
Laura Flessel : Sports Minister
Jean Michel Blanquer : Education Minister
Gérald Darmanin : Budget Minister
Richard Ferrand : Minister for the cohesion of territories
Elisabeth Borne : Minister of Transport
Annick Girardin : Minister for Overseas Territories
Francoise Nyssen : Minister of Culture
Marielle de Sarnez : Minister for European Affairs

Secretary of states

Christopher Castaner : Secretary of state in charge of relations with parliament
Marlene Schiappa : Secretary of state for equality
Sophie Cluzel : Secretary of state for disabled people
Mounir Mahjoubi : Secretary of state for digital technology.

A balanced government in my opinion with figures from the left,the centre and the right. Several new faces not well known by the public. @Philia @LA se Karachi

I'm against LeMaire Eco poste...
Collomb in Interior.... ouais... not sure about that...
And wasn't Mahjoubi going for a deputy post in Paris??
Ben Vauberges mon gars, you must be happy?

Goulard la bosseuse devrait faire l'affaire surtout
que Le Drian l'a préparée durant la campagne et
puis le dit JYLD aux affaires étrangères, ça permet
des synergies comme disent les "manageux" et
autres certifiés incapables de résultats.

Transl. Goulard was trained by Le Drian to succeed
him as MinDef and he can still sell Rafales at Foreign

Fingers crossed, Tay.
Last edited:
Recent Harris Interactive poll for the first round of the legislative election ;

La République en marche and MoDem : 32% (+3)
The Republicans and UDI : 19% (-1)
National Front : 19% (-1)
The Unbowed France : 15% (+1)
Socialist Party and Radical Party of the Left : 6% (-1)
The Greens : 3% (-)
Arise France : 3% (-)
French Communist Party : 2% (-)
Workers' Struggle and New Anticapitalist Party : 1% (-1)
Recent Harris Interactive poll for the first round of the legislative election ;

La République en marche and MoDem : 32% (+3)
The Republicans and UDI : 19% (-1)
National Front : 19% (-1)
The Unbowed France : 15% (+1)
Socialist Party and Radical Party of the Left : 6% (-1)
The Greens : 3% (-)
Arise France : 3% (-)
French Communist Party : 2% (-)
Workers' Struggle and New Anticapitalist Party : 1% (-1)

Looks good to me. I really hope that macron will have a majority in the parliament to get a chance to rule according his project. I'm not more convinced now than I was before the election but he was the "best choice" for me and I think he deserve a chance.
Ben Vauberges mon gars, you must be happy?

Goulard la bosseuse devrait faire l'affaire surtout
que Le Drian l'a préparée durant la campagne et
puis le dit JYLD aux affaires étrangères, ça permet
des synergies comme disent les "manageux" et
autres certifiés incapables de résultats.

Transl. Goulard was trained by Le Drian to succeed
him as MinDef and he can still sell Rafales at Foreign

Fingers crossed, Tay.

Goulard as a convinced pro-European,who's tough but open to dialogue,who also knows very well the EU institutions will most likely push for the ideas of the Europe of defence,important in the eyes of our president. Her appointment makes sense. Her title is also interesting. "Ministre des armées". I wonder what her role will be. Does that mean the President will recover major power and decisions making from the MinDef like I've read ? Seems logical to me as the President is the chief of the armed forces and also the guarantor of the national security and integrity.

Macron since the begining showed that he endorsed his role of military chief. Interesting times ahead.

Also,it must be noted that,unless the legislative elections change everything,we have a minister in Bercy that will not oppose any major funding for the defence like we've seen during the past five years.

So far,so good.
We'll see after the 18th as Louiq said. Ou ton post #648.

Word is those in govt have to win their seats for one
and then the proportions of parliament seats by all
parties may require a redraw of the present team.

And yes, the President has regal powers on the armed
forces and on Foreign Affairs so that JYLD is either no2
or his right arm.

Pourvu que ça dure/ May it keep, Tay.
Recent Harris Interactive poll for the first round of the legislative election ;

La République en marche and MoDem : 32% (+3)
The Republicans and UDI : 19% (-1)
National Front : 19% (-1)
The Unbowed France : 15% (+1)
Socialist Party and Radical Party of the Left : 6% (-1)
The Greens : 3% (-)
Arise France : 3% (-)
French Communist Party : 2% (-)
Workers' Struggle and New Anticapitalist Party : 1% (-1)
Wow.... déjà 32%?
. Semblerais que la gauche est à la ramasse et la droite dans le caniveau. :lol:Quant au Front national, il ne se porte guère mieux. Les ondes de choc, au même tire que les bombes à fragmentation, ne font pas dans le détail .:D tout le monde est KO debout devant cet adversaire(Mr.macron de great.lol ) que personne n’a vu venir et que tout le monde –myself en first et ce, one more time, a gravement sous-estimé.:sick:
Let's see how he performs in this legislative elections. Everything will depend on that. But so far, je dit: bravo macron.:enjoy:
Ah OK. Je croyais que toi aussi, comme disait @Louiq XIV : tu ne crois plus au Père Noël depuis longtemps.:p:
Pour être honnête... Je suis à un niveau social où le choix Macron or autres... qui, personnellement... m'importe peu... à la rigueur...le seul truc qui peut m’intéresser ...c'est l'ISF... J'ai voté surtout pour les autres... pour éviter la Faillite à mon pays...
Wow.... déjà 32%?
. Semblerais que la gauche est à la ramasse et la droite dans le caniveau. :lol:Quant au Front national, il ne se porte guère mieux. Les ondes de choc, au même tire que les bombes à fragmentation, ne font pas dans le détail .:D tout le monde est KO debout devant cet adversaire(Mr.macron de great.lol ) que personne n’a vu venir et que tout le monde –myself en first et ce, one more time, a gravement sous-estimé.:sick:
Let's see how he performs in this legislative elections. Everything will depend on that. But so far, je dit: bravo macron.:enjoy:

Macron,the guy 3 years ago nobody heard about or knew what it was or who he was. Who's movement is 1 year old and who everyone at the beggining thought will never work or made fun about. Quit a success story.

As for the legislative elections,you must know that it's like 577 two rounds elections. The outcome is unpredictable,especially when there can be up to 4 candidates in the second round. I wonder how Macron's candidates will fare especially against well established candidates of the other parties in every of France's constituencies.
The turnout is also an important unknown,but is predicted to be low. It was between 55%-60% for the precedent elections.

The Republicans especially are hell on wanting to impose a cohabitation or at least be part of some sort of coalitions.

Of course polls must be taken with a pinch of salt.

Interesting times ahead.
Pour être honnête... Je suis à un niveau social où le choix Macron or autres... qui personnellement... m'importe peu... le seul truc qui peut m’intéresser à la rigueur...c'est l'ISF... J'ai voté surtout pour les autres... pour éviter la Faillite à mon pays...
Well, he seems to be the man who can push through economic and social reforms(something which has never been easy in France, luckily for us we already had our Thatcher moment lol ) and shake up the French system. Everything will depend on the upcoming legislative elections. So hopefully he can get the chance to prove himself , but for that he will need a clear majority to push through his reforms and change, else it will be useless. So hopefully you people will give him a clear majority/mandate to do so. :)

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