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French billboard owner fined €10,000 for depicting Macron as Hitler in poster protesting COVID rules


Oct 2, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of

A person holds a placard depicting French President Emmanuel Macron as Adolf Hitler during a 2018 protest against a proposed university reform. - Copyright THOMAS SAMSON / AFP

A French court on Friday sentenced a billboard owner to a €10,000 fine after he depicted President Emmanuel Macron as Adolf Hitler on a poster to protest COVID measures.
Michel-Ange Flori said on Twitter after the ruling by the court in Toulon, southern France, that he will appeal.

"I can't believe it," he wrote. "The right to caricature was buried today in Toulon."

Macron sued Flori in late July after posters depicting him as the Nazi leader were mounted on two billboards measuring four metres by three metres.

The posters portray Macron wearing a Nazi uniform, with a small moustache, a lock on his forehead and the acronym of the presidential movement LREM turned into a swastika. A message reads: "Obey, get vaccinated."
Flori owns about 600 billboards in the southern Var département and keeps two of them for his personal use on which he puts "tweets in 4X3", per his expression

now people must sue a certain french magazine and quote these judgements as precedence.
no no brother. Don't you know?
Blashphemy against the most respected person for almost 2 billion Muslims of the world is freedom of speech, which is why the magazine gets away with it.
but blasphemy against a leader of barely 50% of toads/french of the world is hate speech, which deserves a 10k Euro fine.
no no brother. Don't you know?
Blashphemy against the most respected person for almost 2 billion Muslims of the world is freedom of speech, which is why the magazine gets away with it.
but blasphemy against a leader of barely 50% of toads/french of the world is hate speech, which deserves a 10k Euro fine.
the magazine poked many people and insulted many group , it also insulted many prominent people .blasphemy aside.
if their court say insulting 1.5 milliard people belief is OK , I say let put this ruling in their face and get several hundred of these 10000 euro fines out of it and let see how it can continue operating.
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So freedom of expression is really a myth.
For west, freedom of law, freedom of moral standards suits Muslim nations, we better be lawless jungles in their dreams. For themsleves, freedom only when it suits their ego.

Just don't touch LoLoCaust and liberals then feel free to insult anyone and everyone.

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