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France's Military Is All Over Africa

It is rare (could even never happen..) to see a French intervention in an African country that wasn't a colony...
There are just 10 French soldiers of intelligence in Nigeria .....
Also,the african armies are preparing an intervention against Boko Haram. (7.500 soldiers could be mobilised)

Hmmm.... I think France in great position to help their operation. AU can really use Air Suport and Intelligence from Drones etc. Wouldn't Nigeria be happy to receive this help, ex-colony or not?
Hmmm.... I think France in great position to help their operation. AU can really use Air Suport and Intelligence from Drones etc. Wouldn't Nigeria be happy to receive this help, ex-colony or not?

Instead of PROBABLY sending some advisers,we will never send fighting troops there,drones,or air support.
Not going to happen,never. Nigeria isn't our priority or a country that is important for us.
Instead of PROBABLY sending some advisers,we will never send fighting troops there,drones,or air support.
Not going to happen,never. Nigeria isn't our priority or a country that is important for us.

Why is that? Worst of terorrism incidents occurred there. I'm a bit confused. Isn't the anti-terorrism what French forces are there for?
Why is that? Worst of terorrism incidents occurred there. I'm a bit confused. Isn't the anti-terorrism what French forces are there for?

Yeah,but in our former colonies,where there are french speaker.
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It is rare (could even never happen..) to see a French intervention in an African country that wasn't a colony...
There are just 10 French soldiers of intelligence in Nigeria .....
Also,the african armies are preparing an intervention against Boko Haram. (7.500 soldiers could be mobilised)

Agree, France will never intervene in any African country that isn't its colony, else it will have to deal(seek permission/cooperation) from us and the United states first. :p:

Well I don't want to dwell too much into France policies in its African colonial subjects, since all members here who have been following my comments here already know my stand on this. So no essay anymore on this.lool

But I will say all Pakistanis, Indians, Chinese, Arabs, Muslims members on here who always tend to cry/whine about the U.S/U.K 'Anglo Saxon imperialists' , why is it that they hardly ever point a finger at France? Lool seems every countries out there always pick on the Anglo Saxon U.S/U.K. to be honest we are still better off, since the U.K doesn't control/have troops in all its former African colonies the way France still does. I'm I right? @Nihonjin1051 , @ChineseTiger1986 , @Chinese-Dragon , @Falcon29 , @Beidou2020 , @senheiser , @Keel , @ :D:enjoy:
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Agree, France will never intervene in any African country that isn't its colony, else it will have to deal(seek permission/cooperation) from us and the United states first. :p:

Well I don't want to dwell too much into France policies in its African colonial subjects, since all members here who have been following my comments here already know my stand on this. So no essay anymore on this.lool

But I will say all Pakistanis, Indians, Chinese, Arabs, Muslims members on here who always tend to cry/whine about the U.S/U.K 'Anglo Saxon imperialists' , why is it that they hardly ever point a finger at France? Lool seems every countries out there always pick on the Anglo Saxon U.S/U.K. to be honest we are still better off, since the U.K doesn't control/have troops in all its former African colonies the way France still does. I'm I right? @Nihonjin1051 , @ChineseTiger1986 , @Chinese-Dragon , @Falcon29 , @Beidou2020 , @senheiser , @Keel , @ :D:enjoy:

Hahaha you're so desperate !
So,new NH90s are participating to the Operation Barkhane :)


Hey are those drones armed?

They aren't..
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Who care's if France is fighting in some absolute hellhole's...i mean Chad, Mali..these countries are just basically desert.
We do not need Rambos in our army.
Even a little soldier,with no muscle can do an excellent job ! :chilli:

Hahahaha! French are so lucky to live so close to Mediterranean and get to tan like that ! We Japanese are stuck with our pale a$$es! :mad::(
Hahahaha! French are so lucky to live so close to Mediterranean and get to tan like that ! We Japanese are stuck with our pale a$$es! :mad::(

Send all your army in Mali or Djibouti ! Or move Japan to the Adrar des Ifoghas. :taz: It works !

Hows life treating you, my Brother ? :azn:

Good,until proven otherwise. :enjoy:

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