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France is Racist !

Let me explain....If you'll be hiring someone...Wouldn't you want to know his/her religion if you are so much into discrimination... Many muslims have name which suggest they are muslim....so now ban Muslim names too as it will also lead to 'Discrimination'.

2ndly If a man like women who show their flesh....then govt should order everybody to start wearing bikinis as it will not give him a chance to 'Discriminate'. As everybody will be in bikini so no chance of discrimination.

where exactly do you live?? and which year and century ?

Europe has been multicultural for many decades now, and I have come across people with muslim names who are NOT muslim, people with hindu names, being actually catholic, you can't judge people by their names

an NO if I am hiring people I don't want to know their religion, of course i don't and I haven't ever cared.. I care about their CV not about where they pray to if even they pray.

where exactly do you live?? and which year and century ?

Europe has been multicultural for many decades now, and I have come across people with muslim names who are NOT muslim, people with hindu names, being actually catholic, you can't judge people by their names

an NO if I am hiring people I don't want to know their religion, of course i don't and I haven't ever cared.. I care about their CV not about where they pray to if even they pray.

never heared a christian named Osama Bin laden :lol: .....My name is Muhammad J Naushad, I never met a Christian with Muhammad in his name...... If europe is Multi Culturing then its also Possible a Christian wearing a burqa....or Atheist or jew....

And if you are hiring someone and all you care about CV then why all this Burqa Discrimination nonsense.....Unless it create problem for the job because of its nature...

anyway the most important answer is i am from 2580 and i came back in 2010 to join defence.pk
never heared a christian named Osama Bin laden :lol: .....My name is Muhammad J Naushad, I never met a Christian with Muhammad in his name

Then you have never been in Europe.

And if you are hiring someone and all you care about CV then why all this Burqa Discrimination nonsense.....Unless it create problem for the job because of its nature...

Equality means the same for everyone, if I only care about the CV in my office, but the guy with the restaurant next to me is only hiring christians don't you find that a problem ? so does the goverment.

2580? why does it seem like 1450 to me then ? please dude open up your eyes, will you ?
Actually, France gave the world the concept of secularism of the state through the Napoleon code. Anyhow - irrespective of that, I have never met a more prejudiced and borderline racist nation in my life. They look down on everyone - Americans, Brits, Germans - no wonder the Roma are way down their list. The funny thing is that they have absolutely nothing to be racist about. Oh and Roma people are originally from the Punjab and Rajasthan region of the subcontinent. I wish the Indian govt. would speak up for them - since no one else does.
Actually, France gave the world the concept of secularism of the state through the Napoleon code. Anyhow - irrespective of that, I have never met a more prejudiced and borderline racist nation in my life. They look down on everyone - Americans, Brits, Germans - no wonder the Roma are way down their list. The funny thing is that they have absolutely nothing to be racist about. Oh and Roma people are originally from the Punjab and Rajasthan region of the subcontinent. I wish the Indian govt. would speak up for them - since no one else does.

what you say is totally in your imagination

lol about Napoleon code. are you joking?

Americans > they didn't like the US go to wars especially Iraq
most of them didn't like any war.

Brits > there was always a dispute between both countries. I spent a year in Liverpool and i was reading so much anti French news there. I didn't read much anti English news here.

Germans > lol. you are a joke man. Germany is the best ally of France. If Sarkozy having LITTLE problems with Germany , the union FRance Germany MADE EUROPE. Go to get some education ;)

Roms> how to compare them to the other ?
Anyway here in the news everyone criticizing Sarkozy idea . Europe vry much criticizing as well. But this story is more electoral story as i already explained. Sarkozy is the most unpopular and he believed to attract the extrem right votes with such behavior.
But he made his situation worst.
Some on the high post might be racist.....But generalizing is not good.....

You cannot say all French are same....

Absolutely right
like all muslims are not terrorist.we can not say all french are same
but majority display the nation
Then you have never been in Europe.

Equality means the same for everyone, if I only care about the CV in my office, but the guy with the restaurant next to me is only hiring christians don't you find that a problem ? so does the goverment.

2580? why does it seem like 1450 to me then ? please dude open up your eyes, will you ?
I never claimed i am president of UK?

Its not about discrimination. If it was then the Nuns, Fathers, Jews all dress would be banned.....Why only muslims. Its just insult of someone belief, An insult by those who dont agree with this belief. So the ban itself is Discrimination.

Many in my surroundings dont wear burqa neither i want them or Not want them to wear burqa. I leave it as their choice not mine or govts.

When Taliban implemented Burqa maybe they did it to avoid discrimination. Who knows? why the world was shouting on top of their throat as its HR violations and women abuse blah blah blah....Now you guys striping or taking off someone cloths without her will....isn't that women abuse...????

Plus i am from 2580.....I dont care if you dont believe it.
When you have examples like these what can one say? Further there is no concept of hardcore niqab in islam these practices came from pagan arabs who anoynomised female identity out of bigotry.

Most of these so called muslims of europe and no one the hardcore track versus handful of trouble makers.

France's Kenza Drider, wearing a niqab, drives a car in Avignon, southern France, on Monday. A ban on the burqa-style veil, to be voted on Tuesday in the Senate, would affect only a tiny minority of Muslim women — estimated at less than 2,000 — making it far less controversial than France's 2004 ban on Muslim headscarves in classrooms, which proliferated in heavily immigrant neighborhoods. (AP)
Its not about discrimination. If it was then the Nuns, Fathers, Jews all dress would be banned.....Why only muslims. Its just insult of someone belief, An insult by those who dont agree with this belief. So the ban itself is Discrimination.

Nuns? Fathers? These are members of priesthood!!! what are you joking, that is different. And the same for all religions.

what you say is totally in your imagination

lol about Napoleon code. are you joking?

Americans > they didn't like the US go to wars especially Iraq
most of them didn't like any war.

Brits > there was always a dispute between both countries. I spent a year in Liverpool and i was reading so much anti French news there. I didn't read much anti English news here.

Germans > lol. you are a joke man. Germany is the best ally of France. If Sarkozy having LITTLE problems with Germany , the union FRance Germany MADE EUROPE. Go to get some education ;)

Roms> how to compare them to the other ?
Anyway here in the news everyone criticizing Sarkozy idea . Europe vry much criticizing as well. But this story is more electoral story as i already explained. Sarkozy is the most unpopular and he believed to attract the extrem right votes with such behavior.
But he made his situation worst.

I am talking about the general population - not the relations between the 2 states currently - viz. Germany and France. They have a rather bitter past - you are the one who needs to get not some but A LOT of education.

Once again, I am not talking about the French govt. - but the French people looking down on Americans. The French are so embarrassed about liking McDonalds but when approached by a journalist most claimed they were from the Canadian Quebec.

And yes - do read this - consider it part of your education -
Napoleonic code - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nuns? Fathers? These are members of priesthood!!! what are you joking, that is different. And the same for all religions.

So they are cool.....But not muslims....

Anyway you are not answering my questions fully.....

Q1. Why Implementing Burqa by taliban is Women Abuse but Stripping someone cloths forcefully is not.

Q2. Whats the difference between Taliban Govt and French Govt if both deciding what to wear by women instead of leaving this choice to women.

Q3 Europe is Multi Culturing then how can you say the one wearing burqa is surely muslim as according to you many others are having Muslim names....
The term Kaafir is a tricky one. Originally meant to denote people who do not subscribe to Islam's beliefs, it is now a discriminatory term used by Muslims (especially Arabs) to establish the misplaced sense of inferiority of non-believers.

Maybe you missed the racist conversation by a long shot .. But at least you understand what racism would be like in .. say a muslim country.
When you have examples like these what can one say? Further there is no concept of hardcore niqab in islam these practices came from pagan arabs who anoynomised female identity out of bigotry.
Then banning these items of bigotry and discrimination is appropriate. Do you support banning female genital circumcision, because this practice came from 'pagan' ages and mentality, even though some young girls wanted to have it done on themselves?
So they are cool.....But not muslims....

Anyway you are not answering my questions fully.....

Yes I am ..please read

Q1. Why Implementing Burqa by taliban is Women Abuse but Stripping someone cloths forcefully is not.

Because the Taliban are ENFORCING a religious dogma requirement that punishes with DEATH the ones who do not conform.
Banning the burqa is NOT STRIPPING SOMEONES CLOTHES OFF, it is removing an identifiable item that can be used for discrimination. And if you carry on wearing one, NOONE IS GOING TO KILL YOU!!!!!!

Q2. Whats the difference between Taliban Govt and French Govt if both deciding what to wear by women instead of leaving this choice to women.

The difference is huge, firstly the Taliban KILL, the French do NOT, second, the choice is in women, they can wear whatever they want, in a NON RELIGIOUS IDENTIFIABLE WAY, can a woman wear a mini skirt is afganistan without dying ????

Q3 Europe is Multi Culturing then how can you say the one wearing burqa is surely muslim as according to you many others are having Muslim names....

Because a non muslim would very rarely choose to wear a burqa such as a non jew would NOT choose to wear the star !!!


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