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France: far-right National Front victory in a record number of towns

Well aware of Ukraine Independence Army and the Civil War in Ukraine until 1950.
And the beating of the Chief of TV is also well known.
Given chance, democracy will beat thugs. Traditionally,
elections show there are many more not Svoboda than Svoboda in Ukraine
which should result in them being marginalized after any kind of fair elections.
Nazis are not popular in Ukraine. But they are very popular in western Ukraine . They fought on his Hitler's side ( actualy not fought - served in the firing squads and guard of the concentration camps ) . Those cases that I called you in videos - they are not isolated , they are typical of modern Ukraine. For example , yesterday in Lvov crowd came to the regional prosecutor's office and the prosecutor forced to resign (I do not know why they did not like him ) .

But as they did with the Governor of Volhynia , who dared not resign - he was beaten and handcuffed on stage in front of a crowd.

In Kiev does not work neither the police nor the traffic police . People drive drunk, there are thrive robberies, murders happen . Nazi terrorist group taken business from people ( or force to pay a percentage from profits ) . Even my Kiev's friends who supported maidan in November - now complain that they do not want this .
In Kiev , at the main square of the country " protesters " ( against whom? ?) built a pigsty . Eastern Ukraine built aircraft carriers and space rockets - and semi-literate peasants from Western Ukraine built pigsty ...
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And you can guess why on this photo Stalin not with Hitler, but with his enemies? Because Hitler invaded the Soviet Union! And Hitler could not do otherwise, although even fool understand that Russia - not Poland and France. Here, people will fight to the death. Hitler could not not attack because he received power from the West and the whole of Europe almost without a fight only with one task - to attack the USSR.
THAT my friend is utter nonsense!!! Hitler is not in those pictures because Hitler was the enemy of the bankers.

Just look at your beloved Stalin with Roosevelt (and later Truman), and Churchill, all of them smiling and shaking hands as if they were some childhood buddies who finally got to meet each other after decades!!
American B-17's dropping bombs on BERLIN and NOT MOSCOW:


American M4-Sherman Tanks leased as Military Aid, in the Red Army:


American P-39 in Soviet Air Force as part of Military Aid provided by Roosevelt's administration:


American P-40 in Soviet Air Force:


Hitler himself was a project of the Western financial clans. And he and his party were brought to power with a single purpose - to destroy whether at least weaken the USSR. No other purpose Hitler had not.

But ACTIONS speak louder than WORDS!! Here we can see the Capitalist West provided immense military and financial assistance to the Communist Soviet Union to DESTROY Germany.

Reality contradicts your argument.
THAT my friend is utter nonsense!!! Hitler is not in those pictures because Hitler was the enemy of the bankers.

Just look at your beloved Stalin with Roosevelt (and later Truman), and Churchill, all of them smiling and shaking hands as if they were some childhood buddies who finally got to meet each other after decades!!
American B-17's dropping bombs on BERLIN and NOT MOSCOW:


American M4-Sherman Tanks leased as Military Aid, in the Red Army:


American P-39 in Soviet Air Force as part of Military Aid provided by Roosevelt's administration:


American P-40 in Soviet Air Force:


But ACTIONS speak louder than WORDS!! Here we can see the Capitalist West provided immense military and financial assistance to the Communist Soviet Union to DESTROY Germany.
Reality contradicts your argument.
Hitler had the full support of the West until 1940. West allowed Hitler to take place both the Summer and Winter Olympic Games - an unprecedented and unique event , never happen again! Influential American and British circles fully supported the policy of Hitler in Europe. However , instead of in 1939 to start an attack on the Soviet Union , Hitler limited just western Poland. And yet , for another six months the West sought to persuade Hitler ( despite the fact that Britain and France declared war on Germany , passed the so-called " phony war " - the fighting were not conducted, Hitler had the opportunity to destroy the British army at Dunkirk, but he let them go ) . And in the end , they gave to Hitler almost without a fight France, whose army was objectively the strongest in Europe. With resources of whole Europe , Hitler invaded the Soviet Union . He could not to not attack - or he would removed from power (murdered). Because the only reason why this clown was sponsored and led to power - was an attack on the USSR. It is later West started saying that "led mistaken policies " towards the aggressor. But there was no error - to attack the USSR Hitler demanded combined might of Europe.
Why do you think a second front against Hitler opened only in 1944 ? Not 1941 , no 1942 no 1943 , and 1944 ? Just because the Anglo-Saxons became apparent that if they will not open a second front in 1944 , then in 1945 the whole of Europe is communist .
Plan of Anglo-Saxon failed . According to that plan in 1939 or 1940 Army of Britain, Germany and Japan were to conduct a victory parade in Moscow. However, the Soviet Union first won the Japan, then became able to conclude a non-aggression pact with Hitler. This gave the USSR 2 years, during these two years was created invincible power of the Red Army.
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Hitler had the full support of the West until 1940. West allowed Hitler to take place both the Summer and Winter Olympic Games - an unprecedented and unique event , never happen again! Influential American and British circles fully supported the policy of Hitler in Europe. However , instead of in 1939 to start an attack on the Soviet Union , Hitler limited just western Poland. And yet , for another six months the West sought to persuade Hitler ( despite the fact that Britain and France declared war on Germany , passed the so-called " phony war " - the fighting were not conducted, Hitler had the opportunity to destroy the British army at Dunkirk, but he let them go ) . And in the end , they gave to Hitler almost without a fight France, whose army was objectively the strongest in Europe. With resources of whole Europe , Hitler invaded the Soviet Union . He could not to not attack - or he would removed from power (murdered). Because the only reason why this clown was sponsored and led to power - was an attack on the USSR. It is later West started saying that "led mistaken policies " towards the aggressor. But there was no error - to attack the USSR Hitler demanded combined might of Europe.
Why do you think a second front against Hitler opened only in 1944 ? Not 1941 , no 1942 no 1943 , and 1944 ? Just because the Anglo-Saxons became apparent that if they will not open a second front in 1944 , then in 1945 the whole of Europe is communist .
Plan of Anglo-Saxon failed . According to that plan in 1939 or 1940 Army of Britain, Germany and Japan were to conduct a victory parade in Moscow. However, the Soviet Union first won the Japan, then became able to conclude a non-aggression pact with Hitler. This gave the USSR 2 years, during these two years was created invincible power of the Red Army.
America's entrance into WW2 was purely for the sake of capitalistic ambitions, NOT to save Europe or Russia.

Europe under the influence of banker mafia via American boots presence has fared no better than it would have/has (Eastern Europe) under soviet Communist rule.

Its like Europeans have to choose between being American or Russian vassals.

The discontent amongst the Native European population over their gov.t's liberal policies as well as the membership of their respective countries in the E.U. has lead to a drastic increase in Nationalistic movements.

Hitler had the full support of the West until 1940. West allowed Hitler to take place both the Summer and Winter Olympic Games - an unprecedented and unique event , never happen again! Influential American and British circles fully supported the policy of Hitler in Europe. However , instead of in 1939 to start an attack on the Soviet Union , Hitler limited just western Poland. And yet , for another six months the West sought to persuade Hitler ( despite the fact that Britain and France declared war on Germany , passed the so-called " phony war " - the fighting were not conducted, Hitler had the opportunity to destroy the British army at Dunkirk, but he let them go ) . And in the end , they gave to Hitler almost without a fight France, whose army was objectively the strongest in Europe. With resources of whole Europe , Hitler invaded the Soviet Union . He could not to not attack - or he would removed from power (murdered). Because the only reason why this clown was sponsored and led to power - was an attack on the USSR. It is later West started saying that "led mistaken policies " towards the aggressor. But there was no error - to attack the USSR Hitler demanded combined might of Europe.
Why do you think a second front against Hitler opened only in 1944 ? Not 1941 , no 1942 no 1943 , and 1944 ? Just because the Anglo-Saxons became apparent that if they will not open a second front in 1944 , then in 1945 the whole of Europe is communist .
Plan of Anglo-Saxon failed . According to that plan in 1939 or 1940 Army of Britain, Germany and Japan were to conduct a victory parade in Moscow. However, the Soviet Union first won the Japan, then became able to conclude a non-aggression pact with Hitler. This gave the USSR 2 years, during these two years was created invincible power of the Red Army.

You're being delusional and histrionic again. Please, @vostok , don't forget to take the Haloperidol and Valproic Acid today.
Hitler had the full support of the West until 1940. West allowed Hitler to take place both the Summer and Winter Olympic Games - an unprecedented and unique event , never happen again! Influential American and British circles fully supported the policy of Hitler in Europe.
How does this prove anything??

The West also allowed Olympics in China, what does that say?? Is China a American puppet??
Does that mean Israel and Saudi Arabia are America's enemies because there was no Olympics in these countries??

However , instead of in 1939 to start an attack on the Soviet Union , Hitler limited just western Poland. And yet , for another six months the West sought to persuade Hitler ( despite the fact that Britain and France declared war on Germany , passed the so-called " phony war " - the fighting were not conducted, Hitler had the opportunity to destroy the British army at Dunkirk, but he let them go ) . And in the end , they gave to Hitler almost without a fight France, whose army was objectively the strongest in Europe. With resources of whole Europe , Hitler invaded the Soviet Union . He could not to not attack - or he would removed from power (murdered). Because the only reason why this clown was sponsored and led to power - was an attack on the USSR. It is later West started saying that "led mistaken policies " towards the aggressor. But there was no error - to attack the USSR Hitler demanded combined might of Europe.
Why do you think a second front against Hitler opened only in 1944 ? Not 1941 , no 1942 no 1943 , and 1944 ? Just because the Anglo-Saxons became apparent that if they will not open a second front in 1944 , then in 1945 the whole of Europe is communist .
Plan of Anglo-Saxon failed . According to that plan in 1939 or 1940 Army of Britain, Germany and Japan were to conduct a victory parade in Moscow. However, the Soviet Union first won the Japan, then became able to conclude a non-aggression pact with Hitler. This gave the USSR 2 years, during these two years was created invincible power of the Red Army.

Again, you don't make any sense.

Why would the British, who DECLARED WAR on Germany, be supporting Germany in attacking the Soviet Union?? When it was the British themselves who were impeding Hitler's invasion of the USSR by supporting anti-German coup in Yugoslavia and invaded Greece bogging the Germans down in the Balkans/Mediterranean.

The British delayed Hitler's invasion of USSR by 1 month = Lead to German defeat against Soviet Union.

Coming to Dunkirk:

There are actual documents from the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW) that explain why the Germans were incapable of capturing the British and French armies trapped at Dunkirk.

1). The Royal Air Force (RAF) had air superiority over the French Coastline facing Britain across the English Channel due to the close proximity, mean while German fighter aircraft with short range had to fly all the way from Germany and lost a lot of fuel in the process, could not maintain air dominance against RAF.

2). British Navy's (Royal Navy) Battle Ships, Destroyers, and Heavy cruisers were providing the British Army in Dunkirk with massive Naval artillery bombardment against German Tanks and Infantry advances. The Germans couldn't afford to lose there few tanks.

3). The German Army faced the possibility of being stretched out thin. Their Tanks and Motorised Infantry moved too fast, way ahead of supply columns, leaving behind their supply columns. German tanks had to pause their advance and couldn't resupply until their supply trucks caught up a few days later.
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How does this prove anything??

The West also allowed Olympics in China, what does that say?? Is China a American puppet??
Does that mean Israel and Saudi Arabia are America's enemies because there was no Olympics in these countries??

Again, you don't make any sense.

Why would the British, who DECLARED WAR on Germany, be supporting Germany in attacking the Soviet Union?? When it was the British themselves who were impeding Hitler's invasion of the USSR by supporting anti-German coup in Yugoslavia and invaded Greece bogging the Germans down in the Balkans/Mediterranean.

The British delayed Hitler's invasion of USSR by 1 month = Lead to German defeat against Soviet Union.

Coming to Dunkirk:

There are actual documents from the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW) that explain why the Germans were incapable of capturing the British and French armies trapped at Dunkirk.

1). The Royal Air Force (RAF) had air superiority over the French Coastline facing Britain across the English Channel due to the close proximity, mean while German fighter aircraft with short range had to fly all the way from Germany and lost a lot of fuel in the process, could not maintain air dominance against RAF.

2). British Navy's (Royal Navy) Battle Ships, Destroyers, and Heavy cruisers were providing the British Army in Dunkirk with massive Naval artillery bombardment against German Tanks and Infantry advances. The Germans couldn't afford to lose there few tanks.

3). The German Army faced the possibility of being stretched out thin. Their Tanks and Motorised Infantry moved too fast, way ahead of supply columns, leaving behind their supply columns. German tanks had to pause their advance and couldn't resupply until their supply trucks caught up a few days later.

I'm telling you about SIMULTANEOUS Summer and Winter Olympic Games - this never was and never will be. Hitler was the darling of the Anglo-Saxons until he started independent game and instead of attacking the Soviet Union in 1939 has not concluded a nonaggression pact with the Soviet Union .
Hitler - crazy asshole , Anglomaniac ( namely because of this he gave the order not to destroy the army in Dunkirk , although generals reported to him that army is ready to fully eliminate the British army ) . The British called their salvation " Miracle of Dunkirk " - there was no military prerequisites not to destroy the British army . He even sent to Dunkirk his personal liaison officer , so he followed the execution of the order .
That is all , I do not write a word about this Universal asshole who wanted to conquer "Lebensraum im Osten " for Germans at the expense of my people. As a result, forever lost East Prussia and city of kings Königsberg - the ancient capital of Prussia.
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I'm telling you about SIMULTANEOUS Summer and Winter Olympic Games - this never was and never will be. Hitler was the darling of the Anglo-Saxons until he started independent game and instead of attacking the Soviet Union in 1939 has not concluded a nonaggression pact with the Soviet Union .
Hitler - crazy asshole , Anglomaniac ( namely because of this he gave the order not to destroy the army in Dunkirk , although generals reported to him that army is ready to fully eliminate the British army ) . The British called their salvation " Miracle of Dunkirk " - there was no military prerequisites not to destroy the British army . He even sent to Dunkirk his personal liaison officer , so he followed the execution of the order .
That is all , I do not write a word about this Universal asshole who wanted to conquer "Lebensraum im Osten " for Germans at the expense of my people. As a result, forever lost East Prussia and city of kings Königsberg - the ancient capital of Prussia.

I seem to remember similar arguments for You about Kiev being the Ancient Capital of Rus,
and therefore it needs to belong to Russia.
Logically, you acknowledge a right for Germany to reclaim Königsberg.

Europe gaining back it's honour is a positive occurrence for whole of the world.

Ultra Left which is ruling the roost in Europe has turned Europe into a defeated civilization ready to surrender to anyone ( Scandinavia, Britain and France are A+ grade surrender monkeys;even insular Switzerland stood up to cultural terrorist gangs) .
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I seem to remember similar arguments for You about Kiev being the Ancient Capital of Rus,
and therefore it needs to belong to Russia.
Logically, you acknowledge a right for Germany to reclaim Königsberg.
Germany lost East Prussia as a result of the lost war. We can say that the Soviet Union paid the price of 27 million lifes for Kaliningrad. At the same time, the Russian people became the biggest divided people of Europe as a result of the betrayal of the pro-Western elite of the country in the late 80s and 90s. Future historians will call the decades after 1991 New Troubles or Split or something else. This is one of the most tragic pages in the history of Russia. But it will soon be reversed - and we can not forget about tragic times.
So if Russia loses a war it starts, it is OK lose part of the country, lets say S:t Petersburg...

In Poland, they think of this as the happiest Quarter Century in the last 400 Years.
Life is really depending on your local history....
Hitler had the full support of the West until 1940. West allowed Hitler to take place both the Summer and Winter Olympic Games - an unprecedented and unique event , never happen again! Influential American and British circles fully supported the policy of Hitler in Europe. However , instead of in 1939 to start an attack on the Soviet Union , Hitler limited just western Poland. And yet , for another six months the West sought to persuade Hitler ( despite the fact that Britain and France declared war on Germany , passed the so-called " phony war " - the fighting were not conducted, Hitler had the opportunity to destroy the British army at Dunkirk, but he let them go ) . And in the end , they gave to Hitler almost without a fight France, whose army was objectively the strongest in Europe. With resources of whole Europe , Hitler invaded the Soviet Union . He could not to not attack - or he would removed from power (murdered). Because the only reason why this clown was sponsored and led to power - was an attack on the USSR. It is later West started saying that "led mistaken policies " towards the aggressor. But there was no error - to attack the USSR Hitler demanded combined might of Europe.
Why do you think a second front against Hitler opened only in 1944 ? Not 1941 , no 1942 no 1943 , and 1944 ? Just because the Anglo-Saxons became apparent that if they will not open a second front in 1944 , then in 1945 the whole of Europe is communist .
Plan of Anglo-Saxon failed . According to that plan in 1939 or 1940 Army of Britain, Germany and Japan were to conduct a victory parade in Moscow. However, the Soviet Union first won the Japan, then became able to conclude a non-aggression pact with Hitler. This gave the USSR 2 years, during these two years was created invincible power of the Red Army.

Seems to me there was a second front all the time. The British beat Germany at El Alamein before Stalingrad.
The invasion of Sicily, forced Hitler to abandon Zitadelle and redeploy troops to Italy
including parts of II SS Panzer Corps, the elite German formation.
The bombing campaign of Germany forced Germany to deploy most of its fighters
to Germany for home defense.

As for giving away France, German Battlefied Tactics was superior to all other armies
during most of the war. That is why they could beat France.
Luckily the allies had better production lines and numerical superiority.

Red Army was in shambles 1941, and only started to recover during 1942"
So if Russia loses a war it starts, it is OK lose part of the country, lets say S:t Petersburg...

In Poland, they think of this as the happiest Quarter Century in the last 400 Years.
Life is really depending on your local history....
If Russia will create an aggressive military bloc. As part of this axiz attacks NATO. Enslave Europe. Will cause the deaths of tens of millions of people. And after several years of murderous, brutal, terrible war will lose - then Russia may lose territory. But that will never happen. Because this is Russia stops megalomaniac who dream to conquer the world, and not vice versa.
Seems to me there was a second front all the time. The British beat Germany at El Alamein before Stalingrad.
The invasion of Sicily, forced Hitler to abandon Zitadelle and redeploy troops to Italy
including parts of II SS Panzer Corps, the elite German formation.
The bombing campaign of Germany forced Germany to deploy most of its fighters
to Germany for home defense.

As for giving away France, German Battlefied Tactics was superior to all other armies
during most of the war. That is why they could beat France.
Luckily the allies had better production lines and numerical superiority.

Red Army was in shambles 1941, and only started to recover during 1942"

These battles are less significant compared to the Eastern front. On the West, Nazi played in gentlemen's duel, and in the East made a crusade against subhuman. Which is not sorry for and wich can be destroyed entire villages and millions. It is generally incomparable. Even blasphemous to put them side by side.
Red Army in 1941 pushed the Germans back from Moscow.
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